"What do you mean, master?"

The old ghost faint smile, to him signal, "let's go back to say, I live there."

Qin Tian saw that he followed him. There was a courtyard behind the attic. The old ghost lived here.


Qin Tian was just about to ask questions when he was interrupted by the old ghost, "I am the former Dharma protector and his master. I want you to come here today to tell you to forgive him in my face. I know the ghost King's meaning. Although he is ridiculous, Mangshan Mountain is handled by him. Without him, mountain mang will be turbulent again. Qin Tian, do you know what I mean? ”

Qin Tian was shocked and disappointed.

"Do you know that they are stealing human souls in defiance of regulations?"

The old ghost does not deny: "there are so many people, one or two of them have no problem. Besides, there are many people in the human world who neglect human life."

"Master Wang is a Dharma protector. Since you have brought a word of Dharma, you must abide by the law, whether it is the human world or the ghost world! The Dharma protector has taken human lives without authorization. It is estimated that there are many unjust souls on Mang Mountain? Where did the elder receive these dead souls? "

Old ghost indifferent smile: "still can't conceal you, how did you discover?"

"I felt strange at that time that the soul didn't come out after death, which means that they were locked up at that time. The strength of Dharma protector was not enough, so only the elder could do it."

"Not bad!"

The old ghost looked at him with admiration. "You guessed right. It was me. I refined these spirits, so I've been OK for so many years, but you found out."

"Did you want to kill me?"

Qin Tiancai was not afraid. If he was killed here, the old ghost could not explain to the ghost king.

The old ghost shook his head and did not dare.

"No, you can go straight after the competition. Li Xiaoshuang will win. Dharma protector here, I told the ghost king that you should take the Black War stone given by the ghost king. Do you have any loss?"

"Of course, thank you very much."

Qin Tian agreed, which made ghost pocket very shocked. After being sent out, ghost pocket was dissatisfied.

"Master, how can you agree to his request. Did those girls die in vain

"Yes, master, we have seen it with our own eyes. The ghost king will believe us. The Dharma protector has broken the rules, so the balance between ghost and human will be broken!"

Back to the residence, Qixia looked unhappy. Qin Tian knew that they were upset, so he asked them, "can you fight?"

"If you can't fight, you have to fight. You can't let them die in vain!"

Qixia zhengse said, Qin Tian nodded and agreed, "I think so, but let Xiaoshuang have a try first, otherwise we can't go. When this matter is solved, Xiaoshuang is free, we are cleaning up the Dharma protection, and then I have many solutions!"

Qin Tian's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, since the decision will not go back.

The promise just now is just because the old ghost is too strong, he shouldn't, and Li Xiaoshuang can't win.

Qin Tian explained Qixia so that they all understood.

"Master, what should we do? We will cooperate with you."

Qixia wanted to start now. Qin Tian nodded, "now our task is to practice and prepare for a competition. In addition, you and ghost Dou will see how they get those girls in."

If we understand this matter, we will be able to handle it later.

Qin Tian's words let them all rub their hands. They must bring the Dharma protector to justice, or else they will be too sorry for those innocent girls.

However, Qin Tian is thinking about Li Xiaoshuang's competition. With the old ghost's promise, no one bothers Li Xiaoshuang any more during this period of time, and Li Xiaoshuang's practice is relatively smooth. Qin Tian's heart is always raised, worried that there will be accidents during the competition.

However, the old ghost also kept his promise. When it came to the competition, the people sent by the Dharma protector were just half baked. Li Xiaoshuang knocked him down without any effort, and the ghost King couldn't stand it.

"Dharma protector, your people are too vulnerable. What's going on?"

A trace of irony flashed in the Dharma protector's eyes and said, "it's not our people who can't do it. It's Li Xiaoshuang who has great strength. I can't imagine that she can master so much in just ten days."

"Since there is a dispute between you, it's a good thing for her to say."

The ghost King opened his mouth, and they naturally shook hands to make peace.

"Ghost king, today's competition is over. We'll leave tomorrow. Is it OK to stay here for another night?"

Qin Tian made a plea, and the ghost King naturally agreed.

Several people who got permission went back to Li Xiaoshuang's residence. Before they could sit in the heat, the Dharma protector came.

"Qin Tian, Li Xiaoshuang, the master said tonight that he would invite you to drink wine and arrive on time at eight o'clock, even if he would practice it for you!"

"Well, we must go!"

Qin Tian agreed with a wave and a smile. He didn't miss the essence of Dharma protector's eyes.

After he left, Qin Tian said in silence, "Auntie, are you there?""I know. Don't worry. I'll help you."

Qin Yue's voice made Qin Tian happy and arranged everything. Later, he took Li Xiaoshuang to the old ghost.

"Qin Tian, you're here. Sit down!"

There was an eight immortals table in the little yard of the old ghost, but there were only three of them.

"It's very kind of you, master. I can't be stingy. I'll give you this cigarette!"

Qin Tian took out all his inventory, and the old ghost was naturally happy.

"You know my mind, I, just like this one!"

"Where did you get this while I was away?"

"If you're not here, I'll go out and do it myself. There are too many temptations in the human world, and sometimes I almost forget the way back."

The old ghost lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. He was intoxicated with the aroma of cut tobacco.

Qin Tian is not in a hurry, waiting for him to finish smoking this cigarette, and then open his mouth, "master, let's come here today, not just practice it so simply."

Smell speech old ghost ha ha a smile, Qin Tian immediately held Li Xiaoshuang's hand, run ghost gas to resist.

The old ghost's face sank, "when did you show up?"

Qin Tian shook his head: "if you didn't show up that night, I wouldn't have found it. The strength of Dharma protector can still be carefree in Mang Mountain. There must be someone behind him, but I didn't expect it would be you."

"So you did it on purpose that night?"

"Yes, I mean it on purpose. If you don't make trouble, you won't come out. Ghost sentences are coming. I think you should come out soon."

Qin Tian's face flashed a touch of cunning, and Li Xiaoshuang knew that he had already begun to suspect.

The old ghost sneered, "since you all know, you dare to come. Don't you fear being killed by me? It's no problem for me to solve you. "

Qin Tian shakes his head, afraid he won't come, not to mention he is ready.

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