Mountain mang is not far away from Songshan city. When Qin Tian came, he didn't take a close look. When he was free, he just took a look.

Although Mang Mountain is a ghost, it is only located in a small town. You can walk through it in 30 minutes by car. However, there are many interesting places. The most famous one is antique market.

After getting off the taxi, Qin Tian goes straight to the antique market across the road, which is called the market. In fact, it is the stalls on both sides of the alley. Not far away is the vegetable market, which is very popular.

Qin Tian found himself cheated when he arrived.

What kind of antique market? It's a flower and bird market. There are many cats, dogs, fish and insects. The only antique market is a porcelain seller or a kind of handicraft. Qin Tian is suddenly bored.

Let's forget about this antique market!

Look around Qin Tian. Forget about cats and dogs. You'd better go back to Songshan city and buy them presents!

"Old man, what kind of thing do you want? 5000 for junk goods? Why don't you grab it

Qin Tian is about to leave when he hears a taunt coming from the front. It seems that there are many people watching around. He is also idle, so Qin Tian walks over.

"Old man, you have no one to buy. You waste your time watching the stall. Come on, I'll give you 50 yuan, let it out and set up a stall for me. You don't have to wait!"

Talking about is a young man in his thirties. There are many green plants on his tricycle. It seems that he has taken a fancy to the old man's stall.

Looking through the crowd, Qin Tian could only see a layer of white snake skin bags on the ground, which were densely packed with dozens of jade products of poor quality.

These goods cost 5000 yuan, no wonder the young man let him out of the booth!

But the old man didn't seem to buy it.

"If you don't sell it, first come first served. If you come late, you want to take advantage of it. If you don't buy it, you will buy it. If you don't buy it, go to another place. Don't affect my business."

Listen to the voice, the old man is also a hard tempered, just refuse to let.

"You old man doesn't know what to do, I'll..."

"Young man, you can't be reasonable. What people say is right. First come, first served. If you are lazy and late, you rob others' stalls. Is that right? I think your potted plants are very good. Have one. "

Qin Tian stood up and took a basin of green basket from his three rounds and gave him 20 yuan to let him go.

The young man originally wanted to say something, but looking at Qin Tian's sharp eyes, it was estimated that it was not easy to be provoked, so he did not dare to say again, and pushed three rounds to find another place.

The old man looked at Qin Tian, squinting and calling him: "young man, have a look! Which one do you like? The price is easy to discuss. "

Qin Tian waved his hand and was about to say no when he was attracted by a piece of jade.

They all said that it was inferior jade, but one of them got into his eyes.

Qin Tian squatted down, looked at the small mouse shaped jade on the ground, picked it up and put it in the palm of his hand, and felt a burst of cool.

"Good taste, young man. It's a real product."

But I didn't expect that the jade of Qin Ming came out of the tomb.

"How much more do you have? I'll take all of them! "

Qin Tian opened his mouth, the old man's eyes lit up!

"Really? It's all here. That's all. If you take it all, in a word, 8000 yuan! " Qin Tian didn't know whether the old man was a commodity or not. This piece of zodiac jade alone was more than 8000 yuan. He was so cheerful.

However, the rest is not good-looking, Qin Tian looked at it at will and picked up a piece of jade pendant like water drops, as well as the zodiac jade.

"Sir, is there a bank here? You go with me to get the money. "

When the old man heard this, he immediately picked up his things and took Qin Tian to the bank.

"Young man, I tell you, it's a good thing, and now people don't know it!"

"Sir, how much do you charge for wholesale?"

"Not much, 20 yuan a catty No, I mean... "

Qin Tian laughs. The old man doesn't pretend to laugh at Qin Tian. He laughs and says, "it's OK to make a living. But the mouse in your hand came out of the tomb. My father dug it out of the tomb when he was young. He didn't want to sell it."

The old man's words have a point is really good, Qin Tian also does not care where this thing comes from, but the zodiac mouse to hand is indeed a surprise.

When he got to the bank, Qin Tian took 8000 yuan to him, and the old man gave the bag of jade to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian doesn't want to say, "uncle, I'll take these two pieces. You can keep the rest and sell them well."

"Well, I'll give it to you when I'm ready. I'll take the money."

The old man took eight thousand snakeskin bags and gave them to Qin Tian. Qin Tian had no choice but to go back with the snake skin bags. He looked funny and looked like a migrant worker.Charter bus back to Songshan City, Qin Tian first went to the mall to buy Li Xinran a chain, and then put the water drop shaped jade pendant on, a proper gift.

The price doesn't matter, the heart is the best.

After returning to the community, it was already afternoon, and he did not say that he wanted to give Li Xinran an unexpected surprise.

When I got home, I found that Li Xinran was not at home, neither were his parents.

Qin Tian didn't care so much. He took a bath and changed his clothes first. Then he called Li Xinran, but he didn't answer three times. His heart sank suddenly. What could have happened?

Qin Tian can't help but get nervous and rush out of the house without thinking about it. However, he meets Li Xinran at the gate of the community and gets off from an Audi.

"Lin Wanru?"

Qin Tianying went up and was surprised to see Li Xinran get out of his car.

"Husband! Didn't you say that genius came back? "

See Qin Tian, Li Xinran rushed to the past, Lin Wanru in the side of a squint at him, mouth full of teasing.

"Mr. Lin is here, too? Thank you for bringing my wife back

"You're welcome. I happened to have something to ask you about. Go up and say it?"

Qin Tian nods and turns around Li Xinran.

"I came back early to give you a surprise. How can I call your mobile phone without answering? Where are your parents? "

Li Xinran pouted: "my mobile phone broke and was sent to be repaired. My parents said that they had to move back when they had nothing to do. They knew you would come back. They asked you to take time to go back and have a look."

Qin Tian is at ease, as long as there is nothing wrong. Lin Wanru looks at them in the back. The high-heeled shoes clatter and crash in Qin Tian's heart.

Lin Wanru is wearing special clothes today How to say, it is a tight professional suit, but you can see her sexy charm, especially the round curve, which is no less than a female star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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