Qin Tian's words surprised them. Qixia took a look at the team behind her. There were more than 100 people, two people in a pair. If so, maybe Li Xiaoshuang could not hold on to that time.

"It's too late now. If I had waited for that time, Xiaoshuang would have been out of breath."

Qixia was right. Qin Tian looked around and saw a green faced ghost with a head on the stage. It seemed that he was in charge.

Qin Tian raised his feet and walked over, and suddenly heard Li Xiaoshuang's voice: "master!"

Qin Tian turned his head to see Li Xiaoshuang with a pale face and said, "master, don't go there. It's dangerous!"

Li Xiaoshuang's face flashed a touch of worry, Qin TianDun steps, Li Xiaoshuang shook his head at him, "I can hold on, as long as I can hold on after the end, the master is flesh and blood, and can't be found by them!"

Qin Tian thought that he was still a big living man. Although he had ghost spirit, he still had the breath of living people. Once he was found out, he would be miserable.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian stood in the same place and asked Qixia to go to the war and watch the war himself.

In the group of more than 100 people, all kinds of ghosts gathered. Qin Tian thought about it, took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it, and handed it to the old ghost beside him.

The old ghost took a sharp puff, and was immediately intoxicated. "It's so fragrant. I haven't smoked such authentic cigarettes for a long time. Do you have any more?"

Qin Tian nodded and gave him all the remaining cigarettes.

"Look, master, how long can the man tied to the post hold up?"

Qin Tianchen asked in a deep voice. The old ghost looked at him and Jie Jie laughed: "master? Who do you think is the elder? "

"Of course it's you. The ghost is more abundant than them. You deliberately restrained your breath. There is a locust leaf in the cigarette leaf. Ordinary ghosts are not used to it."

The old ghost smelled speech and turned to look at him, and his face flashed with admiration.

"Even if you are right, the ghost Qi in this girl's body is not enough to support. That pillar is not an ordinary pillar. Once she uses ghost Qi to support, the runes on the pillar will absorb the breath in her body. How long do you think she can support it?"

Qin Tian was shocked by the old ghost's words. He didn't expect to have such a thing. No wonder Li Xiaoshuang's face was so ugly!

But isn't she here to learn more advanced ghost skills? How could this happen?

"Master, they all said that mountain mang is the place where every ghost must pass. Are these ghosts No, I mean, we're here to be treated like this? How can she be treated like this

Hearing Qin Tian's question, the old ghost seemed to disdain him. He looked him up and down. Seeing that he was full of ghost, he knew that he was also a man of practice.

So he asked him, "new comer?"

Qin Tianyi Leng, and then nodded, "is a new comer, please give me some advice."

"Who picked you up?"

"He Sirius."

Hearing this, the old ghost looked up and down at Qin Tian. He could not believe it, but finally he could not help nodding.

"Since he picked you up, he should have told you that the rules here are like this: the weak eat the strong, the human world is like this, and so is the ghost world. Remember, no matter how powerful you are, since you have participated in the competition, you should follow the rules. No one cares about your past. Here, this represents everything."

The old ghost waved his fist, and Qin Tian was relieved. It seems that this is a world where strength is supreme. I don't know how strong he is in this world with two kinds of true Qi. But no matter what, we must rescue Li Xiaoshuang first, otherwise she can't last long.

"Master, do you know how that pillar can stop working?"

Smell speech old ghost strange ground looked at him: "how, you want to save her?"

Qin Tian nodded.

"Then you go up and fight!"

"That's so tired. When I win, she can't hold on. Master, you're so fierce, why don't you go up?"

The old ghost sneers, obviously can't see this level of competition.

"Young man, if you want to fight as soon as possible, or that girl doll will certainly not work!"

Qin Tian looks up, Li Xiaoshuang's face is even more ugly, originally still pale, now even with a touch of green gray, face is cold sweat.

Qin Tian really can't wait. He can't wait in line. So he looks around and finds out that they are still early!

However, Qin Tian couldn't see it, but he didn't want to waste time here, so he called Qixia to one side.

"Master, we are in line, but the line is too long. I don't think Xiaoshuang can make it."

Even Qixia can see that Qin Tian knows that they can't wait any longer.

"Play a big one and ruin the game!"

Qin Tian's words surprised them.

"Master, do you want to destroy their competition? But the one sitting on the top is not easy to provoke. Although it is weak, it has a high title. If it really annoys him, we may not be able to get out. "Qin Tian shook his head: "it doesn't matter, even if it's provoked, it's OK. Xiaoshuang came in to learn according to their requirements. Now it's obvious that she is being treated by these ghosts. Look, what strength are these ghosts? What strength is Xiaoshuang? Can you be defeated by them and trapped here?"

After Qin Tian's explanation, they all reacted.

Indeed, the ghosts who go up to compete in martial arts are all participating in the fun. Even if they win, no one pays attention to Li Xiaoshuang, let alone save her.

Qin Tian couldn't look down and whispered a few words in their ears, and Qixia suddenly understood.

"We know the master, don't worry!"

Several ghosts were wandering around them. Qin Tian looked at them coldly and turned his back to run the ghost gas, which scared them to withdraw several meters away.

Qixia and guidou move separately. Qin Tian slowly turns to the side of the pillar and looks around. No one notices him. He looks carefully. The rope tied with Li Xiaoshuang is just a common rope.

"Master, you want to save me? Don't offend the ghost sentence on the stage, he is not a good man

Li Xiaoshuang's voice came over. Qin Tian shook her head. Li Xiaoshuang was worried about herself at this critical point, which made Qin Tian feel moved.

"Xiaoshuang, it will catch fire. Don't panic. I'll take the opportunity to save you."

Qin Tian is waiting to see Qixia's actions. As long as they move, they will come up to save Xiaoshuang. As for how to escape

Qin Tian looked up at the direction of the old ghost, but found that he did not know when he was gone!

The old guy didn't know where he was sacred. Obviously, his accomplishments were higher than those ghosts present. He had to cover up and run here to watch the excitement.

Qin Tian can't control so much. He was afraid that the old ghost would stop him. Now he's not here.

So as not to cause trouble again.

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