"Why, I dare not?"

Qin Tian pushes his bald head to the woman on the sofa. Suddenly, Chen Jun and the woman jump up quickly. They join hands to deal with Qin Tian. They have two more daggers in their hands, playing fast.

"I'm still a practitioner, but I've got the wrong person!"

"That's better than being with you!"

The woman's whole body is dressed in a three-point style, and her face is still red. She must have just finished a fierce battle.

Although they were fast, they were like tortoises in Qin Tian's eyes. When the flying knife crossed his hair, they suddenly clasped the woman's wrist and pulled her to block the flying knife. With a snort, the handle of the knife fell into the flesh, and the woman's body suddenly softened.

"Chen Jun, it's your turn!"

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, he flew forward. The box was so big that Qin Tian came to him. Chen Jun couldn't dodge. He grabbed his neck and lifted it. Chen Jun's face turned red. As soon as the dagger was raised, Qin Tian caught his wrist and twisted his back hand, and the dagger dropped.

"Click" a sound, Qin Tian twisted his right wrist, Chen Jun pain tears came out, screamed a painful curse: "Qin Tian, I fuck your ancestors, ah!"

Chen Jun's left hand was stabbed on the wall with a dagger. Then Qin Tiansong opened his neck, sat on the sofa and looked at him with a grim smile at the corner of his mouth. "Do you think it's cool? I remember your men saying you wanted to have my wife? It's not as bad as your family. This business really stinks you. Chen Jun, who gave you the courage to sell contraband on my territory? And my men will sell it for you

"Qin Tian, who the hell is your man? San Pang's area was originally ours, and he's you. If you take it, you say it's yours? It's a robbery

Chen Junqiang endure to scold come out, Qin Tian disdain, "your? When is it your turn to decide the site division of Songshan city? Isn't it Fang Zhen's field? Chen Jun, don't say I'm merciless. You've violated my bottom line. Even if it's Fang Zhen, I won't let it go! "

You, seek your own fortune!

Chen Jun saw the murderous spirit in his eyes. He was afraid and ignored the pain. He pulled out the dagger in his hand and took precautions in front of him.

Qin Tian just looked at him, took the bottle from the tea table in front of him and smashed it at the bottom of his feet! Bang, debris splashed all over the ground, also scared Chen Jun a jump!

However, Qin Tian didn't stop. More than a dozen bottles of wine on the tea table were smashed in the past, and the ground was full of debris. Chen Jun did not dare to go forward at all.

Each hit, Chen Jun's heart on a jump, the last hit Wan, he can't help it, shouting ready to rush out.

Qin Tian suddenly got up and kicked him over. Chen Jun fell on those pieces with a sound, covered with glass fragments.

"Qin Tian, I fucked you

"Answer back, don't you?"

Qin Tianzheng was about to smoke him. Outside came the noise of footsteps. He picked up Chen Jun's collar and looked at the outside. The monkey's voice sounded outside the door, "smash me!"

Qin Tian was relieved. Chen Jun's face was full of silence.

"See? My man, I will not kill you today, but I will make you worse than dead! "

After Qin Tian finished, he mentioned that he pushed him down on the ground. Chen Jun was so sore that he lost his voice. Then he stood up and stamped down. One foot, two feet, three feet

When Qin Tian stopped his feet, the people on the ground had lost their human form, their faces were covered with blood and their chest was also made of glass. If it wasn't for his hands and feet still twitching, he would have thought he was dead.

Qin Tian looked at the people on the ground with satisfaction, nodded his head and said: "almost. No matter who the person behind you is, tell him that Songshan city is my territory. If I say it is not allowed to do business, it is not allowed to do it!"

In response to him, only Chen Jun's gas is like a gossamer breath. Qin Tian doesn't care. He goes out and greets the monkey, "all smashed, all the goods are destroyed, and all the money is taken away."

The monkey waved his hand and ordered him to go down: "you hear me, all the money is taken away, and the rest is destroyed!"

With a shout, the brothers were excited, and the night bar was soon destroyed.

Although Fang Zhen is heartbroken, this is also the territory of the Qin palace. He has to wait and bear it. Besides, Chen Jun has always been rampant. He has suffered a great loss today and will definitely find him back.

Qin Tian is not afraid, but he is afraid. Today, he just smashed the night bar, and the police moved out quickly. When the time came, everyone withdrew, including Chen Jun.

Ding Hanxue looks at the distance with a gloomy face. The dark night devours everything.

"Captain, the surveillance has been damaged and no useful pictures can be seen, but someone has seen Qin Tian."

Ding Hanxue expected that there would be him, so he ordered the team to withdraw with a gloomy face.

Qin police station to the other side of the car with monkeys.

"Monkey, how much did you charge?"

"Brother Tian, I can't believe that Chen Jun has so much money in the safe. It's almost 10 million!"

The monkey sighed: "how many innocent young people are destroyed in this!"

"You share the money. It's hard for brothers and brothers to guard my house for so many days.""Thank you, brother!"

"There are also people in Jiaocheng. This time, they have done their best to set aside 30%

"You know, brother Tian, you will never be embarrassed by brothers. However, Tiange, we didn't mean to rush out at the beginning. We just thought that Chen Jun would not let you off so easily. This is the police station..."

"You try to find a way. Ding Hanxue has failed this time, but I'm not easy to provoke. You can say something useful."

There are also people who Qin Tian is not easy to provoke. Monkey Snickers. He understands. Qin Tian dare not speak when he meets the police. Qin Tian didn't dare to offend the police, but she didn't dare to offend the woman. She was an upright girl. This time, he was so angry that he hung up Ding Hanxue's phone and scolded them. It was strange that Ding Hanxue could let him go.

Having said that, Ding Hanxue is not unreasonable. He knows that Qin Tian has his reasons for doing so. However, the bar in the night fails. They neither find any contraband nor Chen Jun, but they know that two groups of people fight and smash the bar, and all of them leave.

Ding Hanxue is the first time to encounter such a situation. When she comes back to the police station and sees the monkeys sitting inside, Ding Hanxue is a little stunned.

"How did you get here? Where have you been just now

Ding Hanxue's eyes were wide and angry. The monkey pretended to be serious and said, "report to the beautiful police flower, we're going to help justice!"

"What? Speak in a normal way! Bring them to the interrogation room

Ding Hanxue orders, the police will monkey and others into the interrogation.

The monkey snickered and went into the interrogation room with a serious face. He embellished the story of his group of people who were angry with Qin Tian. Of course, he concealed the fact that Qin Tian took the lead in going in.

Ding Hanxue didn't believe that Qin Tian would not show up if they made such a big noise.

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