The father and daughter sat down to discuss the follow-up work. Ding Hanxue had thought whether she would go to the hospital again to examine another injured girl, but the news came from the hospital that she was gone!

This makes Ding Hanxue very passive.

Old Ding knew her daughter's difficulties and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her: "nothing. It's hard for women to talk about this kind of thing. There's a lot of work you have to do. Remember, sometimes it's more important to dredge up. It's just disgusting to surround her."

"But Dad, I'm just worried that the girl won't be able to stay in school once this happens."

Originally, it was not a good school. It was easy to sit in a stranger's car. The girl who made this kind of transaction was not simple. Now when something happened, the police have informed the school and caused human life. Will the school let that girl go easily?

She couldn't stay with her punishment and ridicule.

Think of here, Ding Hanxue some heart block.

"I'll take people to see the school first. As for the boy Tang Qingyang, even if he goes out, I can make him come back again."

Ding Jianguo knows her daughter's temper, and her only hope is that she is safe.

Ding Jianguo has known about last night. He dares to fight his daughter on the main road. This time, no matter which leader he is, he will not be polite!

However, not long after Tang Qingyang went out, Wu Ronghai received a call from Lin Wanru. After hearing Lin Wanru's voice, Tang Ronghai was quite proud. Originally, he felt sorry for Ding Hanxue's incident, but when he heard Lin Wanru say that things about the mine had taken a turn for the better, Wu Ronghai burst out laughing.

"Mr. Lin is really wise. I will communicate with Qin Tian on this matter. As for the result, if Mr. Lin doesn't mind, I will use extraordinary means."

Lin Wanru is surprised at the speech, but she is not afraid to think that Qin Tian should be prepared there in Myanmar.

"Mr. Qin will be very happy to see you even if you want to communicate with Mr. Wu. By the way, I forgot to tell you that the Wu family is basically in decline in Songshan. Please clean your eyes and don't keep any dogs. Some dogs can carry their owners faster than you think."

With that, Lin Wanru hung up the phone. Wu Ronghai's face suddenly darkened. He turned to look at Tang Qingyang. His anger was on his mind, and he was slapped in the face!

"There is not enough to accomplish, but more to fail!"

This slap in the face of Tang Qingyang muddled, his anger also rubbed upward, "you do what!"

"What is Laozi doing? Tang Qingyang, what else can you do? If you find a girl, you can make a fool of yourself. You are a waste. I dare to ask you what to do when I beat you. I'm not in a good mood! "

When Wu Ronghai's temper came up, he kicked Tang Qingyang down, followed by his subordinates to fight. After a while, he beat Tang Qingyang black and blue, lying on the ground and unable to get up.

When Tang Guoqiang came in, he saw this scene and quickly came to plead for mercy. "Don't be angry. I've found you two good ones. It's true that he keeps them. I'll take him out and teach him a good lesson."

"Get out of here, trash!"

Wu Ronghai's voice is filled with a trace of irony. His subordinates quickly drag Tang Qingyang out. Tang Guoqiang follows him out, leaving only two ignorant girls. Indignant and angry slobber, Tang Qingyang came out of the door. "Mom, he really thinks he has the final say here." I'm just a young man who dares to beat me... "

"You just have to stop. If you can't do something well, you're still squatting in it if it wasn't for the Wu family."

Tang Guoqiang interrupted his complaint and took him to a nearby clinic for medication.

It's all skin trauma. It's good to keep it for two days. But here in Wu Ronghai, Tang Qingyang is a complete waste.

When Wu Ronghai enjoyed it, he remembered to call Qin Tian.

At this time, all the mercenaries of Qin Tian had been gathered. Led by Chen Chen, 60 people had arrived at the mine. When they saw the temporary rest place that Qin Tian had prepared for them, their faces were a little ugly.

Although they thought of the poor conditions, they didn't expect that they needed to live with others. It was not easy for so many people to gather here.

These mercenaries include Burmese natives as well as American people, so it is difficult to manage the mixed languages.

Until here, everyone complained, Qin Tian looked at the first to pick up a few people, motioned Chen Chen Chen to come to talk.

"Mr. Qin, give me a little time. They need to adapt."

Chen Chen also felt embarrassed, but Qin Tian ignored.

"They are not three-year-old children, they are all licking blood on the tip of a knife. What kind of affectation are they playing here?"

Qin Tian spoke in a loud voice. Seeing them all looking over, he repeated it again in English. Those who complained about something kicked over the bucket at the door.

Under this Zhao Donghui several people can't help, rushed to fight with them.

Qin Tian doesn't stop them. It's time to take over these mercenaries. If they can't beat them, it's a waste of food to keep them.Chen Chen looked at the side of the panic, but the mercenaries were particularly excited, sitting around and yelling. It's all close combat. It's real kung fu. It's real boxing. It's not ambiguous at all.

At this time, Qin Tian's mobile phone rang. He looked down at the mobile phone. It was the domestic number. Although he didn't know who it was, Qin Tian was still connected.

"I'm Qin Tian."

Wu Ronghai's simple self introduction flashed a light in his eyes.

"Mr. Qin, I'm Wu Ronghai, the mine of olan international. Our Wu family is very interested."

Qin Tian laughed and turned to look at the people who were fighting, and said with disdain: "so what? I don't want to share what I like. Wu family is not qualified yet! "

Qin Tian deliberately provoked him. Wu Ronghai clenched his fist and said in a cold voice, "in this case, I'm not polite. Mr. Qin, we'll meet soon. Good luck to you."

Wu Ronghai hung up the phone and looked up at the men in front of him. "Go and contact the local mercenaries. This time, I want Qin Tian to die!"

"Yes, young master."

Wu Ronghai thought about it and called Tang Qingyang and his son.

Seeing Tang Qingyang's black nose and swollen face, Wu Ronghai felt very inconvenient to his eyes, but the two dogs were still useful.

"Pack up immediately. We'll leave for Myanmar in the evening. This time, I'll contact the mercenary. You can follow me and see how I deal with the boy!"

Tang Qingyang heard that he immediately laughed. As long as he can clean up Qin Tian, his beating can be written off. After all, not everyone has the strength to compete with Qin Tian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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