Lin Wanru doesn't speak. Qin Tian knows what she worries about, but mercenaries are his people, and he can trust them.

"General manager Lin believes that I don't want to think so much. Mercenaries are my people. You can believe it."

"Qin Tian, to be honest, the situation is tense here. I don't know how long this mine can last."

"Then, one day at a time, I promise your people will be able to return home safely."

Qin Tian assures her, Lin Wanru chuckles, "that you remember this sentence, in case there is such a day, all depend on you."

Qin Tian nods. Now that the jade mine can be mined, he will stay here until the construction of the base is completed.

During this period, if there is any problem in the jade mine, he can also help solve it.

The jade mine failed. It was early in the morning for Wu Ronghai to fly back to the imperial capital. However, the lights were bright in the front door of the Wu family. Wu Ronghai just got off the bus and saw this scene, and his heart suddenly thumped.

The bodyguards behind him quickly get off the station and form two rows, which makes Wu Ronghai feel frustrated.

"Damn it, I still talk about ostentation when I'm like this. I'll be caught in a moment, but I won't die?"

Wu Ronghai scolded secretly and walked into the gate helplessly. At the moment of entering, he pinched his thigh and squeezed out two tears. Then he limped in.

After a while, there were bursts of crying in the Wu family's mansion. The bodyguards were expressionless outside the door, which was quite common.

How can the emperor's Wu family accept defeat after such a big loss? Qin Tian is not in Songshan now, so he just took this opportunity to copy his old man.

The decision of the Wu family means giving up Wu Ronghai, so the video of the eldest son is a time bomb for the Wu family, but he does not intend to pay for him any more.

Wu Ronghai's trip to Myanmar was a complete failure, and after he came back, he was snowed by the Wu family.

Qin Tian doesn't care about this news. Wu Ronghai is no match for him.

After Qin Tian's mercenary base is built, Gu Yiming has become one with them. He was beaten very badly before, and he was also afraid. However, after this period of time, Gu Yiming gradually accepted it.

Looking at the completed base, Qin Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Tian cremated the bones excavated from the jade mine and planned to take them back to China.

However, the few dozens of souls did not even know that they were tempered by evil spirit. It doesn't matter. The key is that the jade mine is mined out, polished, and sold for money. Qin Tian has to admire Lin Wanru's vision and is really good at it.

"My God, everyone is here!"

Chen Chen also called him Tiange. The base is built, and the jade mine is OK for the time being. It's time for Qin Tian to prepare to go back.

He had something to say before he left.

Although these mercenaries were handed over to Chen Chen for management, they were his people in the final analysis.

Qin Tian stood in the center of the base and looked at the crowd below. He said in a loud voice: "I am Qin Tian, your partner and your guiding light. Our mercenary team should be expanded to a team of 1000 people within three years. The first task is to ensure the improvement of our own ability, and protect the mines of olan international, which is paid!"

"Qin, how much?"

Big man is very concerned about salary. Qin Tian laughs, "100000 Chinese dollars a month. In addition, the commission you receive is your own, leaving only one achievement line."

Qin Tian's words made people cheer. They had seen Qin Tian's generosity. Now they heard him say so, and they were full of morale.

"But all this is based on the fact that you can manage yourself well. I have given Chen all the rules. If anyone doesn't comply with them, don't be rude to me."

After Qin Tian's words, there was silence below. It was not so easy to turn a rebellious person into an obedient chicken.

But this time they did not object, silence is deafening cheers, which let Qin Tian surprise some.

When they saw the faces of the mercenaries, the monkeys exclaimed, "brother Tian's charisma!"

When they first knew Qin Tian, it was because they admired Qin Tian's talent together?

Now these mercenaries are also sick. Although they don't speak English, they can still see that they have trust and admiration in their eyes.

"No matter what kind of people our Tiange is, no matter what men and women like to see, these little foreigners usually see who they are. A few words from Tiange will make them die hard."

Zhao Donghui felt incredible, and the monkey sneered: "listen to them used to play with their lives. Now they meet Tiange. Tiange really wants them to be good. When you don't see that day's money, they are almost moved to cry. This is enough to show how sad they were in the past."

Monkey guessed right. Mercenaries were all people licking blood on the edge of their swords. In the past, although they were strong under Shancha, they relied on weapons in their hands. Now it's different. Qin Tian asked them to be organized and targeted, so they can't take on any task.Several people sighed at these things outside the door. Qin Tian was relieved when he saw the scene inside. Now he can give the base to Chen Chen Chen. He will come and have a look at it every other time in the future. Since then, there will be no problem.

"Chen Chen, I'll leave it to you. I'll take them back to China three days later. You'll be in charge here in the future. If you have anything to do with me, please contact me."

He is not afraid of Chen Chen playing tricks in private. Since he can take it in once, he can accept it for the second time. Besides, Lin Wanru has already given money, they will not leave easily.

"Brother Tian, don't worry. We will report to you every month. We will guard here. As long as we are there, there will be no problem in the mine."

Qin Tian nodded and told them: "I don't care if you take over the task, but the contraband must not be touched. Otherwise, whoever breaks the rules, no matter where he is, I will personally solve him!"

Although Qin's bottom line is not allowed to touch his bottom line, they are not allowed to take risks in any place.

Qin Tian's words made them nod one after another, and it was not difficult for a group of people to reach a consensus.

After settling them down, Qin Tian returns to the dormitory. Lin Wanru has made a plane ticket and plans to go with him. Several people get together to discuss things after going back.

"You've made such a mess of the eldest son of the Wu family. It's said that they have gone to Songshan city."

Qin Tian narrowed his eyes when he heard the speech. If they went to Songshan City, the first thing they had to deal with was their own family. In that way, Li Xinran and his parents would be in danger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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