General alpha took a look at the people around him, especially the reporters. When they came in just now, the reporter had already photographed him. Although they were not afraid of their broadcasting, they still had some deterrent significance.

"Well, dig the bones first."

General alpha agreed. Qin Tian and others breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the workers to excavate.

These bones of the living sacrifice are piled together. It's not difficult to dig them. It's difficult to assemble them into complete bones. However, Qin Tian was there, and the bones were quickly separated.

Wu Ronghai ridiculed: "you have such a study of bones, it should not be your own pit to kill it?"

"I told you to shut up. If you don't shut up, I don't mind making you one of them."

Qin Tian said lightly, Wu Ronghai snorted coldly. Just about to speak, he caught a glimpse of general alpha's warning eyes, and he immediately closed his mouth.

Put a general on me? wait and see!

Wu Ronghai sneered and stood aside without making a sound.

Three hours later, all the bones were dug out, a total of 99. Apart from the dozens of souls that Qin Tian collected into the jade pendant, where did the rest go?

Qin Tian felt strange, but general alpha only cared about who the bones were.

"Explain it."

General alpha turned to look at Lin Wanru.

"I don't know. I also bought the land from the Myanmar government. In fact, it doesn't matter at all. The important thing is that all the procedures for purchasing this land are legal. As long as the general can turn a blind eye, we olan international will not let the general suffer."

Lin Wanru then took out a bank card from her bag. The reporter on one side retreated slowly. Qin Tian was quick and quick. He took the card first. Before general alpha got angry, he said with a smile: "general alpha, Lin is always joking with you. These corpses have been for decades. Look at these ragged clothes. They are the clothes of our Chinese people. So let's leave them to ourselves Solve it

Qin Tian approached general alpha and said in a low voice, "people belong to China, but the land belongs to you. If this incident spreads out, it doesn't matter if I die, but olan international has a great influence in China."

He shoved the card into general alpha's pocket, and the latter reacted, remained silent for a moment, turned to the reporters and said, "you know what to say."

Qin TianChao took a look at them, and they quickly nodded. They were journalists who didn't enter the stream. The live broadcast was just for the flow, so they naturally knew what to do.

General Alfa turned out of the mine, and Wu Ronghai behind him ran after him.

"General alpha, general, our business is not over. Here, we have agreed that we will give you 50%, 50% when we get it."

There are so many jades in the jade mine. How can they get hundreds of billions of them? General alpha gave up?

Wu Ronghai's smiling face didn't work in front of general alfa. He put up a finger and shook it. "The Chinese people's affairs will be solved by the Chinese themselves."

With that he left, Wu Ronghai was stunned behind him.

"Mr. Wu, you can't get this land. Please stay in the imperial capital in the future. There are no mercenaries or men who like men."


Wu Ronghai's eyes widened, and he suddenly went crazy. Qin Tian just kicked him in the past!

"Give it to me!"

Wu Ronghai has been kicked over, and he has not forgotten to teach Qin Tian a lesson. However, there are Qin Tian's people all around the cave entrance. At the command of Wu Ronghai, his men rushed up, but surrounded Wu Ronghai in the middle instead of attacking.

Qin Tian saw this with a smile, "Wu Ronghai, give you five minutes, now get out, or I give an order, you will become the target of the gun, my people here are veterans, there are snipers, where to hit which, try?"

Wu Ronghai's face was livid, and he was still holding on.

"Qin Tian, I must get it. The imperial Wu family has never lost!"

"The jade mine belongs to olan international. You have no hope. Go back to be your eldest son. Otherwise, I promise, your beautiful photos will fly all over the sky! Young master, you think clearly, it is the important place or the face. "

Wu Ronghai's face twitched twice, and then he said in a voice of hatred: "Qin Tian, let's wait and see."


Wu Ronghai pondered for a long time, and then he took the man with him.

"Young master, why don't you do it? It's still possible for us to win if we fight. "

Wu Ronghai clenched his teeth and said in a cold voice, "spell? Do you see those mercenaries? Besides, general alfa is not far away. If we fight, we can't win, let alone Lao Tzu's reputation. "

Qin naivete can come out, in case of his own affairs by him, where to put the face of the Wu family? And he, the eldest childe, how to get a foothold in the Wu family in the future?

They all know what Wu Ronghai did here. Of course, they won't say it, but Qin Tian is different.It was the enemy, and the handle was in his hand. If it was spread out, the Wu family in the imperial capital would become a laughing stock.

Qin Tian knew that Wu Ronghai would not easily take action. Seeing that they were gone, Qin genius turned around to look at the situation inside. Lin Wanru came out and saw Qin Tian with a smile: "Qin Tian, thanks for you. I remember this matter in my heart. If you need anything in the future, just say that I will help you and do whatever you want."

Qin Tian coughed and looked at Lin Wanru's tightly packed body. Qin TianChao winked at her, "that includes ~"

he raised his eyebrows at Lin Wanru, and the latter laughed, "dare you? Not afraid of your family? "

"I dare not, I dare not. I am just joking. We are serious."

Qin Tian saw that she deliberately untied his collar, one day in his heart, quickly beg for mercy.

Lin Wanru laughed and restrained the smile on her face. She said in a deep voice: "this jade mine must be mined. I gave general alpha 50 billion yuan, which should have 30% of the profits. This is not a bad treatment to him. But I don't know whether the military will turn back in the future."

Lin Wanru is worried about this, but Qin Tian doesn't think so. He points to several off-road vehicles not far away. "See, they are mercenaries. The most powerful people in this area are also my people. I plan to build a base there. Did Xiao Li tell you? Then there will be no problem with your jade mine. My people will always withdraw. "

Qin Tian thought that at that time this area would be handed over to them. Even the military did not dare to attack the mine easily.

Lin Wanru is silent. Looking at the SUV not far away, she is lost in thought. Can these mercenaries really be trusted? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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