When Qin Tian thought of Fang Zhen, he felt that he had a big head. Now, for the livelihood of those younger brothers, he had become so powerful.

Of course, he knew that it might be pretending, but anyway, since Fang Zhen had followed him, these things were his own business, and he had to take care of them.

So out of the Qin palace, he drove directly to the bar.

Fang Zhen's most famous store has a very vulgar bad street name - Cowboy Bar.

If you want to be cool, you can be satisfied here.

When Qin Tian went in, it was still early. People didn't know him and asked him to go out.

Qin Tian was not upset, so he waited in a restaurant on the other street.

He could see clearly that from about two o'clock in the afternoon, some people went in one after another, but no one came out. Their identity could be seen by looking at their costumes and their arrogance with cigarettes in their mouths.

Qin Tian sat on the opposite side and saw it clearly. Almost 20 or 30 people went in, but they didn't come out. Until five o'clock, some guests came to the door one after another. Qin Tian also checked out and left. When he went in this time, he could see clearly.

No wonder it's the biggest and most famous venue. After entering, the man in Tuxedo stood at the door to greet the guests. He was tall and powerful, and looked like he could fight.

Qin Tian laughs. All these people are useless. They are not powerful at all. If you look inside, the waitress in the clothes of the exposed rabbit girl is very interesting.

One by one, the body is hot, the improved rabbit girl's clothes are more close to the body, almost bikini, with high-heeled shoes, long legs and thin waist, people can't leave the eyes.

However, the gangsters hiding in the corner just look at them and dare not move them. It seems that Fang Zhen has already said hello.

Qin Tian walked to one side of the card seat to sit down, immediately there is a rabbit girl came.

"What would you like to drink, sir? We have new products recently

The voice is sweet. If it's not Qin Tian's strength, I'm afraid this sound will make him weak.

"A glass of beer."

Rabbit girl's smiling face can not hang, immediately cold face, "Sir, card seat minimum consumption 38."

"Three thousand eight?"

Qin Tian smiles bitterly, nods, takes the menu to order several kinds, nearly ten thousand yuan, the rabbit girl's eyes only then restores the smile.

"Just a moment, sir."

When the bunny turned around, a fluffy rabbit tail curled up at the back of her tail, touching his heart from time to time.


All the people here are carefully selected by Fang Zhen. Height is a rigid requirement. You must have 165 or you will not be able to wear this suit.

To be honest, Fang Zhen has a good eye.

Qin Tian looks around, and now there are not many people, but he is so generous that a group of people in the corner have been staring at him.

Qin Tian's order was soon available, and he was interested in watching the rabbit girl swing to other customers' tables to sell.

At this time, a figure suddenly blocked his sight. Qin Tian took back his eyes and looked at the small thugs in front of him. His head was small and his T-shirt was big. His vision was no more than 100 Jin.

"Do you like it, man?"

He sat across the chair, put his chin on the back of the chair and looked at him like this.

Behind Qin Tian, two people stood on the left and one on the right.

He smiles. "Yes, beautiful, good-looking."

Cuntou laughed and reached out to pass a cigarette. He also lit one. Qin Tian took it and asked under his nose. The smell was strange. He frowned, "brother, what smoke is this? There's something strange about it. "

"Imported, good smoke."

Then he was about to light the lighter. Qin Tian stopped the lighter.

"Brother, you don't sell cigarettes, do you?"

Qin Tian hesitated in his eyes and laughed, "yes, I'm a cigarette seller. I'll try it first and buy it. Otherwise, we'll be two friends."

Inch head is determined to point to him, Qin Tian sucked a mouthful, immediately choked, this is simply forbidden!

If they are addicted to it, they will not be able to find him in the future?

He thought of Xiaojun. Maybe that's how he got infected.

"What's up, man? Isn't it a little different?" Qin Tian nodded, "it's really good."

As he smoked, he used his genuine Qi to secretly discharge it. When a cigarette was finished, Qin Tian didn't feel anything different. It seems that the operation of genuine Qi still has a certain effect.

"How do you sell this cigarette? Do you have any more?"

When you listen to it, your eyes are bright! "I didn't lie to you, man? If you want to buy it, I have three more. Each one is bigger than this one. How about two hundred? "

"By sale? Is there something wrong with your cigarettes? Or are you out of stock? Fool me

Cuntou smell speech stood up, behind the two people also pressed Qin Tian's shoulder.

"What do you mean, brother?"Qin Tian still smile, cuntou sneer, "brother, this cigarette is only sold, just give you smoke that, the remaining three, 2000 yuan!"

Cuntou stretched out his hand to ask for money. Qin Tian picked his eyebrows. His eyes were full of disdain. Cuntou's man said in a voice: "brother, beat him. This boy won't give you money after he's finished smoking!"

"Are you unreasonable? Sell it by force? "

"I gave you face to smoke. Now I've finished smoking. I think you're a good man. I'll sell them to you and pay for them!"

Qin Tian was helpless, took out two thousand pieces to him, inch did not answer, "two thousand is the price just now is four thousand!"

They lion big mouth, Qin Tian again took out 2000 to them.

He took the money, left three cigarettes and ran away.

Qin Tian remembers his face. The boy looks back and smiles at him. Then he leaves.

Qin Tian looks back at the gangsters in the corner, all laughing arrogantly.

No wonder Fang Zhen said that he has the most transactions here. It turns out that they are like this. It seems that he has become a fat sheep in their mouth tonight. These people are eager to kill and sell themselves.

Four cigarettes, four thousand.

Qin Tian picked up the other three and smelled it. He found that it was ordinary cigarettes. He could not help rubbing his head.

Even if you have money, you can't spend it like this.

Qin Tian decides to find it back. This is Fang Zhen's territory. Let Fang Zhen solve the mess by himself!

Qin Tian gets up and goes to the little gangster with his glass in his hand.

"Brother, I'd like to ask you about someone. Where was that boy just now?"

"How do we know that it's not a territory. It's not under our jurisdiction."

Qin Tian was very dissatisfied with the little gangster's words. He asked again. The man sitting in the corner was angry and got up and said, "I'm sick, you are deaf! I don't know! "

In this case, Qin Tian doesn't need to be polite.

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