Qin Tian in the inside and Shancha against, outside, Yang Bing quickly downstairs, in a barrage of bullets to find a strong cover target.

"Damn it!"

The sound of machine guns made them unable to raise their heads, and Yang Bing could not pass by.

Hiding in the corner, he saw the armored vehicle approaching gradually. Yang Bing looked up and looked around. He could not manage so much.

Seeing the machine gun continuously shooting towards the small building inside, Yang Bing can only rely on experience to judge.

At this time, two machine guns were at 90 degrees, one aimed at his direction, and the other aimed at the white building.

It seems that the other side knew that they had snipers on their side, so most of the fire came at him.

Two people upstairs threw out two grenades. At the moment of explosion, Yang Bing suddenly rushed out to avoid the firing. He took a oblique step to the back of the car behind the slanting rear. As a cover, Yang Bing raised his gun and aimed. With a bang, the glass of the car splashed with blood. The armored car found Yang Bing's hiding place. Just as he was about to pass, there was a gunshot, and the machine gunner tilted again.

Take down the two machine guns. The two men who cooperate with Yang Bing look at you and throw two grenades. The door of the white building is blown up, and the aftershock shatters the car glass.

Yang Bing took advantage of the explosion to quickly find the commanding point, bullets hit the wheels one by one, and the armored vehicle was lying on the ground.

Monkeys, they heard the sound outside, their hearts were tight, they did not know what happened outside, but the explosion alone made them very frightened.

Qin Tian competes with Shancha for dozens of moves inside. Listening to the gunfire outside, Qin Tian no longer loves to fight and quickly solves Shancha.


With a loud noise, a door flew out behind the monkeys, and then Shancha's body was thrown out.

"Those who can speak Chinese will come forward!"

Qin Tian comes out, the mercenary on the opposite side looks at each other, then stands out a person.

"I understand."

"What about the young man you caught the other day? We just want people. "

The man turned back to discuss with the people behind him, and then said, "the man is in the basement, and he will bring it up immediately."

Qin Tian tilted his head, and the monkeys quickly walked to the door to make sure that there was no problem outside. This was just a gesture of OK.

But five minutes later, Gu Yiming and they were brought up. Gu Yiming was a little confused. When he saw Qin Tian, he almost cried out.

"God! I knew you came back to save us! "

Seeing Gu Yiming all over is injured, Qin Tian said in a cold voice: "Stinky boy, go back and settle accounts with you again!"

He then turned to look at the mercenaries. In fact, their weapons and equipment are very good. If they can be used, they should be a good team.

"Shancha is dead, and the armed groups outside should arrive soon. Do you want to know whether we are the enemy, are they recruited by them, or are they with us?"

"What's the difference? Isn't it under command?"

The other party's words let Qin Tian nod, "OK, then we'll go first, you'll consider clearly, if you think through, come to me again."

Qin Tian takes Gu Yiming and others to leave. The monkeys withdraw after vigilance until they confirm that they are not following up.

"Yang Bing!"

Qin Tian roared a voice, Yang Bing came out from behind the car and waved. Qin Tian nodded and the party quickly evacuated to the hotel.

This is a safe place. As soon as Gu Yiming lay down, he bared his teeth in pain and cried: "God, I finally wait for you. I knew you came back to save me. You don't know how miserable I am!"

"Don't howl. Save your strength. I'll give you some medicine later."

Qin Tian interrupted him and waited until the doctor came.

"How many casualties?"

The monkey shook his head, "except for two people injured, the other brothers are all intact, but this time thanks to Yang Bing, if it wasn't for his precise shooting and taking out the armored car, it's estimated that we would have to wait a long time to come out."

The monkey's words made Qin Tianqing very lucky.

"Fortunately, I called him back, otherwise I don't know if I can leave today."

"By the way, Tiange, what are you going to do with those mercenaries? I heard you just now as if they were going to be incorporated?"

"Originally, I didn't plan to compile it, but you think we made such a big noise this time. The car we drove was from Oran group. If we left, what would these people do to find Lin Wanru's trouble?"

The monkey suddenly realized, but even if they had taken part in it, it would be hard to guarantee that the gang would not bite back after they left.

Seeing the monkey's concerns, Qin Tian explained, "monkey, do you see the weapons in their hands?"

"Of course, the weapons are excellent, and there are armored vehicles outside the armed forces. As far as the force value is concerned, the regular army is not easy to deal with."

"Yes, you are right, but the regular army will certainly not let them go. They occupy the territory of the municipal government. Frankly speaking, the local armed organizations have no territory of their own, and they will leave at any time. Mercenaries just depend on who has more money. If they have money, they can control them well. Follow them, how much money can they give to the people below at a time ? What's more, if Shancha is dead, they will have a lot of trouble inside. "Qin Tian was right in his analysis. As soon as they left, differences began to arise among the mercenaries. Some of them wanted to join the government forces, some would follow the armed groups, and others would remain neutral.

Several sides argued, and the Chinese speaker said, "we have been used to fight for so many years on both sides, no matter which side we are in. Today, how many people have died, how many people have died in the armed group?"

"You mean we're going to turn to that merchant?"

"Merchant? Look at their weapons. Is he an ordinary businessman? They have military background. In China, people with military background have power and power. Only by following them can we ensure our future. "

The crowd did not speak. How did the machine gunner on the armored vehicle die? They could see clearly, snipers, what kind of merchants have snipers and so many excellent weapons?

When they hesitated, Qin Tian also gambled that they would come to find themselves.

An hour later, Gu Yiming and Liming's wounds are all wrapped up. Seeing Gu Yiming lying in bed, Qin Tian finally gets free and makes a video call to Cheng Yi.

Gu Yiming was stunned, "brother Tian, don't let her see me like this now, or she will scold me again."

"Shouldn't you? I think you just owe it to me, or you won't want to come here to make a fortune. What do you think? It's difficult for China to make money, so you can come here at risk? "

In the face of Qin Tian's satire, Gu Yiming has a bitter face. As soon as he wants to explain, Cheng Yi's phone is connected.

"Brother, Gu Yiming!"

With a scream, Gu Yiming was startled and waved to her with a bitter smile.

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