Seeing that Qin Tian didn't move, Tang Guoqiang was in a hurry. He grabbed the leg of his pants and yelled, "the emperor's Wu family has a good wind and a smooth water. All depend on the support of the imps!"

Tang Guoqiang didn't care much about it. He didn't wait for Qin Tian to open his mouth.

Qin Tian is not interested.

"Who in business doesn't support that? Or Mr. Feng Shui will stay here. These are not secrets at all! "

Qin Tian shook his head, glanced at Tang Qingyang lying on the ground, looked at Tang Guoqiang again, and said with disdain: "don't sell miserably. If you didn't look for God's Jingwu family and they were far away in the sky, how could they come to such a ghost place? Tang Guoqiang, you choose a way to die! "

Qin Tian turned around and looked at the mine not far away. The roar of the machine covered up the voice of his speech.

Tang Guoqiang knew that he could not escape today, but he still had a fluke mind.

"Lord Qin, I know it's all my fault, but if you kill me, the Wu family will not let you go!"

Now, Tang Guoqiang still thinks that the Wu family will keep him. Qin Tiantian is worried about his IQ. Zhao Donghui looks worried and kicks him hard!

"You dare to threaten people, God. I think it's time to beat them! Here's the shredder. Let's just drop it, so we don't have to talk to him

Qin Tian nodded, "this is the best, neat, you don't want this jade mine, simply stay here forever."

Qin Tian waves his hand and signals them to take the person away. Tang Qingyang lies on the ground motionless. After being dragged away, he finally wakes up and struggles desperately. Tang Guoqiang yells: "Qin Tian, there are many secrets of the Wu family. What they want is not only the jade mine, but also those who are right with the Wu family! Qin Tian, you can't die easily. I'm waiting for you below! "

Tang Guoqiang's cry makes Qin Tian sneer, waiting for him below? Then there will be. Wait.

"Tiange, did they clean up Wu Ronghai?"

The monkey is still thinking about the pervert, thinking about the addition.

But Qin Tian didn't intend to get rid of him here. "Don't you want money from the Wu family? It's almost OK. It's provoking them. It's not easy to explain when we go back. "

Qin Tian is not afraid of anything, but he doesn't want them to trouble themselves.

The monkey understood. Then Qin Tian turned around and took a look at the location of the mine. The big man threw Tang Guoqiang into the crusher. The roaring sound of the machine covered up his cry. The red could be seen from a long distance.

"All right, let's go and have a rest. I'll tell you the rules of our mercenary troop tomorrow."

For Qin Tian's behavior, the mercenaries are not surprised. They have learned from the big man's mouth what Tang Qingyang and his son have done, so now they are smashed, and the mercenaries don't feel anything wrong.

However, after a while, the two people in the grinder became meat mud. Qin Tian and others went back to rest one after another. The big man then brought a mobile phone.

"Qin, their cell phone."

The big man handed the mobile phone over. Qin Tian took it and looked at many things inside. He broke the mobile phone and threw it on the ground.

"Wu Ronghai, keep an eye on it, monkey. Have you got the money?"

The monkey looked at the computer and nodded, "here we are, brother. What are we doing now?"

"Wait, Wu Ronghai can't wait for Tang Qingyang. He will come over."

While waiting, Qin Tian began to work on jade mines. This land is about 1000 square meters, which is not big, but there are many jades below.

"Mr. Qin, I'll show you around."

Xiao Li came over and took the initiative to take him down. Qin Tian shook his head and laughed: "no, we are in charge of nursing. It's not good to go down and see."

"Mr. Qin is polite. Mr. Lin has already said that Mr. Qin is his own man."

Seeing the smile flashing in Xiao Li's eyes, Qin Tian knows that he has misunderstood him, and he doesn't know what Lin Wanru said. In short, it will be hard to explain.

"Well, then, go down and have a look."

He helped Lin Wanru deal with Tang Qingyang and his son Xiao Li. They saw it and didn't say anything. I think they have seen more of this kind of thing.

But Xiao Li's face did not change, it seems that he has seen the world.

"Mr. Qin, we have been here for half a month. Now the jade below is mined out, but we dare not go to some places, so please come down and have a look."

Xiao Li's words let Qin Tian relieved that he was seeking from himself.

"Well, I'll go down with you."

Qin Tian went down with him, and many fine jades could be seen at the gate of the jade mine, but there was a layer of black gas on it. As soon as the black gas saw people coming in, it retreated. Xiao Li could not see it, but Qin Tian could see clearly.

"What's going on down here?"

Qin Tian couldn't help asking, and Xiao Li sighed: "originally, the mining was very smooth when we came in, but from the day before yesterday, as long as we started working, there were abnormal noises below. When we went down, we didn't see anything. However, as soon as the machine was turned on, there was a sound. Besides, they all said that there were ghosts here. I'm not sure."That's why I asked him to come and have a look.

Qin Tian nodded and looked around after he came in. Basically, he could be sure that there was a ghost inside.

It can be seen from the ghost gas at the entrance of the cave. There are more than one here. I don't know what they think. They actually stay here.

This is Myanmar, and it's open space. This underground mine was discovered. Did something happen before, but they didn't know?

"Xiao Li, don't go in. I'll go and have a look myself. In addition, you can ask the local people what happened here."

Seeing that he looked serious, Xiao Li understood immediately. I'm afraid there is something here.

"Mr. Qin, you alone..."

"It's OK. I'm not afraid of ghosts. They can't hurt me."

Qin Tian urges him to go out quickly. Since he has come, let's see clearly. Xiao Li is not good for him.

After Xiao Li went out, Qin Tian walked in alone.

In fact, there's nothing to see in the mine, just a pit. There's a faint green light in the middle, which seems to be jade.

Qin Tian took a deep breath and ran the ghost gas. A huge whirlpool appeared on the top of his head. Soon, the ghost gas around him began to gather.

Qin Tian coldly hums: "all come out, there is no outsider here."

The ghost spirit of his whole body began to circle and completely covered himself.

Hearing his voice, dozens of ghosts began to hover around him, gradually showing itself.

Qin Tian opened his eyes and looked around. There were broken limbs and broken arms.

Sure enough, this is not a good place.

It's good to be angry and not killed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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