Ding Hanxue didn't take it seriously and rushed straight out. As a result, just a few decades later, the tire burst suddenly. The sharp brake sound in the night made Ding Hanxue pale. The car finally stopped and leaned against the curb. Ding Hanxue was about to get out of the car to investigate. Suddenly, a roar came and her window glass was smashed.

Ding Hanxue touched her waist and was shocked. She didn't go out on a mission. She didn't have a gun, so now she has to rely on herself.

She did not dare to get out of the car, so she found out her mobile phone to call her father.

Just as she was about to dial the number, there was another crackle. The glass in her ear was broken, and she was pulled out of the car by a strong force. Ding Hanxue struggled hard. Four people of the other party approached with iron bars, but they didn't beat themselves. They just surrounded her in the middle, and Ding Hanxue had some.

The roar of motorcycles attracted the attention of people nearby. A black car was parked far away on the road. Seeing what happened here, the car started and drove towards this side.

"Boss, it seems that it is Tian Ge's friend, Ding Hanxue, the daughter of the director of public security."

Jiao Cheng nods, "hit the past! No matter who the daughter is, what are these people bullying a little girl? "

In the car is the focal distance. Seeing everything that happened here from afar, Jiaocheng couldn't help it. He let people drive the car and they came to them and drove them away in an instant.

"Little x, you dare to be wild in my territory? Get out of here

Jiao Cheng roars, and several motorcycles leave.

"Ah! You can't run

Ding Hanxue turned to look at Jiao Cheng and said, "thank you, brother."

"Don't mention it. You are a friend of Tiange, that is, our friend. It is proper to help you."

Ding Hanxue was surprised, "Qin Tian? Are you from qintian? What about others? "

Jiao Cheng hehe smiles, "Tiange has gone to Myanmar, but you still can't come back, but do you want to worry? Shall we send you back?"

Smell speech Ding Han snow embarrassed smile, "trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble. It should be, the police and the people."

Ding Hanxue laughs with embarrassment. It's really a family, but it's embarrassing that he was rescued by the bully boss. After all, they don't look so hateful. They are still very good.

After calling the insurance company, Ding Hanxue gets on Jiaocheng's car first.

"What did Qin Tian do in Myanmar? He has a business there, too? "

Jiao Cheng touched his head and said, "just go and have a look. Isn't there a piece of land to be developed? I borrowed some people from us to help her watch the market. If I'm not sure, I'll go and have a look. "

So it is.

"By the way, officer Ding, how come those people are after you?"

Ding Hanxue sighs and tells the story of tonight, and Jiao Cheng is furious.

"What a group of animals! I didn't expect that Tang Qingyang and his son would dare to come! Tiange is not here, they are so arrogant. When Tiange comes back, they dare to jump! "

Ding Hanxue shook his head. "They are not terrible. It's mainly Wu Ronghai. According to the information we have, they went to Oran group as soon as they got off the plane. According to what you said, maybe they are aiming at Qin Tian. After all, the imperial capital would not let people come here to deal with such a mess!"

Songshan Wu family lost power, at that time emperor Kyoto did not come, this time instead came, isn't it strange?

Ding Hanxue thinks more and more that something is wrong, so he calls Qin Tian.

Qin Tian just finished his training and was ready to go to bed. When he saw Ding Hanxue's number, he thought it was Chen Jun who had news, so he immediately got through.

"Captain Ding, what's the good news?"

"Not good news..."

Ding Hanxue tells Qin Tian everything that happened here, and the latter's face becomes more and more serious.

Lin Wanru didn't say that. If it was true, her own mercenaries would come in handy.

"I see. I'll contact Lin Wanru. Be careful."

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian immediately called Lin Wanru. After the phone rang more than ten times, Lin Wanru got through.

"Did the Wu family come to you?"

As soon as she got through, Qin Tian asked her straight away. Lin Wanru was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect to know, so he didn't hide it.

"If they want to cooperate, they probably want to embezzle. How can I agree?"

Qin Tianchen said in a deep voice: "promise them, but let them come to talk with me, and say that this place has been entrusted to me. Do you understand? "

They are in Songshan, and they are in Myanmar. In case of an accident, they can't help her at all. Only when they come here, where the situation is complicated and fists are everything, can Qin Tian ensure that the initiative is in his hands.

Lin Wanru is a smart person. The Wu family gave her three days. She waited until the next day to call, as if after careful consideration.

After hearing this, Wu Ronghai burst into laughter and agreed. It seems that the name of Wu family in the imperial capital still works.However, there was no one around to help, so he forced the girl in the hospital to overturn her confession and saved Tang Qingyang.

Ding Hanxue is so angry! What can the remaining minions do for you? However, the above repeated pressure, coupled with their lack of direct evidence, can only let Tang Qingyang out.

For the first time, Ding Hanxue questioned her career. Despite the opposition of her colleagues, she rushed into the director's office. Ding Jianguo knew that she would come. He grew up with this daughter, and her character was as stubborn as herself.

"Director, is this how to explain to the families of the victims? That's a human life. How can we let go of those behind the scenes so easily? "

She suddenly envied Qin Tian. If it was him, there must be a way to solve it.

Ding Jianguo patted her on the shoulder, motioned her to sit down and said.

"Han Xue, sometimes we have to learn to wait. Now we don't move. We just want to collect the net in the future. Do you think that the emperor paid so much attention to this person, did he expose a network of relationships? I've written down all the people I've called to take care of these days. I'll find out the relationship behind them when I check. Do you understand? "

Ding Hanxue understood, but now they can't be brought to justice. It will be difficult to catch them again in the future.

The relationship between the imperial capital and the provincial government is not her concern. As long as they are still in Songshan, this matter must be solved!

"Dad, Qin Tian is right. Sometimes violence can really solve the problem. Once the girl's family takes risks, we will face the pressure of public opinion. At that time, some leader will not be able to solve the problem."

Ding Hanxue is right. Ding Jianguo also knows the seriousness of the matter, but he can't stop it.

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