Li Xiaoshuang's white face did not know when there was a bright red palm print, and her clothes were torn. She had snow-white shoulders, teeth marks on her neck, and her hair was in a mess.

The play is a bit over the top!

Qin Tian sighs in his heart. Li Xiaoshuang looks up at him with tears in his eyes.

Those ghosts who originally clamored to let Qin Tian be in charge, saw Li Xiaoshuang like this, and before she opened her mouth, they attacked the old ghost one after another.

"You see, old man, are you practicing or taking advantage of others?"

"Yes, Dharma protector said at that time that Li Xiaoshuang would be allowed to stay, but they all won the competition, and you still didn't let people go. This is not very kind."

"Old ghost, if I couldn't bear it, she would have died miserably. If you still treat people like this, your practice for so many years is in vain."

In the face of the public's accusation, the old ghost's face was livid, and he could not speak.

Qin Tian then took the opportunity to say, "Xiaoshuang, the ghost king will make the decision for you. If you have any injustice, you can say that it's OK."

Li Xiaoshuang nodded and said with tears: "we were going to leave after tonight. The Dharma protector said that we would practice it for me and the master. I thought that the enemy should be solved and not be married, so I agreed. But after drinking a few cups, the Dharma protector began to force me to stay, so that they would not have to go down the mountain to look for human women in the future..."

"What, they?"

"Yes, it's not the first time I've seen them bewitch human girls. Even after playing with them, their souls are refined."

Li Xiaoshuang's words let the ghosts scream, while Qixia and others on the side don't think so.

"What's the matter? We found some ghosts at the front foot tonight trying to confuse the girl to go up the mountain. We just started. But the ghost judge couldn't help saying that he wanted to keep us in custody. I doubt whether Mang Mountain has become the territory of some evil spirits, and it will soon become a corpse ground!"

Qixia's words made the green faced ghost judge pale.

"It's not like that, it's her blood!"

"If you don't believe it, you can take their memory and see who lied!"

Qixia is not willing to show weakness. It's time for her to be afraid.

The old ghost's face was very ugly. The ghost King sat on it and stretched out a green light over one of the little ghosts to collect his memory.

After a while, the ghost king said in a deep voice: "old ghost, you really let me down. It's no wonder that Mang Mountain has died so many people in recent years and didn't receive a ray of soul. You refined them to improve yourself. I think that Mangshan is no longer suitable for you."

"Hum! To add to the crime

The old ghost retorted hard, and the ghost King's eyes were wide, and he put his hand on his neck. The speed was so fast that no one could see how he acted.

Qin Tianza tongue, this is the strength of crushing ah, do not know when he can reach this step.

"Old ghost, because you are the former Dharma protector and have been with me for so many years, I have abolished your cultivation. You can go back to the ghost capital!"

After the ghost King finished, a black air enveloped the old ghost. Then he screamed in the black air, which scared Li Xiaoshuang to hide behind Qin Tian.

When the black gas came, the ghost King threw him on the ground, and soon a little ghost came up to drag him away. Then the ghost king said, "from now on, Mang Mountain will not be open at night. If anyone dares to violate the rules, it will be the end of it!"

No one dares to disobey the order of the ghost king. The ghosts listen to the order and soon seal Mang Mountain.

As for the little ghosts who bewitch the girls, they are all beaten to death.

Seeing this situation, Qin Tian was relieved. He finished his task and didn't worry about the old ghost's revenge, so he broke through. Who could have thought that this time they had a blessing in disguise?

After sorting out the internal disputes in Mang Mountain, the ghost king kept his promise and sent them down the mountain. Naturally, they didn't have too much trouble with Qixia.

After coming out or at night, Qin Tian looked at his mobile phone for the first time. Finally, there was a signal. He called Li Xinran quickly.

It's nearly ten o'clock. I don't know if Li Xinran is asleep.

After a dozen beeps, Li Xinran's voice came.

"Husband, you finally called me back. I'm going to call the police, do you know?"

Li Xinran's voice with a trace of crying, Qin Tian's heart is not taste, quickly soft voice comfort, Li Xiaoshuang has returned to normal, see Qin Tian in the side of the gentle appearance, her heart sour.

"Well, wife, I'll go back the day after tomorrow. You take good care of yourself at home and bring you presents when you come back. Well, good night."

Hanging up his mobile phone, Qin Tian smiles and suddenly thinks of Li Xiaoshuang. He turns to look at her clothes and raises his eyebrows and says, "you are very fast, but I was really surprised just now. The change of clothes is fast enough, and the attack is also very cruel."

Li Xiaoshuang laughed, "if not, they don't believe it! Is it good for me to act like this? "

"It's really good. Good. Let's go and buy you a new dress."

But then he laughed. It's ten o'clock now. Which shopping mall is still open? Seeing his embarrassment, Li Xiaoshuang shook his head and said, "no, it's too late. Let's go back first. You still have to rest. After all, you've been in ghost for such a long time."Most of the ghosts in Mang Mountain come to practice, but they are still full of ghost spirit, and they are affected too much or less.

Nodding, let Li Xiaoshuang enter the jade pendant and go back down the mountain.

Casually looking for a hotel to rest, Qin Tian had a good sleep.

Li Xiaoshuang's affairs have been solved, and the rest is to find Chen Jun. The boy is so badly injured that he can't run far away. He doesn't know if Ding Hanxue has any harvest there.

This night, Qin Tian slept soundly. He got up early in the morning to breathe and breathe. Using the Black War stone to move the breath, Li Xiaoshuang consciously drilled out and began to absorb ghost Qi.

It took more than an hour for one person and several ghosts to practice, and Qin Tian felt that his whole body was much smoother and more energetic, and the whole person was fresh and fresh.

"Master, we have all been promoted. It seems that we can practice with the master. As long as the master breaks through, we can also benefit."

Li Xiaoshuang excited, her ghost King Jue plus immortal Jue, as well as Qin Tian's ghost gas, soon she became an expert.

Qin Tian of course is also happy, he is strong, they can also get benefits, really good.

"It's worth celebrating. I'll put the Black War stone into the jade pendant. You can see if it can be absorbed, but not too much. It's better to step by step."

Li Xiaoshuang nodded their heads, Qin Tian could absorb them, and of course they could.

Qin Tian gets up, Li Xiaoshuang and they go into the jade pendant, while Qin Tian goes out to have a look at what presents he has bought and brought back.

Ten days no see, Li Xinran and his parents must be worried. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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