However, Tang Qingyang didn't expect that this time it was really planted. Towards the end of the night, the two girls woke up and looked at the traces on their bodies. They collapsed. One of them took a photo and sent a microblog and then jumped down from the hotel upstairs!

At this time, it was the rush hour after work. There were so many people coming and going. Many luxury cars stopped at the door of the hotel. When she jumped down, she just hit one of the Audi cars, causing passers-by to watch.

Ambulances and police cars are roaring. Ding Hanxue shows people that she must have been humiliated and jumped off the building in spite of being humiliated. She jumped down naked and obviously suffered a lot of grievances.

"You two go up and have a look. We'll take a look. We'll block the room."

Ding Hanxue made a quick voice, and the police immediately began to act.

Wu Ronghai was cold eyed upstairs. His face was a little ugly.

Tang Qingyang and his son burst in and said, "young master, let's go! It's not good if the police find us in a moment. "

"Are you afraid of her? But it's just a little girl. What's so terrible about it? "

Wu Hai looks at Ding Hanxue with great interest. Seeing her enter the hotel, Wu Hai turns to look at Tang Qingyang and his son.

"Sure enough, you are unreliable. You can't do such a small thing well, and you've lost your life!"

"Big childe, it's all my fault. We must deal with this matter well. But let's go. This girl is the daughter of the director of public security and has a close relationship with Qin Tian. Let's go!"

Wu Ronghai was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, she was so good with Qin Tian.

"In that case, I can't leave any more. I'd like to see what they can do to me? Qin Tian is not here. What can these people do to me? "

Wu Ronghai's words reassured Tang Qingyang and his son. Since the eldest son wanted to confront Qin Tian, they would sit and have a look.

When Ding Hanxue came over, she saw a lot of horsemen, who seemed to be members of a certain society.

"Captain, the hotel's monitoring shows that the dead man was brought by Tang Qingyang. Now the man is on top of him. There is another man, Wu Ronghai, the eldest son of the Wu family in the imperial capital. The dead was sent to his room. For some reason, he was sent out again. Then he entered Tang Qingyang's room, and then a dozen of young horses entered behind..."

What happened after that is self-evident.

Ding Hanxue's eyes were deep, "these animals! Take all the suspects back! "

When Wu Ronghai came down, he took a special look at Ding Hanxue. He liked this girl. With his experience, Ding Hanxue should be a place. When this matter is over, he will definitely have a good time with her.

Wu Ronghai's eyes make Ding Hanxue very uncomfortable, knowing that he is the legitimate son of the imperial Wu family, Ding Hanxue's eyes are full of disdain.

"Captain, there is a girl who has been sent to the hospital, but she is not in good condition."

Ding Hanxue nodded and went back to interrogate them first.

A group of people were taken to the police station. Just after returning, Ding Hanxue was called into the office by Ding Jianguo.


Ding Jianguo nodded, "I heard that many people were arrested today?"

"Yes, there was a homicide case in the Imperial Hotel. It was initially suspected that the victim jumped from the building by gang rape. All the suspects involved have been arrested."

"It is said that there are people from the Wu family in the imperial capital. You should be careful. I have received a phone call from the imperial capital just now, saying that it is a misunderstanding. Let's see to it."

Ding Hanxue didn't expect that the news would reach the imperial capital so soon. Wu Ronghai was really magical. However, everyone was equal before the law. They would not wronged any innocent person and certainly would not let go of any criminal.

"The director can rest assured that we will find out the facts."

"You know what you know."

Ding Jianguo explained that she went down after a few words. Ding Hanxue knew that her father was just worried about the pressure on her. If they really found out the facts, they would not let Wu Ronghai off easily because the other party said hello.

In the interrogation room, Wu Ronghai sat on his chair with a relaxed face. When he saw Ding Hanxue coming in, a smile flashed on his face.

"When I first went to Songshan City, I didn't expect to see beautiful police flowers in such a place."

"No nonsense! Be honest

Ding Hanxue looked at him seriously. Wu Ronghai shrank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Stinky girl, now horizontal, then let you know how powerful I am!


Ding Hanxue's business is business. Wu Ronghai doesn't hide it. He tells us that they are students and they don't sell them.

"Then why did you drive them out again?"

"They asked me for money. If I didn't give it, they quarreled with them. Later, they still gave it. However, I was not interested in it, so I let them go. I didn't expect that the current students are so shameless. After going out, they still play with so many people. As a result, they don't know what medicine they took and jumped off the building."

Wu Ronghai makes light of it, as if the dead are not people but ants.

Ding Hanxue and her colleagues take a look at each other. The information from the forensic medicine side shows that drugs were indeed found in the body of the deceased.In addition, the one in the hospital confirmed that he did take the medicine.

"You said there was no transaction, but the mobile phone of the deceased showed that you took the initiative to find them and bought them with money?"

Wu Ronghai looked at the mobile phone in the evidence bag, shook his head and said with a smile: "then I don't know. After all, I didn't contact him. You go to ask Tang Qingyang. He looked for people. Finally, there was an accident in his room. From now on, I won't answer any questions from you."

Wu Ronghai suddenly closed his mouth and became silent. Ding Hanxue also knew that he could not ask anything from his mouth, so he asked his colleagues to detain him and let Tang Qingyang be interrogated at the same time.

Ding Hanxue was under great pressure this evening. Two hours after Wu Ronghai was arrested, there were continuous phone calls from the provincial government and the imperial capital. Ding Jianguo had already pressed down a lot, but many leaders still called to "comfort".

Because Wu Ronghai had little to do with the matter, Tang Qingyang admitted that he had done it when he was on trial, so Wu Ronghai was released that night.

Ding Hanxue looks at him swaggering out, feeling a little uncomfortable, but what can he do? They have no evidence.

"Beautiful police flower, we will have a chance to meet again."

Wu Ronghai's voice makes Ding Hanxue disdain. She stares at Wu Ronghai fiercely and turns to leave.

Wu Ronghai winked at his subordinates, and his subordinates reacted immediately.

Ding Hanxue separated from her colleagues after work and drove back alone.

There was no one on the road at night, but she was used to it. It was like this for many nights.

When the vehicle stopped at the crossroads, two more motorcycles were added to Ding Han's snowmobile. When the green light came on, the motorcycles first rushed out and disappeared in the night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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