Thanks to Qin Tian's people coming, otherwise something would have happened.

"Who are you? How can you see us? "


Qin Tian looked at them carefully. They were all dressed in Chinese clothes.

"Chinese? I'm Qin Tian. This land belongs to my friend. How long have you been here? "

Hearing Qin Tian speak, an old man led by him recovered his original appearance.

"Qin Tian? We've been dead for decades. We've bought this place and lived for decades. If you hadn't mined the jade mine, we wouldn't have been able to come out. The main purpose of the noise is to remind you that we can't mine any more. "

"What do you say?"

Qin Tian frowned. He couldn't feel something below.

Those dozens of people have recovered their original appearance. Qin Tian saw that the clothes they were wearing were almost 20 years ago.

"Here, what happened before? You are Chinese, how can you live here? "

Qin Tian didn't understand. He went to observe them carefully. He was very angry, but he didn't cultivate himself. It seemed that he was suppressed by something.

The chief old man looked almost sixty years old. When he heard him ask, he did not immediately answer him. Instead, he asked, "we told you. Can you take us out? Back in Huaxia, we really want to go home. Our bones are still below. "

Below? Qin Tian takes a look at the pit in front of him. Are they still under the ore? It's impossible. It seems that these jade mines are formed naturally. How can they be buried under them?

Seeing Qin Tian's face showing doubts, the old man sighed and waved his big hand. A picture suddenly appeared in front of Qin Tian.

"It was twenty-three years ago, a group of us all talked about China. At that time, a man told us that working could earn money, but our family conditions were not good, so they all agreed. We were from a village, and we came here directly after we came out. I didn't expect that!"

The old man sighed, and the picture in front of Qin Tian gradually became clear.

Qin Tian saw a man in a black jacket. Now he is at the front. It seems that he is the person in charge here.

"Congratulations on being here and contributing your strength to our cause. This is your blessing."

The words of black jacket made a group of them at a loss. They saw that the black jacket snapped its fingers and immediately came to take them to the cave entrance.

"Then there will be a hole?"

Qin Tian didn't understand, and the old man nodded, "this place has been mined 23 years ago, but I don't know why, as soon as the machine is turned on, people will die. The master they invited said they need to sacrifice, and the living sacrifice, so they found us."

Qin Tian is furious. What master is this? It's just a mine. Why do you need so many people to sacrifice?

Qin Tian didn't believe it. He took the lead to jump down and came to the center of the big pit. He stretched out his right hand and felt it for a while, and immediately took a breath of cool air!

There was a burst of shade below...

Qin Tian jumped up with force, and dozens of people around him immediately gave out a howl.

"Qin Tian, can you help us? We are all killed by people. We have been waiting for rescue for so many years. Originally, we have not reported any hope here, nor have we harmed anyone. When you come, we will not make trouble. We only hope that you can help us, return to our roots and settle down in peace. "

Qin Tian knows that it's just that the jade mine needs to be mined now, and it is estimated that there is still something to come out of it.

"Uncle, do you know what else is down there?"

Qin Tian raised his head and asked. The old man frowned tightly: "we didn't know. At that time, they forcibly pushed down the millstone and crushed to death. After death, the spirits hovered here, but we didn't dare to go down there. We were really afraid."

Even they're scared. Look, there's something underneath.

Qin Tian nodded, "well, you can't go out for the time being. This mine can't be mined now. I'll take you back when I think of a way."

"Qin Tian, if we can really return to China, we will have a wish. Thank you!"

The old man arched to kneel down and was stopped by Qin Tian, "wait for me to think of a way to talk, you wait first."

The old man nodded and disappeared with dozens of people.

Qin Tian was in a complicated mood. He went out and walked out of the mine. The sun was shining outside. He felt that the temperature outside was more than ten degrees.

I didn't expect there was a living sacrifice in this small place. Qin Tian shakes his head and looks a little ugly.

Monkey and Zhou Qianming saw him coming out and rushed to meet him.

"God, what's the matter? I saw Xiao Li go out in a hurry just now. What's the matter

Qin Tian's face was solemn and solemn. He took them to the dormitory and summoned all the captains. Then he told them one by one.

"It is estimated that the mine will not be able to start construction for a day or two, but our people will still be here."

"Tiange, what's in it? Why can't we exploit it?"

Monkey don't understand, Qin Tian simply said once, after hearing, they were shocked."Sacrifice for the living? This evil gate? "

"I only heard about the evil arts and the head dropping on the south side before. But the sacrifice of the living people seems to be something of the Chinese nation. The Chinese people have been active more than 20 years ago in this place. How can Lin always buy this land?"

Zhou Qianming reminded Qin Tian that, indeed, if it was a sacrifice, how could Lin Wanru buy the land?

The black jacket should be guarded, and now they find the secret. The sacrifice will be destroyed. Can't they think of it?

There is a strange place everywhere. Qin Tian dare not act without any water.

"Check out and see who knows where it was before."

Qin Tian spoke. They naturally knew what to do.

When they all dispersed, the big man and Chen Chen came.

Seeing Qin Tian, Chen Chen was a little upset and asked, "I have written from wuronghai and asked us how we are progressing."

Qin Tian took out his cell phone and dialed the number of wuronghai.

Wu Ronghai was in a state of great urgency. After Tang Qingyang's father and son went out, he didn't have any news. All of them were connected with him. Now, Wu Ronghai is not sure that he will never return.

"Qin Tian" was shocked by the call from Qin Tian? How do you return it... "

"Still alive? I live a good life because you miss me. But the people you sent are too weak. I told all the secrets of your Wu family before it started. I don't want to hear it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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