
Qin Tian didn't wait for them to react, a glass of wine spilled out, and immediately they exploded!

"Damn it, you son of a bitch! Fight

At an order, four or five gangsters rushed to him. The nearest one was still holding a wine bottle in his hand and hit Qin Tian's head!

Qin Tian clasped his wrist. They didn't know how Qin Tian escaped. But in a moment, the wine bottle fell on one of the people's heads, and his head suddenly bloomed and blood flowed all over the ground.

"Shit! Hit him

Several thugs hit the chair around him. Qin Tian raised his hand, protected his body with genuine Qi and blocked it directly. Then he flew up and kicked out!

Grab a person's wrist nearby and twist it gently! With a click and a scream, his wrist broke.

Qin Tian didn't let him go. Instead, he clasped his wrist and walked forward. The people in the bar were excited when they saw this fight.

"Do you know whose territory this is? Stinky boy comes here to make trouble!"

A flower arm thug came over and pointed to Qin Tian to let him go. Qin Tian looked innocent and said, "I can't blame me. I just want to get my own money back. Let that inch come back, I promise not to make trouble. "

Qin Tian hasn't changed his clothes for a few days. His jacket is wrinkled. The light in the bar is dim. His appearance is not amazing. The thugs don't pay attention to him at all.

"Can you regret what you sell? The price is clearly marked, and if you don't say that you are held by a knife, how can you go back on your wish? "

"I didn't, but he threatened me. If I couldn't see the money today, I felt uncomfortable and wanted to hit people!"

Qin Tian pushed the man away, and he covered his wrist with cold sweat. He did not forget to say, "to pick up Lao Tzu, and woodlouse!"

"woodlouse, who do you curse?"

"Scold you!"

"good, smelly woodlouse."

Qin Tian smiles and Mimi looks at him. The man covers his wrist for a long time before he reacts and becomes angry.

This is a big surprise.

He tried again, but Qin Tian still didn't have any reaction. The big flower arm was worried, and the people around him began to hustle.

"How about big flowers?"

"So many of you can't fight one. Go down!"

"Handsome boy, after the fight, we'll have a drink together!"

Qin Tian laughs and hears that women are the majority.

"Are you exhausted? It's my turn. "

The big flower arm has not responded to come over, see Qin Tian suddenly sink body, both hands clasp his arm, instantly a sharp pain hit, he can't help but cry out, "ah!"

"And more!"

Qin Tian suddenly twisted and snapped his arm into a strange posture and hung down from the back of his body.

Flower arm elder brother is silly eye, painful cannot cry out, fell on the ground did not have consciousness.

Qin Tian didn't think that one day he would beat his own people on his own territory, but this group of people dare to do such business, which shows that he did not pay attention to his words.

Maybe Fang Zhen thinks so, too?

It shouldn't be.

Qin Tian goes to the other gangsters. They all step back and dare not go forward. This guy's combat effectiveness is too amazing. Hua arm is not an opponent.

It's usually done by one person.

Qin Tian's appearance made the glorious history of Huabei a thing of the past. At this time, he put his hand in his pocket and asked coldly, "what about the inch head? If he doesn't come, I'll tear it down! "

"Who's going to tear down this place, so loud!"

Behind him came a loud cry. Qin Tian turned back and a man in a silver gray suit came out with a cigar in his mouth.

He looked at the flower arms lying on the ground like a corpse. He hated to say, "drag it away!"

Qin Tian turned to see him, "it's me!"

"Boy, do you know the rules? The business says that you love me, but you don't buy it and you regret it. "

"I has the final say in my site. I said that if I bought it, I could go back on my word, and I would have to go back if I didn't buy it."

Qin Tian took out the three cigarettes from his pocket and threw them in the past.

the man in the suit smelled it, and his face turned ugly. However, he still said, "buy it and leave your hand. I'm not responsible."

"That won't work."

Qin Tian took out his mobile phone to call Fang Zhen.

"God, what's up?"

"I'm in the cowboy bar and someone's going to hit me."

Qin Tian quietly finish this sentence, hang up the mobile phone and look at the suit man.

The latter sneered and snapped his fingers, and immediately a group of people came up.

Qin Tian was not soft hearted. He punched and kicked, and soon fell on the ground.

"I haven't been active for a long time. I didn't expect you to be so untroubled."

Qin Tian wrote lightly. Then he walked to one side and sat down. The man in suit looked at him with panic on his face.

"Big brother, what do you call it?""I don't deserve it. You can call me God."

"Brother, it's nothing. It's 4000 yuan. I'll give it to you."

Qin Tian shook his hand, "it's not about money. What I want is reason. Selling fake goods also implicates you to be beaten by me. Do you want to settle accounts with him?"

"Tiange said yes, but the boy is not from us. I...."


Suddenly, there was a cry from the door. Fang Zhen brought people to come and there were monkey Luwan and them.

"Brother Zhen, you call him God..."

"Fuck you, you can't see Taishan. I don't know this is our boss, brother Qin Tiantian! You have eaten the gall of bear heart leopard, dare to beat the sky brother! "

Fang Zhen roared and the man in suit knelt down! The surface is like dust.

"God, I'm sorry I'm blind. I know I'm wrong. If you have a lot of money, please spare us!"

"I didn't embarrass you. I just asked you to hand over the people. Why do you have to fight me?"

The monkey looked around, picked up a chair leg and went to the man's leg, which made him cry.

"Tiange asked you to hand over to others. If you don't, he is your father. You protect him so much! Where are the people? "

"I, he is a three fat dogleg, we can't afford to offend him. God, I'm wrong. I'll have him called."

The man in suit got up slowly and limped to one side to make a phone call.

Qin Tiantian admired his acting skills. He was crying bitterly just now, and now he is laughing.

"Son of a bitch, where the hell are you spending money? Come here, I have two fattening sheep on my side. Well, I'm waiting for you! "

Hang up the phone, the man in suit looks back, revealing a smile that is worse than crying.

"God, he'll be here in a minute."

"Get ready and welcome your guests."

Qin Tian intentionally said that, Fang Zhen's face was very ugly. He was the boss to blame for the accident on his territory.

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