Tang Guoqiang walked out of Orlan international, turned around and looked behind him, and he was unwilling to feel.

"Mr. Wu, since Lin Wanru is not appreciated, it is better for us..."

Tang Guoqiang made a neck cleaning action, Wu Ronghai shook his head, "tyranny, such a woman can be used for us is not better? Even if she doesn't cooperate, it's OK to play. "

Wu Ronghai made them smile in silence.

Tang Guoqiang's eyes are a flash of greed, a thought of Lin Wanru's good figure, and such a strong woman like her really don't know what to play with.

Tang Guoqiang can not help laughing when I think about it.

"The big boy said, I will take him to play later, and our Songshan girl is also good."

"I don't like secondhand goods. You are ready to send them to the hotel. I wait. Remember, we need original ones."

Tang Guoqiang immediately responded to, and said, "big boy, rest assured, you will be satisfied."

Wu Ronghai was sent away. Tang Guoqiang looked at his son and signaled him to find someone quickly.

Tang Qingyang is a little embarrassed, "Dad, it's no longer better than before. Where can I find the original one? The bars in the nightclubs are not all those rotten goods! "

"I have money to do things well. I go to school. There are many girls there. I'll find two clean ones. Remember, don't let big brother Wu down. If something goes wrong, we can eat it!"

Wen Yan Tang Qingyang nodded quickly. He played many women, and he felt that Wu Ronghai would not play. To say that women still have to be Lin Wanru's taste.

There are several universities in Songshan city. Tang Qingyang chose a two university, which is not very famous, but the quality is still OK.

His luxury car stopped at the school door, and there were two bottles of drinks on the roof. He leaned on the side of the car alone, looking at the college students who came and went by, and flashed a little disdain in his heart.

College students? Bah! Not a bunch of high education whores!

Tang Qingyang was disdainful in his heart, but he didn't see a student coming for half an hour. Only a cleaning mother was wandering around him.

Tang Qingyang is helpless, but also feel evil gate, Ma, what is this situation!

The mother stared at the drink on his roof, and she couldn't help it for half an hour.


This voice let Tang Qingyang frighten a jump, quickly cover his chest vigilantly look at her.

"What? Don't tell me you're going, mom! "

"I asked you if you drink this drink? Give me the bottle! "

Tang Qingyang was furious and threw the drink into the car and then got on the car and left.

The mother at one side of the Bah: "not to say not early, the more money more stingy, I have been waiting so long!"

The mother voice just fell, the door of the assistant driver of Tang Qingyang was opened, and then a student sister came up, which seemed quite pure.

"Please have dinner, brother!"

Tang Qingyang looked at her, jeans skirt and white T-shirt. It was long and straight, and it looked good.

"Is it a girl?"

The girl was stunned, her face was slightly red, Tang Qingyang also asked no questions, and started the car to rush out.

"Please eat, give you a night, and I will play with my boss. If you are a girl, I will abandon you if you are happy!"

The girl nodded, took out the makeup box and threw a layer of powder, the sound was very sweet.

"Little brother, I like to play, but never night."

Tang Qingyang took two stacks of money out of his bag and threw it over.

The girl tucked the money into her bag and gathered her long hair. "No problem, I will not let you down."

"Do you have any classmates? Let her come together. "

Tang Qingyang asked, the girl thought to ask, "is it 20000?"

"As long as you are clean, there is reward behind the boss. Hurry up, don't let people wait for a hurry!"

Tang Qingyang's words made the girl can't wait to get up, it won't take ten minutes to arrive.

Seeing these two girls, Tang Qingyang was suddenly excited.

Mom, let Wu Ronghai taste fresh, and he also needs to find a fire to drain fire, send them to wuronghai's room, and then he calls to find a girl to open the room.

Tang Qingyang held a long sigh of relief around the girl, and the whole people were comfortable.


Suddenly, a scream came, startled Tang Qingyang sat up! The heart thumped!

"What's the matter!"

Then I heard the roar of Wu Ronghai: "get out of here!"

Tang Qingyang immediately woke up, and quickly climbed up, wrapped in clothes and rushed out.

"What's the matter, big boy?"

I saw Wu Ronghai face iron green, deep voice: "I want original, not second-hand, you when I am the word is whispering?"

Tang Qingyang was stunned, and looked at the girl lying on the ground, one of whom was still shivering."You lied to me?"

"Pa!" Tang Qingyang couldn't help it. He slapped her on the ground!


Tang Qingyang couldn't help it any more. Then Wu Rong customs went to the door. Tang Qingyang ruined the matter and had to make it right. So he sent people to the nearby field to ask for help. But he would not let go of these two bitches.

"You two, pretending to be innocent? I'll make you regret later! Drag them both in

At the command of Tang Qingyang, several horses immediately came to drag the two girls away.

Tang Qingyang turned and entered the room.

The slap made them both faint.

"These two little bitches will be handed over to you. Kill them!"

Tang Qingyang hate voice, the horses are eager to try, each eye flashed a greedy desire, soon became the purgatory of the world.

Wu Ronghai, separated by a wall, ushered in the qualified products 20 minutes later. Seeing the girl in the school uniform being sent in, he soon cried. Tang Qingyang knew that this time was right.

As expected, Wu Ronghai did not feel relieved.

Fortunately, there are many students here. Otherwise, we can't make the difference.

"Boss, those two little bitches are hi. Do you want to go in and play?"

When Ma Zai comes out to report, Tang Qingyang shakes his head, but he goes in with his mobile phone.

He photographed the whole process, of course, he also fed them a lot of medicine, and in most of the day, they became a pool of mud.

"Well, throw them out at night! Make it clean. "

Tang Qingyang disdains the way, anyway all played, is also their own volition, the accident also cannot find oneself.

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