Gu Yiming said that the boy was actually their friend. It was he who told Gu Yiming that the car smugglers here made money. Gu Yiming would come here regardless of everything. As a result, he was intercepted by mercenaries as soon as he arrived here. He didn't know how to speak and all the goods were seized. He thought he could make a lot of money. Now, he didn't want to make any money. He even took in the capital.

Gu Yiming's intestines are destroyed.

"Why do they keep us when they get the car and the money? Just let us go. "

Gu Yiming's friend Liming asked him at one side. Gu Yiming rolled his eyes and said, "keep our money and make money. Do you understand? We've been kidnapped. They've left us waiting for someone to come to us! "

"Are you kidding? You don't even contact us. Who knows we're here? Gu Yiming, I'm afraid that we will encounter metamorphosis, and will not want to torture us to death? "

Dawn said with a shiver, clasped his arms, very uneasy.

Gu Yiming glared at him fiercely, "can't you say something nice? You have to scare people, don't you? Shut up, you

Dawn no longer speak, Gu Yiming speed but for a long time can not let go.

The boy is not good at speaking, but he is right! In case

Nothing happened, because Gu Yiming was taken out the next second.

"Get up!"

Gu Yiming was stunned when he heard the voice, and then reacted to it. Chinese!

"My friend, you are Chinese, right? Please tell them that we have given them money and cars, and we will not pursue them. When can we leave? We promise we won't come again! "

Gu Yiming's words made the man laugh. He patted Gu Yiming's face and looked like an idiot.

"Boy, you're a fool. You don't want to leave when you get here! Let's go

"Oh, don't mess with me. If you let my brother know, you can't bear it! Oh, let go, let go of me

No matter how Gu Yiming shouts, he will be beaten up.

At this time, he realized how comfortable his life in China was. He was really out of his head to come to


Is the food not delicious or the money is not easy to earn? Qin Tian gave his essence liquid on the line, and was sold out. Why did he lose his head and go here to panic buying gold?

God, help!

Gu Yiming shows his teeth in pain. The only sound in his head is this.

Qin Tian and other talents have just got off the plane, and they are a bit muffled when they come out.

the smell of the air is thick with dust.

"My God, I've contacted them for a while. He's coming to pick us up."

Monkey arranged everything, Qin Tian nodded, but still decided not to disturb them.

"Qianming, they are working under others' hands. I don't want to disturb them if I have nothing to do. Otherwise, they will find a place to settle down. We should hurry to find Gu Yiming first. The stinky boy doesn't know where he is!"

Qin Tian vomited, and the ghost smelled the air and felt uncomfortable.

Zhou Qian didn't bring a bus for a while.

"God! monkey! Sorry for the delay. Get on the bus and I'll take you to rest! "

Zhou Qianming came down from the car to say hello, Qin Tian laughed, "pull the wind, where did you get this car? There's your bus

"There are many of us. Besides, we are here for the first time. In order not to be doubted, we rent a tourist car and will take it!"

They all put their luggage on and sat down. Zhou Qianming drove them to have a rest.

"Don't take us to the mine. We have extra tasks. We can take us to another hotel."

"Tiange, the environment here is not very good. As soon as the monkey told me, I went to check it. Gu Yiming offended the local mercenaries when they smuggled cars. They detained the people and cars. It's not so easy to find them back."

Zhou Qianming got to know the situation the second day after he arrived here.

Qin Tian didn't expect it was the mercenary who held them up.

"The head of this group of mercenaries is called Shancha. Usually they are a bully in this place. The business owners are afraid to meet them. This time, Gu Yiming is also in bad luck. What road is hard to go, but he breaks in by himself. Can people let such a fat sheep go?"

After listening to Zhou Qianming's words, Qin Tian understood something.

"Let's take an eight hour break, and then we'll go straight to their territory and pretend to be a passer-by to see what they can do."

The monkey nodded and agreed: "then we'll take a million to have a look, so that they don't doubt it. Tiange, I'll take the lead. If we see Gu Yiming, we'll act. You take people to meet us outside."

"First find a local to get familiar with the terrain. In addition, if you can redeem it, it's better. If not, you can directly kill them!"

Qin Tian explained that he divided them into two teams and took turns to rest. When they got to the place, Zhou Qianming gave them two SUVs, both military."This is the car of olan group. This car is well known here. They will know that you are in business. In addition, I am ready for weapons. Brother, you really don't need our help? The brothers are ready. "

Zhou Qian Ming is reliable in his work, Qin Tianxin has been able to do so, but he said it is also reasonable.

"We are almost dozens of people. You go back. Since you promised that people should not neglect their duties when they promised to keep jade mines, I will go to you if I have something to do."

Qin Tiandu said so, Zhou Qianming had to agree.

"We take turns to rest, team one and team four go to explore the surrounding terrain, and have a feeling of human relations. Team two and team three rest."

When he came to a local hotel in Myanmar that looked good, Qin tianordered them to rest quickly. He went out and looked out alone.

The military and local armed organizations have been fighting for a long time, and the weapons are not prohibited. Therefore, a large number of mercenaries have entered. Some of them work with the military to collect gold here and also follow the authentic armed organizations. In short, the situation is very complicated.

Now they are located in binulun, Myanmar. The most recent battle is at binulun national defense and Technology University. It is said that local armed forces have attacked the area, causing no small casualties.

Qin Tian went to a nearby supermarket, changed some Myanmar yuan, and bought some food. I can't imagine there is a supermarket opened by Chinese people. When he saw the Boss speak fluent Burmese, he turned and said "lying in the groove!" Qin Tianyue.

"Boss, do you want to make money?"

Qin Tian took out a bunch of Chinese coins and put them on the cashier's desk, and took a piece of gum with his hand.

The boss was stunned, then he waved: "do not do contraband."

"No contraband, or ask you about something. Can I find a guide?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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