"That's why you attacked the police and refused to be arrested?"

Ding Hanxue was furious. Her eyes almost burst into fire. The monkey saw something wrong and quickly admitted that he was wrong. "I'm sorry. I said, in fact, Tiange was at the scene, but he didn't do it. When he went, we all finished calling and then left. We were still sent by Tiange. Really, I don't believe you. Look at the monitoring at the door of your police station. It is true It's brother Tian who sent us here. He said he can't embarrass you. "

The monkey's words made Ding Hanxue a little surprised. She didn't expect Qin Tian to do so, but even so, it couldn't make up for his fault.

"You're temporarily in custody, Xiao Gang. Watch them!"


Dingxue, a colleague, asks monkey to write a report.

As soon as she entered the office, she heard the mobile phone ring. She looked down at the number. It was Qin Tian. Suddenly Ding Hanxue got angry and immediately hung up the phone.

Qin Tian sighs across the road. This woman is really angry. The director is not easy to provoke!

Monkey, it's OK for them to stay in it, but this case is going to be concluded. We can't let them sit around in it, right? This head Ding Hanxue is still waiting for his second call. As a result, Qin Tian is silent. Ding Hanxue is more angry and doesn't hide it. He simply tells the truth.

In fact, Qin Tian didn't call. He just answered Gu Yiming's call, saying that the new product had passed the record and needed to be mass produced.

at this time, Qin Tiancai remembered that he had given him a bottle of essence, a small bottle of essence priced at three thousand, and its content was twenty milliliters. Qin Tian felt a little high, but Gu Yiming insisted.

"God, you don't know how serious women are about their faces. That little money is nothing. You can rest assured and wait for the money. "

Gu Yiming's words made Qin Tian laugh. He could do what he said!

"It's up to you, boy! It's OK. I'll hang up. There's something else. "

"God, is Wang Xiaoping's case over? Can we go in or not? Don't come out again at that time and make us worried."

"No, just put your heart in your stomach. Don't say it. Call me if you have something to do."

Qin Tian finished hanging up the mobile phone, and then looked at the opposite police station lights, he stepped on the gas pedal, the vehicle quickly rushed out.

In the middle of the night, he was tired, while his parents were at home, Qin Tian went back to let them all rest assured.

Sure enough, when they got home, they sat up when they heard the sound. Qin Tian looked at his parents who were sleeping on the sofa, and then looked at Li Xinran, who was sitting on the side of the sofa. Suddenly, a heartache rose in his heart.

"Mom and Dad, go back to your room. It's OK."

"You're not going, are you? We can't sleep well if you don't come back. "

"Mom, I'm not leaving. Don't worry. Sleep. It's going to be dawn soon. I won't leave tomorrow morning. You should go to rest."

Qin Tian watched his parents enter the room, and then he took Li Xinran into the bedroom. In order to take care of his parents these days, Li Xinran did not have a good rest, and he lost a circle.

Qin Tian loves her, Li Xinran supports him unconditionally no matter at any time. His wife is her in this life.

Can't bear to toss Li Xinran again, Qin Tian sleeps well.

In the morning, the jade pendant on his chest suddenly became hot. At first, Qin Tian thought that guidou and Qixia had come back, but it was not right. Qixia and Qixia finished their task last night and came back.

Is this?

Qin Tian suddenly opened his eyes and felt the jade pendant to concentrate on luck. Qixia also took the opportunity to drill out.

"It's Xiaoshuang. She asks for us!"

Feeling Li Xiaoshuang's help, Qixia gets excited. Li Xiaoshuang has been to Mang Mountain for a period of time, but has not come back. She said she was learning some advanced ghost skills, but after all, she was alone. Although she has evolved, it is still a problem whether she can adapt to such a place.

As the master of Li Xiaoshuang, Qin Tian feels it is necessary to see him.

But at the moment, things are not completely over, so Qin Tian can only press.

"Qixia, ghost Dou, can you feel the situation of Xiaoshuang now?"

Qin Tianshen asked in a deep voice. Li Xiaoshuang went to Mang Mountain. The connection between them seemed to be broken. Basically, there was no feedback. Now there was a sudden reaction. Qin Tian was also very worried.

Qi Xia's face was dignified. "We can only feel that Xiaoshuang is very unhappy. In fact, we are going to Mang Mountain, and it is impossible for us to have a smooth sailing. Besides, Xiaoshuang is going to learn ghost art. Can other ghosts in Mang Mountain have any opinions about this kind of good thing

Qi Xia's words made Qin Tian's face dark. He knew that the world of ghosts was the same as that of human beings, bullying the soft and fearing the hard and being exclusive.

You can imagine what happened to Li Xiaoshuang over there.

"Three days later, we're going to Mang Mountain. You should know each other. I'll take care of the business in these three days, and you can prepare for it

Qin Tian's words were not unexpected at all, so they nodded and floated into the jade pendant.

Qin Tian got up to wash himself. He had said that he would not go out, but now something happened. The monkeys were still in the police station, so he had to go.After leaving lightly, Qin Tian goes straight to the police station, but considering that Ding Hanxue must still be angry, Qin Tian specially bought an early time to take it.

Monkeys have sweet mouths, but they may not be able to calm Ding Hanxue. Finally, they have to go out on their own.

"Here comes Mr. Qin! Come on, why do you bring so many things? "

As soon as he went in, someone recognized Qin Tian and quickly took over the things in his hand. Qin Tian said with a smile: "is your captain there? How are you feeling? "

The man laughed and pointed to the office inside, "it's inside, but we dare not go in. Take care of yourself."

"Take care of my brother. I'll go first."

Qin Tian took out an early walk in, and the man shook his head behind him. The captain was angry and asked for more happiness!

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The knock on the door interrupted Ding Hanxue's thoughts. She rubbed her temple, and the whole person was not well.

"Come in!"

Voice cold, without a trace of emotion, Qin Tian some fear, but still hard to go in.

"Captain Ding, are you busy? I bought you breakfast. "

Qin Tian comes in with a smile. Ding Hanxue doesn't have a good airway: "do you still know to come? Where did you go last night? "

She slaps the table suddenly, Qin Tian is scared a shiver, not good to talk.

Early to her hand, Ding Hanxue did not throw his face, Qin Tiancai dare to speak.

"My parents were discharged from the hospital. They were harassed by Chen Jun's people when they came home. They were almost killed. I went back to comfort them. Later, I learned that the monkeys could not be angry for me. I went to the bar to persuade them out and send them here. What I said was true!"

Qin Tian looks serious and doesn't look like a liar.

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