Qin Tian walked ahead and led the road, Li Xinran released his hand and held Lin Wanru in warm touch.

"Here it is, come in!"

"Needless to say, you come to visit your parents as often as you are not here."

Li Xinran said jiaochen, and Qin Tian was surprised, "is it? Thank you, Mr. Lin. "

"You're so polite to me? I really saw you for a long time! "

Lin Wanru sarcastic, Qin Tian cried and laughed.

Li Xinran came in and saw the snake skin bag on the ground, and asked in a suspicious way, "what is this?"

"I had a hometown sent me on business trip, all of which were worthless jade."

Qin Tian was very light and indifferent, but Li Xinran was excited. He poured out all the things in the snake skin bag. Lin Wanru walked to one side and looked at it. "Indeed, it is worthless things, but the old town is really generous, giving you so much."

"Yes, I can't get along with you."

Qin Tian is not modest at all. Lin Wanru does not expose him. He pulls a round jade buckle from the jade block. "Here it is, it is like a safety buckle. It should be nice to polish it."

Lin Wanru can see such a product is to let Qin Tian some surprise, he hurriedly nodded, "OK, if you like to take all of it also."

"I'm not a stall. What do you do with it? I'll have this one."

Lin Wanru will buckle jade, this way out of his own come to find his reason.

"Actually, I didn't want to meet you today, but since I met you, I actually asked you for help."

"The beauty president of olan group has my place. Please say, I will try my best to do what I can, and I will do it if I can't create conditions."

There is Qin Tian this sentence, Lin Wanru natural happy, so said his purpose.

"I have a land in Myanmar, which I bought several years ago, and it has been useless. Recently, you know it is not very peaceful. I have hired people, but those people can't compare with your people. So I think, can I borrow some veterans from you. Of course, the salary is higher than here. It is mainly for me to watch the workers work and don't let the foreign people make trouble 。”

Lin Wanru said to look at Qin Tian, waiting for his reply. Li Xinran went to the kitchen to cut fruit. When they talked about business, Li never interrupted.

Qin Tian is thinking that money is not a problem. At present, their wages are still high in Songshan city. It is still clean money. There is no need to take risks to Myanmar. But Lin Wanru, since he had spoken, could not refuse to others.

"So, I'll go back and talk to them. If I want to go, I will even have one. I will prepare twenty people for you. What do you think?"

Lin Wanru nodded, "twenty are enough. I have more than 20, almost. But Qin Tian, we must be familiar with weapons. There are many mercenaries there."

Lin Wanru did not finish, Qin Tian also understood, this year, Chinese businessmen in foreign business can be many, which one is not to prepare for their own dozen bodyguards?

Lin Wanru said that the land development is either a big deal, otherwise, it will not be so urgent to develop.

"Can you give me a bottom and let me make some money? I haven't been in business for a long time now. "

Lin Wanru saw him white. "You and I are still crying. You are a doctor of Qin God. Which time is not a million million doctor? If you don't say it far away, you will say Shen family. "

Lin Wanru is clear about him. Qin Tianhe smiles and says: "you honestly tell me what you intend to develop there, or I will not arrange for you. If the general business is normal, they will not be so attentive. But if it is too valuable business, the guarantee will not let you down."

Qin Tians words all said this, Lin Wanru also did not conceal.

"There are jade mines in that area. I have obtained mining rights, but I still have some defense. That kind of place is uncertain. Besides, Orlan international has many strong enemies in Songshan. They know that it is possible to make trouble later? So I want to mine it as soon as possible. "

Jade? Qin Tian takes a breath of air conditioning. If it is true, Lin Wanru is anxious to ask for people. It is really important to look at this matter.

"You can rest assured that I will choose the best, 30 people for you, and I will also provide you with 50 additional security personnel. Although the combat power may not be better than the veterans, it is not bad."

Lin Wanru was grateful for his words and immediately pulled out five million checks from his bag.

"This is their salary. The previous month, the veterans are 100000 a month, and the others are 50000 a month. What do you think?"

Qin Tian calculated that if the mining is smooth, it will take about half a year. It is 600000, not much. But it has doubled compared with the security guard here.

So he took it as the master.

"OK, I'll call you and say, man, I'll help you find it and check with you."

Lin Wanru nodded. As long as Qin Tian promised to help, they could start work safely. There were more than 100 security personnel. It should be OK.Lin Wanru was in a good mood after she came out from Qin Tian. Qin Tian did not dare to delay. She put the gift for Li Xinran on the table, said hello to her parents and asked her to wait for him to eat. She went to find the monkeys themselves.

"God, one hundred thousand a month! God, you're not kidding us, are you? I calculate, half a year, is 600000, I can buy a suite, if a year, the garage all live! God, this can be done! "

The monkey was so excited that everyone else wanted to try.

"My God, how many people will it take? Shall we all go?"

"Yes, brother, let's all go over and call Yang Bing up. The boy has been in bone gang for a while. Is it time to come back?"

Zhao Donghui and others are agitated, and Qin Tian waves to show them to be quiet.

"Myanmar is the place where you will work in the future, but I don't want to have more than 30. Only these 30 people earn 100000 a month, and the remaining 50 people. I plan to select them from the security company. You can discuss it within yourself to see if you can select 30 people. You should be familiar with weapons. After all, it is in Myanmar, and the best you have ever been to!"

Qin Tian then added: "although the salary is high, it is also very dangerous. You should be prepared mentally to stand the loneliness and test. Don't be used to coming back again after you are not used to it!"

Qin Tian's words made them shake their heads.

"No way, God, we can do it!"

"Yes, my God, I can do it!"

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