"Good knife."

Qin Tian stood at the door and took a look at his knife, then put it away.

A few green light penetrated their bodies, and all of them were shocked. Before they could call, they turned into ashes and floated away.

"Li Xiaoshuang is one of my people. I've thought too much when I talk later. Otherwise, I'll never have a chance to survive."

Qin Tian left this sentence and walked in, and the people watching the excitement outside retreated one after another.

Ghost pocket saw him come back, his face was full of light, "this knife is too powerful, use it here, almost no one dares to approach you."

It's not easy to control the murderous soldiers. What's more, Qin Tian sent people to the slaughterhouse, and no ghost dared to get close to it. Even if it was a ghost pocket, they had to look at it from a distance.

Qin Tian took out the killing blade so quickly just to frighten them. Ten days later, Li Xiaoshuang had to compete. The Dharma protector was still afraid that Li Xiaoshuang would win, so he was in such a hurry.

"In this way, they won't dare to come again."

Qin Tian turned his head and looked at Li Xiaoshuang. Seeing that she was still holding her face, he comforted him: "to be a man, we can't choose our own way of death, but we can choose the way to live in the future. It's the same as being a ghost. Don't worry about what others say. You can live a good life. They are not good things when they are alive. Don't worry about it."

Qin Tian's comfort made Li Xiaoshuang cry.

"I know, but no matter be a person or a ghost, I can't forget their harm to me, but why do you do this to me? What have I done wrong? They always open my wounds like this? "

Without waiting for Qin Tian to open his mouth, Li Xiaoshuang wiped away her tears and said in a cold voice: "I must improve my strength. If I win, I will let them all know that I am not easy to provoke!"

"You're right to think so, but they're just bluffing."

"Yes, Xiaoshuang, there is a master. Just now they all know that the master is not easy to be provoked. No one will dare to talk nonsense in the future, or the blade will make them fly to the ashes."

Qi Xia comforts her in one side, Li Xiaoshuang nods and looks at Qin Tian gratefully.

The latter just closed his eyes and meditated.

Mang Mountain is a ghost place. Although he has ghost spirit to protect his body, he is still alive after all. Sometimes he will be coveted by other ghosts. Therefore, he should seize the time to practice here.

Ten days time, Qin Tian and Li Xinran said is a week, should be ok?

At this time, Li Xinran accompanied her father-in-law every day. Those who made trouble never came again, and they were relieved.

Only two days later, Qin's father and mother couldn't wait to see her parents. Li Xinran had no choice but to follow her.

Although Li Xinran said no, they still insisted.

Fortunately, Li Xinran drives, the trunk is full of things, and there are two old men in the car. Li Xinran drives very slowly for fear of any mistakes, but the more he fears, he will get more and more.

At the corner of the corner, a Mercedes Benz suddenly appeared. Li Xinran slammed on the brake, but the other side didn't react to it and hit it directly.


With a loud noise, Li Xinran was stunned, and the second old man was also frightened.

She quickly got out of the car to check, and the owner of the other car came out.

Li Xinran looked at the bumper in front of her car, and the car's lamp was broken.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it around the corner. How much did you repair me..."

Li Xinran raised his head, the other party saw clearly that she immediately stopped the voice.

"Li Xinran?"

Who doesn't know Qin Tian's wife?

Li Xinran also recognized her. Lin Wanru, the beautiful president of olan international, was dressed in a suit with a pair of 8 cm high-heeled shoes under her trousers, which made her very popular.

"It's Mr. Lin! Forget it. Let's report the insurance ourselves for this car. "

Since we all know each other, don't argue, so as not to look ugly in the future. After all, Qin Tian still wants to contact them outside.

Lin Wanru looks at her up and down. When she is gentle and generous, she feels sad. No wonder Qin Tian is reluctant to part with her. If she is not willing to give up this beautiful daughter-in-law who is a class-a-cute and has a forward and backward body!

"Mrs. Qin is very kind. By the way, what about Qin Tian? I just have something to look for him. I want to have a business with him. I can't get in touch with him for several days! "

Li Xinran's eyebrows flashed a bit of sadness. "He went on a business trip for about a week. It should be because the signal is not good. We can't get his number in these two days. But he said that he would come back in a week, and it might be extended for a few days. Then I'll let him reply to you."

Lin Wanru wanted to ask again, but when she saw two people in her car, she left her business card and left first.

She drove past, Li Xinran found her car in front of also very miserable, looking at his car, Li Xinran sighed, this account with Qin Tian reimbursement, stinky husband, unexpectedly can not contact!

"Xinran, are you ok?"

Behind him came the voice of Qin's father. Li Xinran quickly shook his head, opened the car door and sat in, "it's OK. We have insurance for ourselves, and we know people, so we should solve it ourselves."Qin mother sighed at her side: "it looks like a rich man. Is that car more expensive than ours?"

Knowing that she was in pain, Li shook his head. "Nothing, mom, you can rest assured that it is a friend of Qin Tian. Our car is not afraid of insurance."

Wen Yan is the second-year-old to be assured.

But Li Xinran was muttering in his heart. Where did Qin tiango? How is the signal so bad?

Qin Tian is also very depressed, after the operation end to watch the mobile phone, a grid of signals are not, let alone call.

"I guess the family is going to worry about death."

Qin Tian said to himself that Li Xiaoshuang saw a little guilt flashed on his mobile phone face.

"Master, I am all blame, if not me, you will not come here."

Knowing Li Xiaoshuang thought a lot, Qin Tian shook his head. "It's not about you. Besides, I'm not totally useless. You see, the ghost king gave me black Shangshi, and also pointed out how I can break through, and I can't suffer any loss."

Qin Tian was so relaxed that he thought of the exchange conditions in his heart.

"There is no free lunch in the world, master, what have you exchanged?"

Suddenly, when I thought about Li Xiaoshuang, he could know his idea. Qin Tian regretted it.

Qi Xia heard the sound.

"Master, the ghost King's things are not easy to take, what did you agree with the master?"

Seeing that it is impossible to hide, Qin Tian finally opened up, "clean up the portal, but don't let your voice go."

He whispered to them what the ghost king had made him do, and they were shocked, except for the little frost.

"The master supports any frost he wants to do."

Qin Tian saved her, Li Xiaoshuang also decided to go through the fire in the future, so even if it is cleaning up the law, she also agreed, let alone the law is not a good thing!

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