Qin Tian thinks it's incredible that his son is doing well. It seems that Xiaojun is divorced from drug addicts, and this cousin has contributed a lot.

had already finished almost ten o'clock in the morning, and Qin Tian let Li Xinran accompany his parents at home. He sent the essence to Gu Yiming, and there were still some things to do to help Liu Wan.

Today, Xiaojun can find the door, and the cousin will certainly come to visit in the future. If no one is watching, it is estimated that there will be another accident.

However, it's not good for him to be a good person if he does his best to help others.

Lu Wan this group of people guard in the neighborhood, if the cousin dare to come, they will blow out together!

In fact, thanks to his arrangement, after Xiaojun was sent to the drug rehabilitation center, Qin Tian still didn't come back from the company. His cousin brought a large number of relatives to make trouble.

They saw Lu Wan from a long distance. When they got downstairs, Lu Wan took a dozen of his men to the station. The black and tall man made his cousin afraid.

"Who are you? Get out of the way! Good dogs are out of the way

The cousin's hands were on her hips, and her face was very fierce.

Lu Wan is not a vegetarian. Qin Tian has already told him that he will throw them out when he meets this group of people. Don't mention it. If something happens, he will take care of it.

Now, hearing that the old woman's mouth was not clean, Lu Wan said nothing, but picked up a brick from the ground beside him.

Lu Wan's action made his cousin and a group of relatives back two steps in fear.

"You, what do you want to do, I tell you, if you go forward again, I will call the police!"

As soon as her voice fell, she saw Lu Wan lift up his hand and split the brick in his hand.

"Auntie, you will be like this brick when the police come. Are you sure you want to go up?"

Lu Wan's words made aunt's face white, and those relatives behind her were also stunned.

Lu Wan crooked his mouth. The brothers opened their clothes and revealed the iron bars pinned to their waists. Now they all stopped working and quickly pulled his cousin back.

"Xiaojun, how do you think you want us to come over and talk about it? Isn't this a provocation? If you add a small army and break in with a knife, it's good that they don't investigate your responsibility! "

"Yes, their family is now well-developed. We can't afford it. We'd better go first."

The relatives left one after another. The cousin looked at them and opened her mouth for a long time without saying anything. But she did not go either. She sat on the flower bed beside her and confronted Lu Wan. Lu Wan asked her brothers to take turns on duty. She sat on the side and watched her. Anyway, she was not allowed to go upstairs.

When Qin Tian came back, it was already in the afternoon. Seeing her sitting on the edge of the flower bed alone, Qin Tian asked them to go to dinner and bought a lunch box. He went to his cousin and handed it over.

My cousin looked at him, but she reached out and swallowed.

"Cousin, why don't you understand when you are so old? How much property do you have for Xiaojun's drug abuse

My cousin's eyes were full of tears and said, "he is my son. Of course, I miss him well. We give him drug treatment at home. Seeing his pain, I can't bear it!"

Qin Tian knew that it was her fault, so she said in a deep voice: "cousin, all relatives, before, you looked down on me, I was really angry, but seeing your family now like this, I feel much better, you don't look at me like this, you think about those things you did before, you can forget it?"

"My little army!"

The cousin howled, and Qin Tian was a little impatient, "cousin, you can see that my gang of men are unemployed vagabonds and thugs. If you don't leave for a while, or catch up with me in a bad mood, I can't guarantee what will happen. Besides, don't yell at my house downstairs, but I won't think about relatives. You can go back and wait for Xiaojun to get rid of drug successfully It is. "

Qin Tian finished and turned upstairs. His cousin still wanted to go up with him. Lu Wan stopped him.

"Xiaotian, I'm your cousin. Our family can't live on. Xiaojun is my life. If he has three games and two short comings, I won't finish with you!"

Qin Tian turned back and shot a cold light in his eyes and said, "if you don't go, I'll send someone to the drug rehabilitation center to abolish him immediately! For the rest of your life, you'll live with a cripple

Compared to cruel, Qin Tian has not been afraid, let alone to an unreasonable old woman.

Even if it's a relative, Qin Tian doesn't think it's wrong to do this. The addict is still so arrogant and dare to find trouble. It's not all caused by this mother!

Qin genius will not have a little sympathy for her, good words have been said, it depends on her own carry clear.

If it's still like this, he doesn't mind being more cruel. Back home, Li Xinran, they have lunch break, Qin Tian came in lightly, just to return to the room was called by his father.

"Little day, have you left your cousin?"

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his father always knew.

"She should go. Xiaojun is her life and she can't bear it.""Ah! It's all their own evils. We won't give any more money if we come back in the future. "

"Come again in the future? I don't want her to enter this door again, it's better that such relatives don't associate with each other in the future. "

"You don't understand. It's all broken bones and tendons. Anyway, it's my cousin. I can't look at it, but I hope they can sober up this time."

Qin An sighed and brought out two dishes from the kitchen, which contained the dishes specially left for him at noon.

"If you come back for more after dinner, they won't dare to come."

Qin Tian's heart is warm, knowing that his father actually wants to see more of himself, so he nods and agrees.

"I see, Dad. I'll come back to see you every week."

Qin'an has a smile on his face. Qin Tian looks at his father's old face and his eyes are moist.

He quickly lowered his head to prevent his father from seeing the tears in his eyes. At the same time, he was also considering that it was time to solve those stubborn forces in the underground forces.

Drugs can never be touched. People in the Qin Palace should not only gradually wash away the white, but also ensure that there is no longer any trade in those places.

This was Qin Tian's first big move after recovering the underground forces, which nearly cut off half of the venue, and also made many people start to withdraw.

No deal. Who can make money just by drinking?

The first thing to do when I come back from my parents is to find them. They should start from their own venues and clean them up one by one. In short, there should be no mistakes.

For the idea that Qin Tian wants to ban, Gu Yue and others support it, but Fang Zhen is not happy.

"If it's forbidden, we will be in chaos again. Now many bars and nightclubs depend on this to maintain their stability. If it is banned, we will have nothing to drink. Who is going to support it?"

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