Ghost Dou and Qixia just hesitated for a while and agreed.

"Of course, we have to join in. We can see that Dharma protector is not a good thing! If you make Mang Mountain smoky, let him live another ten days! "

Qixia's words let them several people repeatedly agree, but Qin Tian is thinking, if so, how can we solve the Dharma protection without disturbing them.

Although the ghost king said that people and ghosts have different ways, they just asked him for help to avoid internal turmoil, but he was a big living man and killed the mountain mang ghost ghost ghost Dharma protector. Could they easily spare themselves?

How does Qin Tian want to pay the price?

The old fox, the ghost king, used a black war stone to set himself in. In this case, he didn't have to be polite to him!

"By the way, Xiaoshuang, is the green faced ghost judge seen when saving you before? Where do they live? Draw a map for me. The mountain mang should not be so big? "

Qin Tian asked about the idea, Li Xiaoshuang got up and went to the drawer at the head of the bed and took out a small book and handed it to him.

"This is what they gave me when I first came in. There are four areas in Mang Mountain. In addition to the foot of Mang Mountain that we see, there is also a forbidden area behind the ghost king hall. In addition, there is a road to the mountain directly from here. There is a place specially used for competition."

Li Xiaoshuang briefly introduced that Qin Tian's eyes were directly nailed to the forbidden area.


He pointed to the forbidden area and asked, "you know what's in it. How can it become a forbidden area?"

"It's the place to collect the skills, and also the place for the ghost king to practice."

Ghost pocket replied: all the ghost books and mental methods of Mang Mountain are in it. Only the ghost king can see it, and all previous ghost kings can go in and learn about it, and only the ghost king can open it. "

The implication is that he wants to go to the forbidden area, which is impossible!

Qin Tian didn't want to go to the forbidden area. He just wanted to find a way around the forbidden area.

The light outside is getting dim. It should be late at night. The lights here are adjusted with the time in the world.

"Let's go out. Don't you all like to go out at night?"

Qin Tian got up and went out, only to find that everything around him had changed. The smoky cable bridge had disappeared, leaving only bare rocks and the gate on the opposite side also disappeared. Looking at the past, he could even see the lights of the city nearby.

Qin Tian looked at his mobile phone and found that there was a signal, but not very strong.

"This is..."

"At night, ghosts open and some ghosts go out."

"Out?" What did Qin Shuang do?

"We practice ghost art. We can go in and out of two worlds at will, not to go out and play, but to exercise our willpower to see if we can withstand temptation. Some ghosts can't do it. Once we go out and don't come back at the specified time, we will be expelled from the world by ghosts. In the future, he will never be able to enter Mang Mountain again."

Li Xiaoshuang's words surprised Qin Tian, but then he thought of the question: "does this regulation also include law protection?"

Li Xiaoshuang nodded, "but I haven't seen him go out since I came here."

"It doesn't matter. If he doesn't go out, we'll lead him out and I won't stop him from coming back. One day he won't come back!"

Qin Tian's eyes flash a light, to deal with such shameless people, we must use shameless means.

When Xiaoshuang hears his voice, he knows that Qin Tian has an idea, and he is quite stable. Now the most important thing is to keep up with his own accomplishments. No matter whether the other party uses Yin moves or not, he will win!

Li Xiaoshuang and Qin Tian go out with them. Since they want to go shopping, they just take advantage of this time to have a good look.

However, Qin Tian didn't expect such a situation. All the scenes he had seen before were hidden. What he saw now is only the bare mountain, which is not worth seeing.

Qin Tian suddenly lost interest, let them several go out to play, at the same time will ghost pocket to accompany himself.

"Let's go and see what the Dharma protector is doing."

Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder. Ghost pocket was a little surprised, "Dharma protector? He's at the back of the mountain. Shall we go now

Qin Tian nodded, "killed several of his men in the daytime, and comforted him at night."

Ghost pocket

All right!

The two of them are going to the back mountain, which is the other way down the corner. Li Xiaoshuang said that the competition venue is also here.

Qixia didn't want to go out after hearing about it. She took Li Xiaoshuang and followed her.

I've been a ghost for so long. What haven't you seen?

How many nights do you care?

Li Xiaoshuang, too, doesn't want to go out at all.

Far behind Qin Tian, there were only a few of them on this road in Mang Mountain.

On the dark path, Qin Tian looked at the sky and the clouds covered the sun. He couldn't help laughing. It was a good opportunity to do something bad.After walking for about half an hour, Qin Tian saw two stone pillars in front of him. At this time, he took out two leaves of locust tree from his arms and wiped his eyes. Ghost pocket, what they could see was invisible to them, so they could use the leaves of locust tree.

After wiping his eyes, Qin Tian's eyes suddenly brightened. The stone pillar that originally stood was a gate, and behind the door was an open flat land. This should be the competition site that Li Xiaoshuang said?

Ghost bag took him around the open space, walked about ten meters away, and there was a stone gate. After passing here, it was a five story antique attic.

"This is it. Dharma protector usually lives here."

Ghost pocket stopped and whispered to him, Qin Tian nodded, and suddenly saw some little ghosts talking and laughing. They two quickly hid aside.

"The woman that the Dharma protector brought back today is really good! The skin is tender and tender, and the skin is called slippery

"Ha ha ha ha, it's better to follow the Dharma protector, otherwise what's the meaning of practicing all day long?"

"That's right. The king of ghosts doesn't allow this or that. What kind of entrance guard is it? If you don't come back, you'll never come back. Who's rare! We don't have to go out if there is a Dharma protector here! "

Several little ghosts left laughing, Qin Tian and ghost pocket looked at each other.

"Have you found out before?"

Qin Tian asks him, ghost Dou should know?

But he shook his head. "I don't know. If I didn't follow you today, I don't know. I didn't expect Mang Mountain to be like this. No wonder the ghost king wants to start."

"Let's go and have a look."

Qin Tian sneaked him close to the door. From time to time, Jie Jie's laughter and strange groans came from inside. Ghost pocket's face turned red.

Through the crack in the door, there are two men and women entangled in each other, but the woman is clearly an ordinary woman! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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