After going back to Li Xinran, he explained some things and naturally made Li Xinran complain.

"Husband! Why are you going again? How many days are you at home this month

Li Xinran pouted and hugged him. Qin Tian was so hugged by her that she couldn't resist.

"Wife, Gu Yiming has an accident and lost contact in Myanmar. Can I ignore it?"

Not waiting for her to speak, Qin Tian suddenly lowered his head and kissed her red lips.

Qin Tianchen said in a deep voice, "don't worry. I'll be back soon."

"No, I want to go with you. You don't have much home this month. I want to go with you!"

"No, it's too dangerous. There are men over there. It's too dangerous for you to be a woman. Besides, I'm not going to play. I'm going to save people. By the way, see how the land of Oran international is being mined."

Qin Tian forbids her to go. Although Li Xinran is not happy, what Qin Tian said is also reasonable. Li Xinran has no choice but to stop mentioning it.

Until the next morning, Qin Tian didn't wake up when she got up. Qin Tian walked to the platform beside her and began to practice.

After the breakthrough, Qin Tian had not yet had time to practice the serious classics.

Sitting cross legged on the platform, Qin Tian began to breathe, and two huge whirlpools appeared above his head, enveloping him as a whole.

If there are practitioners in Songshan city at this time, they will surely find the vision here.

The surface of heishang stone is gradually covered by a layer of black gas. With the protagonist of qintian, there is black gas on the surface of the stone. Although it is very small, it continues to fill the fault in the black gas of qintian.

I don't know how long after that, Qin Tian felt that he was full of strength. He jumped up and directly jumped down from the upstairs. He picked up a big stone from the ground and squeezed it hard, and it broke into powder.

Qin Tian looked at his hands with satisfaction, and the corners of his mouth rose. The whole process is as light as a swallow and more flexible. You can see clearly from 100 meters away.

"Sure enough, after the breakthrough, the whole person is different, and the speed of training a cycle is also accelerated. I don't know if it is the function of Black War stone."

Qin Tian felt that he was fresh and clear now, and the sound around him could not escape his ears.

Suddenly heard Li Xinran whining, Qin Tian immediately turned down.

Just to the living room, listen to Li Xinran Nuo cry: "husband, people are hungry!"

Li Xinran's coquettish voice made Qin Tian dare not delay. He immediately answered: "my wife is hungry, my husband will do it immediately!"

Qin Tian quickly went to the kitchen, Li Xinran lying in bed happy, there is Qin Tian in, do not need her to make money, it is good to be taken care of by him.

The reason why Qin Tian is good to her is that everyone despises him when he is the most depressed. Only Li Xinran unconditionally tolerates him and accepts him. Therefore, no matter how developed Qin Tian is in the future, his wife is only Li Xinran.

After Li Xinran washed and rinsed, he sat down at the table. Qin Tian fried the steak and eggs and served them up, "please enjoy your wife!"

Li Xinran first forked a piece and handed it to Qin Tian, "my husband is hard."

"It's not hard to serve my wife. I'm not in China. You should take good care of yourself. If you can't, you can go back to your mother's home for a while, so as not to be afraid of being alone at home."

"Well, you can send me there."

Li Xinran also had this intention, and Qin Tian agreed.

Then the monkey called.

"Tiange, our procedures have been completed. It is said that we are also going to Myanmar. They will handle it for us very soon. Tiange, the air tickets have been reserved for tonight! Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are grounded, so we have to leave tonight. "

"Good. See you at the airport. Send me the ticket information."

Qin Tian hangs up the phone, finishes the steak in a hurry and starts to pack up his things. Li Xinran hears him and knows that he is leaving in the evening. Li Xinran helps to pack up his luggage. Qin Tian drives her to Li's house. After a short farewell, Qin Tian comes to his parents. He is not prepared to call. However, he still looks at his parents when he thinks that he has not seen him for a long time after Mangshan Mountain Well, after all, I don't know when this time will be over.

Qin Tian came to his home. Qin's father and mother sighed deeply when they heard that he was going to leave again.

"Oh, my God? I'm really worried about you being away from home all day

His mother's face was full of worry. Qin Tian said with a smile: "it's OK, mom. I'll just go to see if there's something wrong with my friend's business. I'll help you for a month or a week at least. It's OK. But you, usually have nothing to walk more, don't worry about me, I let Xinran back to her mother's home, you have nothing to go to see. "

"Mom, you can't leave until you've had dinner today."

Qin Tian agreed and stayed for dinner. In the afternoon, he rushed to the airport. The monkeys were already waiting. When they saw Qin Tian, they came together.

"God, we've chartered the venue. It's all our people!"

Qin Tian nodded, "this time we used to look for someone. Gu Yiming is not worried. We have to look for him when we go. I hope it's OK."Monkey smell speech tightly frown, "God brother, that is not easy to find, but we have money, some people are not afraid, he does smuggling, or is offending the local people, let's inquire about it."

Qin Tian also thinks so, if you can spend some money to find people, it is good.

Even if you can't find money, that's the trouble.

A group of people went through the security check and boarded the plane and started a foreign journey.

Gu Yiming felt that he was really unlucky. He was just smuggling a car. He had earned several rounds. He turned over the car as soon as he came over. Now his people are trapped in this ghost place. No one can contact him, so he has to obey the fate.

"Gu Yiming, we won't die here, will we?"

"Look at you! My God will come, please

Gu Yiming prayed and got ridiculed by his companions. He thought he was not afraid. It turned out that he was also a counsellor!

"If I die here, I will feel wronged. This time I have to teach that boy hard and let him cheat us!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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