Qin Tian was a little surprised by the boss's words, but he soon understood that the contraband was only in the hands of a few people. Of course, the boss did not dare to do it.

Hearing Qin Tian say to listen, the boss looked at him and took the money.

"There's nothing I don't know about this place," you say

"Well Some time ago, a Chinese young man smuggled cars from here and was caught by mercenaries. Do you know that? "

The boss looked at him warily and shook his head, "I don't know."

"I don't know? Doesn't it mean there's nothing in this street that you don't know? "

Qin Tian leaned against the counter and looked at the boss. A shrewd twinkled in the eyes of the middle-aged man. "I don't remember what I said. Get out of the way, don't hinder my business!"

The boss ordered him to leave. Qin Tian was not happy. He squinted and sneered. Then he reached out and grabbed the boss's collar. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at his temple.

"My friend remembers you say that, don't you?"

"Friends, friends really have a good memory. I think about it, think about it Ah! I remember, there is such a thing. When the young man came, he ran into them in the street next door. Before he spoke, he was taken away by the gang of people. He is still locked up in it! "

The boss said that the thief slip, as if he had seen it with his own eyes. Qin Tian took back the pistol and raised his eyebrow: "where are they?"

"Just a dozen meters away on wu'ang Avenue, the small white building is. It used to be a local government building, but now it is occupied by them, and there are local armed forces."

"Be more specific."

Qin Tian takes out a pack of cigarettes from the counter and ignites it. Although the boss is distressed, he doesn't dare to say anything. He can only pour out what he knows. Qin Tian has confidence in his heart.

Half an hour later, the boss put his hands together and begged for mercy: "big brother, big brother, I really don't know anything, really!"

Qin Tian didn't embarrass him. He asked him to change a stack of money into kyat. Apart from gum, cigarette money and consulting fee, he smoked the rest.

The boss looked at his back and saw that he had gone far away, so he found out the phone and dialed out.

Just press a number, see Qin Tian again stand in front of him, scared him a shiver, then scream a kneel down.

Qin Tian broke his finger, and the telephone landline was smashed with a punch.

"If you let me know that you have informed me, before they come, you will go to see the king of hell first!"

"No, I dare not!"

The boss cried out in pain. Qin Tian took a look at him and walked out.

When we got back to the hotel, team one and team four came back. The two teams told us what they had heard and brought a local map.

"My God, these mercenaries are just for money. It would be better if they can redeem them. We have also explored the terrain around here. The street next door is their only way every day."

The monkey unfolded the map and analyzed the current situation with Qin Tian.

Qin Tian thought: "in fact, we still have a big chance to win, but the main reason is that local armed organizations are in it. If it is only mercenaries, it will not be a problem."

"Brother Tian, we still use the old way to pretend to be a businessman. How can Gu Yiming get in, we can get in. Are we afraid of them?"

Monkey's opinion is to swagger in, anyway, there is nothing to be afraid of, the big deal is a real fight.

Qin Tian nodded, "OK, let's have a rest first. We'll arrange the task at four in the afternoon, and set out on time at six o'clock."

Qin Tian made up his mind and told them to have a rest. The other two teams got up and got familiar with all the information.

Qin Tian here and they are ready to rescue him. Gu Yiming has been beaten up and covered with bloodstains all over his body. He has never suffered such hardships. This can be regarded as an experience. Gu Yiming lies on the ground and is too painful to speak. Dawn is not much better. His body is full of blood.

"Gu Yiming, do we still have a life to go out? Why hasn't your brother come? We just hit his car and lost money. Why don't we let people go? "

Only Gu Yiming's gasping voice responded to him. He can't say a word now. It's not a group of people who hit them just now. It seems that they have been tortured.

"Gu Yiming, are you not going to die? I don't want to die, I don't have a girlfriend yet

Dawn cried out, do not know is afraid or pain.

Gu Yiming frowned and squeezed out a sentence from the dry throat, "if it's noisy, it's not death. It's a big deal to be a ghost in love."

Although the mouth said that, Gu Yiming's heart has no hope, who told him to make his own decisions?

He didn't expect that Qin Tian was driving high-profile on wu'ang Avenue. Wearing sunglasses, Qin Tian looked like a rich man, driving a car given to him by Zhou Qianming. The gold ring on his finger was particularly noticeable.

"My God, everything is ready."

The monkey's voice came from the headset. Qin Tian nodded and nodded with a smile, "we have a hard battle to fight in a moment, we have our own duties to do."In just a few hours, Qin Tian's people quickly deployed control around the white building to ensure that Qin Tian was safe after entering.

The monkey was going to go in with him. Qin Tian stopped him. He was a man of practice. He was free to advance and retreat alone. The monkey was different. If there was a gun fight, there would be more monkeys at close range.

So Qin Tian will go in alone.

Just as his car was about to reach the small building, the people upstairs had already found him. Then the guard at the door yelled. Before they could react, Qin Tian stepped on the gas and hit the door directly.

A huge bang, everyone was shocked, and then Qin Tian climbed out of the car, hands raised, face full of panic.

The mercenary also responded quickly. Seeing Qin Tian's frightened look, he took him in without any doubt.

"God, it's a pity that you don't want to be an actor."

The voice of the monkey came from the cochlea. Qin Tian begged for mercy and said, "there are 14 people on the first floor and three machine guns."

"It's very good, but it can be solved by one shell. Don't worry."

Monkey has been arranged, Qin Tian was directly taken to the third floor, which is Shancha's office.

Qin Tian deliberately pulled off, shook his clothes, and coughed softly: "I didn't mean to, or nervous, I'm ready to drive past, you take guns to scare me, I'm just flustered."

Shancha was surrounded by Chinese people, and understood his meaning. In the past, Shancha did not say anything, but waved his fingers with a gloomy face. Immediately, some mercenaries came up to escort Qin Tian to go down. Qin Tian yelled, "I have money, I have money!"

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