I don't know whether it's because their car is too eye-catching, or the weapons on the car are frightening. After driving for an hour on the road, they didn't encounter any trouble. Qin Tian was quite surprised.

But when they got to the place, they didn't dare to be careless.

"My God, here we are."

There was a roar of machines in front of him. Qin Tian got out of the car and walked over. Here was a small hillside. A guard of ten meters was all his people. Naturally, he knew him.

"Oh, my God

I don't know who called out a voice, and they all found him and said hello to Qin Tian one after another.

"God! Oh, my God

"Good heavens

For a time, the hillside was full of voices called Tiange. Qin Tian waved his hand, and the scene seemed to be a leader's patrol.

"You're all on guard. Is there anyone in charge of Oran group?"

Qin Tian asked, Zhou Qianming ran over and heard Qin Tian's voice reply: "yes, it's below. Brother Tian, I'll take you there."

Qin Tian takes him down with him. Qin Tian soon meets the person in charge here. He is a man about thirty years old.

Seeing Qin Tian, he warmly welcomed him.

"Hello, Mr. Qin. I'm Li Xiaogang, the person in charge here. Just call me Xiao Li."

Qin Tian nodded his head and explained his intention.

"We're here to build a mercenary base right above your mine, and we need your help to see where it's most suitable, so as not to hinder your construction."

Even Zhou Qianming was surprised to hear that Qin Tian said to build a mercenary base. I don't know when Qin Tian had mercenaries. Will they develop here in the future?

Xiao Li agreed, "no problem. I'll take you to have a look. The terrain here is not complicated. There are only a few places that need to be paid attention to. We bought the other places together. Anyway, it's empty. It's just for you."

Xiao Li's words surprised Qin Tian, "don't you have to ask for instructions from general manager Lin?"

"No, Mr. Lin said before coming. If it is Mr. Qin's request, try to cooperate."

Qin Tian hears speech and laughs. Lin Wanru gives face to her. Her jade mine must help her keep it.

"Well, you can take us over and have a look. The mercenaries will come early tomorrow morning. I think we should at least help them solve the problems they have solved today."

Pointing to the three story white building not far away, Xiao Li said, "all our people live there. I don't know how many of you have? At present, there are still about ten vacant houses to make do with. "

"Sixty people, a squeeze should be about the same, but as soon as possible."

Of course, Xiao Li understood that with Qin Tian, they came to the nearby open space. It was almost 100 meters away from the jade mine. The terrain was flat, and it was the only way to the mine. If it was here, if there were outsiders coming, the mercenary base would be the first defense barrier.

"Mr. Qin, what do you think of here?"

Xiao Li asked, Qin Tian nodded, "it's here. We can start work today."

"There's a small town nearby where you can buy materials. People and villagers can help. The price is not high."

Xiao Li is very familiar with here and helps Qin Tian to introduce him enthusiastically. All the monkeys write down and immediately take a group of people to buy materials.

Qin Tian wandered around the base, probably knowing that his goal was 200 people. If this number could be reached, his team, whether it was the military or the local armed forces, would not dare to touch it easily.

With a well-trained team, sophisticated weapons and financial support, no matter who it is, they dare not make their own decisions easily.

And Lin Wanru's crazily few here will not dare to think.

Qin Tian only thought about the local forces, but he didn't expect that someone in Songshan had already had the idea of taking a piece of land.

When qintian started construction near the mine, in Songshan City, Lin Wanru's olan company welcomed several unexpected guests.

Lin Wanru looks at several men who are swaggering in front of her, and the corners of her mouth lift up her disdain.

"What brings some of you here? Please have a seat

The father and son of Tang Qingshan were very proud and pointed to the people around him and said, "Wu Ronghai, the eldest son of the Wu family in the imperial capital."

Lin Wanru raised her eyes and took a look at the man in front of her. She wore a white suit with a pair of white leather shoes. Her hair was combed meticulously. A pair of gold rimmed glasses showed his gentle temperament.

Gentle scum! Lin Wanru secretly scolded in her heart, but with a smile on her face, "it turned out to be Mr. Wu. I don't know that I came here today..."

"Ming people don't speak in secret. I heard that boss Lin bought a piece of land in Myanmar. Do you have any interest in cooperation?"

Wu Ronghai's voice is filled with a can't refuse, although it is an inquiry, but the eyes are full of pride.

Lin Wanru naturally did not want to.

"Sorry, that piece of land has already started to develop. I'm afraid it's too late for us to talk about cooperation."Lin Wanru refused directly. The son of Wu was not changed in appearance, but he said: "originally, Tang family said that boss olan international Lin was a smart man with excellent investment vision. Originally, I didn't believe it, but I was a woman. He had a short vision, but his hair was short-sighted. Today, I saw boss Lin, and I knew that this was not false. Boss Lin was still suitable for a man and served well in bed He will. "

Lin Wanru is beautiful, but he hates the guy who doesn't respect women most.

So he came down cold and said, "if Mr. Wu sincerely talks about cooperation, we welcome it. If it is to make trouble, please take your dog and leave Oran immediately!"

Dog? Tang Qingshan jumped out immediately after hearing this!

"Who are you calling a dog!"

"What are you excited about? Can you feel like a dog and beg for pity? Or what do you jump out and do? "

Lin Wanru sneered, Tang Qingshan gas face red.

Wu Ronghai was not in a hurry, his face was as early as possible, and he got up and said goodbye.

"Boss Lin may as well consider that the imperial Wu family is not comparable to several families in Songshan. If we can cooperate, I guarantee that olan will become the leading enterprise in Songshan and even the whole Shanghai sea area. What about it? Consider that I will wait for the good news of boss Lin three days later. Otherwise, I will not guarantee what I can do. Then, boss Lin must not regret it. In Myanmar, the emperor shangao is far away, and the boss Lin is afraid that he can't manage it. "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After Wu Ronghai laughed and left, Lin Wanru clenched her fist. Her strength was hard to fight in the capital. But who can guarantee that it must be them who won the final victory?

Lin Wanru, does not have a trump card in his hand?

If the people of Qin Tian can keep the mine, they may be able to resist this side.

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