Qin Tian looked at the man, and he was a hungry ghost again! Poor girl, I don't know how many male ghosts confused, in case of pregnancy, how to do?

He was just thinking about it. Suddenly, there was a shrill cry. He looked at it carefully. The ghost was actually sucking the woman's Yang Qi. After a while, the woman lost her breath and her whole body was blue and blue.

Qin Tian was shocked. Ghost pocket clenched his fist. He didn't expect that they would dare to hurt human beings without permission. If Qin Tian didn't hold down his hand, he would certainly rush in and severely punish them.

Qin Tian pulled the ghost bag up the stairs lightly. There were many rooms in the attic. Qin Tian didn't know what was hidden in these rooms, and he didn't dare to act rashly. So he could only follow the voice. If he could grasp the handle of Dharma protector, it would be better.

However, I don't know what they will do with the corpse just now. Besides, since the man is dead, why hasn't the soul come out?

Qin Tian feels puzzled. Ghost Dou also thinks of it. He gently shakes his hand and signals the innermost room. Qin Tian looks over and finds that there is a little fluorescence there, so he stealthily approaches.

"Jie Jie, here you are!"

Suddenly, the door of the innermost room suddenly opened. A black air rolled up a corpse and flew out. Qin Tian ran the ghost gas and pulled the ghost pocket to his side.

Two ghost gas impact, Qin angel out of six success force, bang, the impact of the ghost gas was bounced open, the whole room was exploded!

The huge sound shocked the whole attic. From time to time in the dark, ghost gas came out and fled everywhere, and was stopped by Li Xiaoshuang and Qixia.

Qin Tian returns to the first floor, and the female corpse is no longer there.

"Stinky boy, how dare you break into the Dharma protectorate without permission!"

The green faced ghost judge who came out of nowhere saw Qin Tianli and yelled. He was followed by several injured imps, pointing to Qin Tian and complaining: "Lord ghost judge, it is he who injured US. We live here. He rushed in and blew up our room. It was obvious that he wanted to be a leader for Li Xiaoshuang, so that we could not participate in the competition!"

"Fart, it is clear that you are careless about people's lives. You suck the Yang of living people, and you also seduce them. I have seen it with my own eyes!"

Ghost pocket painful scold a way, those a few imps intentionally shrink behind ghost judge, dare not make a voice.

The green faced ghost judged that Jie Jie sneered: "you said they were careless about human life. What about the corpse? Mang Mountain is a ghost. It is impossible for ordinary people to come here. We have a boundary

"Then it's time to ask the Dharma protector whether the boundary is secure and whether the law has been perverted for selfish ends. What we can see with eight pairs of eyes of four people can still be false? If you don't believe it, please ask the Dharma protector to come out. I'd like to ask if someone came to Li Xiaoshuang's room in the afternoon to scold him. Did he pay attention to the ghost king? "

Qin Tian raised his voice. The green faced ghost judged him to have a fierce voice. He also heard that he cut those troublemakers into ashes with a killing blade. He did not dare to anger Qin Tian for a while, so he had to ask the Dharma protector to come over.

While waiting, Qin Tian's brain was working quickly. This is their territory. If you cut one or two, you can, but you can't all go out. After all, this is the Dharma protector's place, not their room.

After a while, the Dharma protector came and saw that the attic was half collapsed. He was very angry: "Qin Tian! I respect you as the guest of the ghost king. I don't care if you kill my people. How dare you come and smash me! "

Qin Tian sneered: "I beat up? It's your people who did it first! We and Xiaoshuang just came to see the competition site and get familiar with the environment. Unexpectedly, they met them. They yelled at Xiaoshuang when they saw her. I couldn't help but teach them a lesson! "

His words made the Dharma protector and Li Xiaoshuang stunned. They didn't expect Qin Tian to confuse black and white.

But who rules that only they can lie? What Qin Tian said was true, but the people who scolded Li Xiaoshuang were chopped by him.

If these people are unlucky, they can't blame him.

The Dharma protector also knew what was going on, but he couldn't swallow his breath, so he cried, "they can't scold you more than in the room! You are the ear of the wind! What nonsense

"I think you are blind! They came here after me. "

Qin Tian is not willing to show weakness. His little eyes of Dharma protector are full of ferocity. He would like to swallow Qin Tian alive!

"No one of you is going to leave today. My territory is not up to you

The Dharma protector said that he was going to start to use strong. Qin Tiancai was not afraid to spread out his palm. The blade's awn scared those little ghosts back one after another, and even the ghost judge took two steps back.

"Well, there's something to say, Dharma protector. We'll wait until the competition in ten days to start. Otherwise, it's not good to hurt anyone by mistake."

The ghost sentence also makes sense. Qin Tian turns around and asks Li Xiaoshuang to go out and wait for him first, so that he can solve these guys first.

Seeing that Qin Tian was really moving, the Dharma protector was also afraid, "I warn you..."

"Warn you to be paralyzed, you think you are a police officer, still warn?"

"You swear, Qin Tian, you..."

"You're paralyzed. Don't you say you want me to stay? I'm here waiting for you! You're coming, you're the hell

Qin Tian is to provoke him. The voice just now is not him. There must be a mysterious man here.In front of his men, the Dharma protector was scolded as a counsellor by Qin Tian. His face was blue and white.

"Son of a bitch, you don't know the height of heaven and earth if you don't teach you!"

The Dharma protector was just about to start drinking, "slow down!"

This sound is still very familiar. Qin Tian looks at the past face-to-face and sees a dark shadow behind the Dharma protector.

"Young people, don't be so impulsive. What can't be said well?"


Qin Tian was stunned when he saw the dark shadow coming out. He was the old ghost who asked him to roll tobacco leaves in the daytime!

The old ghost smile: "it's me, let's go out and have a chat! It's smoky here

"Master, you'd better stay here and say it. If you have an elder, I won't do anything to him." Hearing this, the old ghost nodded, and the Dharma protector's face was very ugly.

"You don't have to worry about it. It's just ordinary people. You don't have to kill people if you have the ability."

This is beyond Qin Tian's expectation. If you don't need it, he puts away the blade.


Li Xiaoshuang is worried, but Qin Tian waves his hand. This is not a problem. Anyway, it is just a contest to see how strong the Dharma protector is. If it is not strong, it will be solved directly.

"Old ghost shot to stop them," don't fight, you are not his opponent, you go down! "

Seeing this, Dharma protector's eyes widened. Qin Tian didn't understand. What did he mean?

"Hum! It's cheap for you

Although the Dharma protector was dissatisfied, he still reluctantly stepped down.

Qin Tian feels strange. What's the origin of this old ghost? Can you make Dharma protector obedient?

Is he the one behind this?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian was more alert.

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