"Xiaoshuang, I'll save you later. Where are we going. Where do you practice? "

"Master, if you go to the west, it's about ten miles away from where I live."

Li Xiaoshuang's voice is getting weaker and weaker. Qin Tian is very worried. But why hasn't Qixia started?

Just thinking about it, suddenly a green light burst into the sky under the stage, and the ghosts around it screamed, making a mess all around.

"It's on fire!"

Qin Tian heard that it was Qixia's voice, and saw a long skirt behind her, which was stained with flames. Qixia exaggerated and cried out, and everywhere she went, a ghost who had not been practicing for two days was licked by the flame and burned up.

Qixia aims at the ghost sentence on the stage and rushes to the past. The green faced ghost is drowsy and scared to hear Qixia's cry. This will make Qixia run to him. He is scared to hide and shout to let his hands down to put out the fire, but no one dares to step forward.

Qixia saw that Li Xiaoshuang on the pillar had been untied, and nodded at Qin Tian. Then she jumped off the stage, and the ghosts fled everywhere.

Qin Tian took the opportunity to carry Li Xiaoshuang and quickly ran to the west, far away from them.

The ghost pocket saw that they all ran far away, so he rushed up and cut off Qixia's skirt. The green faced ghost judge didn't know where he had gone. There was a mess on the high platform, and there was fire everywhere.

"Go and find the master, or we will be miserable."

Ghost pocket pulls Qixia toward the direction just now.

When they were all gone, the old ghost came out of the dark, looked at the ruined platform, waved his sleeve, and put out all the flames.

"He Sirius brought the cub. It's really interesting."

Of course, Qin Tian didn't hear this sentence, but ran to her residence with Li Xiaoshuang. After waiting, he found that there was strict security. As soon as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the gatekeeper.

Li Xiaoshuang took out a black token from his arms and gave it to Qin Tian, "this is my entrance token."

As soon as her voice fell, Qixia and they arrived. Qin Tian handed it over with a token and a stack of paper money. Four of them, however, did not have enough paper money to gather together.

The guard knew Li Xiaoshuang and let them in on the face of paper money.

Qin Tian looked around. After the gate was opened, there was a steel cable bridge about 100 meters long. Under the bridge, there was smoke, people, and unfathomable. Opposite the bridge was a dark mountain. All the houses were built on the mountain. From time to time, we could see the ghost circling.

"Master, please send her over. She needs ghost support."

Qixia reminds him that Qin Tian runs ghost gas quickly, and Li Xiaoshuang lies on his back to absorb breath. When he arrived at Li Xiaoshuang's residence, Qin Tian simply sat cross legged and began to practice.

However, this is the boundary of Mang Mountain. As soon as his ghost whirlpool came out, it immediately covered up the ghost gas around him. Have ghosts ever seen such a situation? He wanted to absorb his ghost Qi and help himself to practice, but he found it useless. He had to worry.

However, a few people in the room can absorb it by themselves, especially Li Xiaoshuang, who started to turn pale on her green gray face.

On the mountain Mang Mountain not far away, some people were shocked to see the whirlpool of ghost gas here!

With such abundant ghost spirit, is it that someone at the foot of the mountain has broken through the master's realm?

"Go and see what's going on. If someone breaks through, bring it directly. I can't imagine that there are still people in this group who have this kind of cultivation."

A majestic voice came, he Sirius nodded and quickly flew in the direction of the whirlpool.

Just at this time, the operation of Qin Tian finished, the ghost gas converged, and he Sirius disappeared before the whirlpool.

"Xiaoshuang, what's going on? How can you take part in this kind of competition?"

Seeing Li Xiaoshuang's face getting better, Qin Tian couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Xiaoshuang, aren't you here to study? Did the ghost King teach you any skills? "

Qixia was excited, and Li Xiaoshuang looked very ugly. Hearing their question, she immediately bit her lips and said, "I've taught you, but I'm not enough ghost spirit to bear. The ghost King taught me the ghost King formula, saying that it's more powerful to use it with the immortal formula. However, I haven't time to break through. Every time I practice, someone will make trouble, either suddenly break in or disturb My mind is so good that I won't give me a chance to practice. I'm going to the competition for reward. The highest reward is a separate training room. I think that way, no one will disturb me. But... "

"If you go on, I'd like to hear who bullies you so little. Besides, don't he know the ghost king?"

Qin Tian's face is gloomy. It doesn't matter whether it's his people or his ghost. He's not allowed to be bullied and joked. In Songshan City, he hasn't been afraid of anyone. When he arrives at Mangshan Mountain, he's not afraid of anything!

"Master, don't be angry. In fact, I know that you are for my good. I also know that you will come out for me. However, this is Mang Mountain, not Pine Mountain, and this is not our territory. Therefore, master, you should not be too impulsive."

Li Xiaoshuang can't help persuading him. Of course, she knows that Qin Tian really cares about her, but it's not the time for conflict."Just tell me who bothered you? We can't afford to offend the ghost king. We can deal with some of our minions. Don't worry. We have our own discretion. "

Qin Tian comforts her, knowing that Li Xiaoshuang can hear his inner voice, Qin Tian no longer thinks.

Li Xiaoshuang hesitated for a moment, then began to speak: "when I first came to Mang Mountain, they were still very good to me. After the ghost King taught me the ghost King's formula, everything changed. They knew how I died and often came to harass me. After being beaten away by me, they took turns to come over. Later, I learned that they were all the Dharma protectors under the Guiwang throne. I don't know why the Dharma protector looked at me Unfortunately, I wanted to see the ghost king, but was also blocked by the Dharma protector. I said that if my practice had no result, don't disturb the ghost king. He Sirius and elder, I couldn't see it.

Today's matter, I really can't hold up to call for help, master, am I disgraced to you? "

Li Xiaoshuang finished with tears in his eyes, Qin Tian would like to immediately get up and beat them.

"In this way, today you practice first. If they dare to come, let the ghost go out and teach them a lesson. Just try to see how strong we are here. Xiaoshuang, you don't have to worry. Sometimes it's not good for us to be too tolerant."

After listening to his words, Li Xiaoshuang finally nodded and agreed.

This will be about nothing, Li Xiaoshuang began to practice Guiwang Jue, just sat down not long ago, around came a Jie Jie ghost laughter.

The laughter was sharper than ever, as if to pierce their eardrums.

Qin Tian winked at the ghost pocket. The ghost pocket understood and rushed out with Qixia. The two men, one left and one right, seized the ghost outside the house.

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