As soon as Qin Yue's voice fell, the old ghost attacked fiercely with both fists. They joined hands to offer ghost gas resistance. However, they didn't expect that this force was so powerful that they only felt a shock all over their bodies, and they were thrown out in the next second!

Qin Tian couldn't help spraying a mouthful of blood, and Qin Yue was no better. They struggled, and suddenly heard the cry of Dharma protector. Qin Tian looked over and saw that Li Xiaoshuang had taken out the heart of Dharma protector and inserted it into his throat with the ghost claw. The black blood gushed out of his mouth, and soon his face began to turn gray.


The old ghost swept past, and Li Xiaoshuang flew out a long way. He didn't get up for a long time. Qin Tian was angry. He didn't know where the strength came from. He roared at the blade and ran two breath. The ghost Qi and the true Qi were summoned at the same time. The green light flashed by, and a shadow passed by. The old ghost felt a flower in front of him, and then he was hit by a vigorous wind. Qin Tianjian saw him He succeeded. He quickly used heishang stone to fill his power. However, while heishangshi could quickly enhance his power, he also increased his Qi in his body. Qin Tian forced his true Qi to the killing blade at the beginning, and aimed at the old ghost. However, with the continuous filling of the black Shang stone, he could not bear it. Qin Tian's face gradually became blue and purple, and the old ghost suddenly appeared His hand clasped the blade of killing life and sucked his ghost gas for his own use.

Qin Tian's face began to look ugly. Qin Yue wanted to help, but she had more heart and less strength. She could only shout, "Qin Tian, concentrate!"

Qin Tian looked at the greedy eyes of the old ghost. He was shocked and quickly closed his eyes. He could not die.

"Master, ghost King patriarchal clan system, hold your breath and concentrate, heaven and earth, yin and Yang heaven and earth. Yin Yang Sword, kill ghosts and kill immortals. Broken, cracked, broken, destroyed! Heaven and earth are in one breath, fire and thunder are all true... "

Li Xiaoshuang's weak voice reached his mind, and Qin Tian quickly started to run. This is the GUI Wang Jue. Li Xiaoshuang gave the GUI Wang Jue to him, and with the power of heishang stone, Qin Tian began to reverse. Since Yin and yang are integrated, it can also be reversed.

The old ghost was sucking in the ghost Qi of Qin celestial body. Suddenly, Qin Tian began to reverse. The old ghost was shocked and wanted to withdraw his palm, but he was held by Qin Tian. He felt that the breath in his body was sucked back by Qin Tian, and the color of the flowers on the other side of his body began to fade.

"Boy, let go of it

Qin Tian doesn't listen, and the source of ghost gas is constantly pouring into his body. When he reverses, Li Xiaoshuang's voice is constantly heard in his ears. The true Qi in his body also starts to protect his body spontaneously, so as to ensure that he won't burst and die.

According to the mind method of GUI Wang Jue, Qin Tian opened a bottleneck that could not be broken through for a long time.


The old ghost screamed, Qin Tian suddenly released his arm, and his fists were forced to swing out. The old ghost quickly resisted, but Qin Tian beat him back more than ten meters!

"Master peak! How dare you break through with my ghost

The old ghost was furious. Looking at Qin Tian's use of the war to break through himself, he felt as if he had been cheated.

Qin Yue and Li Xiaoshuang had some changes. Qin Yue tried to make a move and hit a big stone beside the old ghost. With a bang, the flying stone burst open, and the wall was filled with small pits.

"Auntie, Xiaoshuang, you've all broken through. Hurry in and practice, and leave the rest to me."

Hearing this, Qin Yue and Li Xiaoshuang could no longer hold on, and quickly turned into black gas and penetrated into the jade pendant in front of Qin Tian's chest.

The old ghost can't help but say in a cold voice: "kill my people, use me to break through, today you can go out, where is my old ghost's face?"

"You still have face? You're not dead early. What do you want to do with your face? "


"Old man! Qin Tian

Just as the old ghost was about to start, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, and Shengsheng interrupted them.

Qin Tian looks up, he Sirius does not know when to come, estimated to watch the war for a long time?


He pointed to the Dharma protector and said, "if Dharma protector makes trouble for us by practicing it, Qin Tian has no choice but to fight back. I don't want the elder GUI to refuse to give up. Please let's go to the ghost king to make a judgment."

Qin Tian was the first to control people. Anyway, he has broken through. Even if he apologizes, I won't suffer.

"Fart! He Sirius, don't think that I don't know you are in a group. His people killed my apprentice. I have no end to this account with you

He Sirius already knew the twists and turns here, simply let them go to the ghost king.

"Qin Tian, your people have made trouble at the foot of the mountain. Now they are in the hall of ghost king. You can go and have a look together."

Ghost bag? What can happen to them? But I beat those bad - hearted lusters!

Qin Tian gladly went, and the old ghost gouged him out and went to the ghost King's palace.

The ghost king didn't expect him to make such a big noise. When Qin Tian arrived, he found that the boy had made a breakthrough. He was immediately gratified.

When Qin Tian arrived at the ghost king hall, he found that there were already many people here. Besides his familiar faces, there were also some blue faced tusks. I think they are some big people of Guiji, right?"See the ghost king."

Qin Tian was very clever to salute, the ghost king was pleased, was about to speak when he saw the old ghost with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong with you, old man?"

"What's the matter? You ask him, he killed my apprentice, that is, the Dharma protector. I was kind enough to practice it for him. As a result, he connived at his hands and poisoned his hands! "

Ghost king will look to Qin Tian, the warning in Mou son let Qin Tian speechless, old fox! Don't you know he ordered it?

I'm still here to warn myself.

Qin Tian rolled his eyes, and there was an uproar around him.

"Who brought this boy in? It's said that many ghosts have been destroyed in recent days. What we can send in to practice is through thousands of choices. He said that it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. He doesn't pay attention to our mountain mang! "

"Yes, he killed the Dharma protector, which is contempt for Mang Mountain!"

Around noisy, the ghost king looked at Qin Tian and asked, "Qin Tian, what explanation do you have?"

Qin Tian was not flustered and said: "the old ghost is right. He is ready to practice it for us. But after three rounds of drinking, the Dharma protector will be dishonest. He even moves at Li Xiaoshuang. The old ghost wants to intoxicate me. If I don't drink, he will use force against me. You see, my clothes are torn by him!"

Qin Tian turned around and let everyone have a look at his chest. There were indeed several bloodstains, which were the traces of ghost claws.

"Xiaoshuang, you come out and explain to them yourself!"

At qintian's command, Li Xiaoshuang floated out of the jade pendant. As soon as she appeared, even Qin Tian was scared!

I don't know when she made herself look like this. This is what she looked like after being trampled! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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