Cheng Yi's shrill voice came through the mobile phone, "Gu Yiming, your uncle's, you haven't died yet! Where have you been? Do you know how worried I am when I've been lost for so many days

In the face of Cheng Yi's anger, Gu Yiming looks at Qin Tian with a bitter smile. The latter raises eyebrows at him. He can only explain: "I'm sorry, I was kidnapped and injured. I didn't mean to keep in touch with you for so many days. Look at me. It's so miserable. I promise that I will never run around again, no matter how much money is abroad It's easy to make money. I'm not going to make it. "

"Bah! It's strange to believe you! What about God? "

Qin Tian smelled the speech to turn the mobile phone over, "I am here."

"My God, are you ok? Did those people embarrass you, did you get hurt? "

Qin Tian shakes his head. Gu Yiming lies on one side and wails: "Cheng Yi, I'm hurt. Look at me!"

"You are looking for your injury. I will take care of you when you come back! Tiange came to Myanmar just for you. If you are hurt, can you get over it? "

"I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. Well, when I go back, you can beat and scold me. Now, can you comfort me? I'm empty of money and goods. I'm distressed!"

Gu Yiming shouts miserably. Qin Tian simply gives him his mobile phone and makes him cry with Cheng Yi. It is estimated that the boy is scared in the basement. You can see his injuries.

Qin Tian walked out of the room, this floor is their people, so there is no need to worry about someone to disturb.

"Gosh, the mercenaries are here to talk to you. I've sent them to my room."

"How many people have come?"

Qin Tian asked.

"Four people."

"Well, let's go and have a look."

Let people watch Gu Yiming. Qin Tian and the monkey came to the room. As soon as he went in, he saw the Chinese man standing at the window. Seeing Qin Tian, he laughed and introduced himself: "my name is Chen Chen. I don't know what you call it?"

"Qin Tian."

"Hello, my God. We're here to learn something about it. If we follow you, what can you give us?"

Chen Chen's words are also the voice of the other three people. Qin Tianwen sat opposite them and said in a deep voice: "I don't know what you were like before. In short, if you follow me, I hope that no one can bully you in the future. If anyone dares to move you, I will certainly come to take the lead for you. This is what I can give you, and about money, you can Ask my brothers, I will never treat them unfairly. "

On these two points, when Chen Chen translated the words to the other three people, they discussed for a few minutes, and then nodded at Qin Tian.

"We agreed to join, but now this area is no longer our territory. Shancha is dead and our people can no longer stay here."

Qin tianlue thought and immediately decided, "no problem, I'll look for the place. How many people do you have?"

"Sixty men, with their own weapons and equipment, and the six million you gave me before and after."

"Six million. You're going to give me six million. You'll lead the team to me at eight tomorrow morning."

When Qin Tian made the decision, Chen Chen was surprised and admired his generosity. So he took out a dagger he carried with him and gave it to him: "this is the first trophy I captured after I became a mercenary. I'll give it to you. I'll see you at eight tomorrow morning."

Qin Tian nodded and asked the monkey to send them out. With this team, no matter what happened here in the future, he would not be afraid.

After seeing them off, the monkey came up and asked, "my God, we don't know anywhere except Oran group. Where can we find a place to settle them? Sixty people, are you going with them

"Of course not, but you're right. I'm going to build a mercenary base near the mine. In this way, no one dares to make a jade mine in the future."

Qin Tian has long thought that if he needs to employ people in the future, he can also send his own people back to help. Even if it is a mercenary, it is very high to have so much money in a month in Myanmar. Therefore, Qin Tian is sure that they will agree. Moreover, as mercenaries, they will have a share in each task they receive. If the problem of modest money is solved, they will still disobey Is that right?

Qin Tian plans to let Chen Chen be their leader. He is very accurate in looking at people. Chen Chen can come out at such a time. He can definitely speak in front of them.

However, he is most worried about the local armed forces. Their losses are not much, but this is the end of the bridge.

"Monkey, let's go to the jade mine to have a look. It's best to build it as soon as possible."

"Well, my God, we'll take a team of brothers over here, and the rest of us will be there to guard at any time."

After all, Gu Yiming's body is not suitable for transfer.

Qin Tian nods his head and turns back to see Gu Yiming. He has finished the video. Seeing Qin Tian back, Gu Yiming is helpless.

"God, how long are we going to stay here? I don't want to stay for a moment

Qin Tian glanced at him, "you, or wait for you to talk about it. Can you still get on the plane like this? Lie down! And your friend, you may have to lie down for a week before you can go backQin Tian's words let Gu Yiming sigh a long sigh, regret.

Qin Tian was very interested, "how do you remember coming here? Are you happy now? I tell you, this time, if you don't discuss with others, run out, don't think I can save you! "

Knowing that Qin Tian is good for him, Gu Yiming opened his mouth and laughed, "brother Tian, my life is saved by you. Don't worry. In the future, you say east, I dare not go west, you are south, I dare not go north, all listen to you."

Smell speech Qin Tian smile: "smelly boy!"

"Hey, hey

"I'll go out later and call them. Can you hold on to our departure in the morning? "

"Yes, yes, it's skin trauma. It's no big deal."

Gu Yiming quickly agreed that as long as he didn't stay here, he was still scared. He could be afraid of a little movement for a long time. The previous gunfight really scared him. Although he didn't see it, he could not forget the scene because of the broken limbs, broken arms and blood donation.

Qin Tian saw that he was in good condition, so he was relieved to go out and let the people of the second team stay to take care of them. He took the monkeys and a team of people to the mine, and the rest took time to rest.

Lin Wanru's mine is not far from here. It takes about an hour to drive. But because of the complicated situation here, the local people should be very careful when they travel, let alone them.

So along the way, Qin Tian was very cautious, his guns were wading, and his brothers were also very vigilant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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