Thinking of this, Qin Tian immediately took out his mobile phone to call Lin Xiaoyao and asked her to take care of Li Xinran. As for her parents, they asked Gu Yue to send someone to protect them day and night.

Seeing Qin Tian like this, Lin Wanru has some regrets.

"I'm sorry, Qin Tian. It's all because of me, otherwise you won't be missed by the Wu family."

"What are you talking about? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the chance to take over these mercenaries. If I had gained something, I would have lost. It's a good thing to be remembered by them. It shows that Qin Tian is still a character and can be looked up to by them. But then again, how strong is the Wu family in the imperial capital when the Wu family in Songshan is so rubbish?"

Although the Wu family was not a big deal in Qin Tian's eyes, he couldn't sit still if the imperial Wu family dared to ask for his head for 50 million dollars.

Lin Wanru thought for a while and said, "we olan international is just a media company in Songshan city. You know the profit of one year. I really don't pay attention to Wu family. However, the strength of Wu family in imperial capital is far higher than that of Lin family. If you think about Lin Xiaoyao, she can make Wu Qilin unable to turn over. What do you think if the imperial Wu family makes a move

After hearing Lin Wanru's words, Qin Tian feels that he should return to Songshan city as soon as possible.

"We'll leave in the afternoon. The rest of you can stay for a while. The people I'll bring will go back first. Monkey, book tickets right away!"

Qin Tian doesn't want to wait any longer. Lin Wanru is worried and doesn't know how to comfort him for a while.

"Qin Tian, don't worry about it. They don't want to mess around in Songshan city. After all, your business doesn't cross."

"Who said I was afraid of them, I was excited, you know? It's the feeling that you will become stronger when you meet a strong person! "

Qin Tian wants to meet the Wu family. In addition, he has to meet with others' money.

Lin Wanru is speechless. This guy thought he was worried about the talents in his family!

Seeing that she was speechless, Qin Tian took the initiative to explain: "I have arranged all the family members. Although the Wu family is powerful, it is the imperial capital. The so-called strong dragon does not oppress the local snake. If he dares to move my people, I will let them have no return."

No matter how powerful the other side is, in short, it is their own style to let them suffer.

Qin Tian tells the monkey to book the ticket immediately. Lin Wanru has to change his name and go with them. Zhou Qianming will leave after three days. There is still something to hand over with Chen Chen's people.

Hearing that Qin Tian is going to leave, the big man came to say goodbye and gave Qin Tian a bullet as a souvenir.

Qin Tian looked at the bullet shell lying in his palm and laughed, "send it to me?"

"Qin, send you off. I'm O'Neill. Remember me."

Qin Tian reached out and thumped his shoulder, nodded solemnly, "I remember, O'Neill, good brother."

Qin Tian knew afterwards that O'Neill was a mercenary for his sister, who was about the same age as the two girls. So when he saw that they were hurt, O'Neill couldn't help but break in and take care of him in the hospital.

Qin Tian believes that any person with blood on his hands is not on this road for no reason, so in the face of them, Qin Tian gives them enough respect.

After O'Neill leaves, Qin Tian gets up to pack up his things and takes Gu Yiming to leave with his friends.

Gu Yiming is excited. After living here for so long, he can finally leave.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the party leaves first. Gu Yiming can't help but feel excited. He is about to shout out.

"God, I've never felt that the flight home is so friendly. It's been a long time since you and I went back. The first thing I want to do is beat the boy hard. Damn it, I almost died!"

Gu Yiming still can't forget the "benefactor" until now. Qin Tian disdained to say: "you still have the face to look for someone else, but they didn't take you with a gun rack. You want to come by yourself. Do you blame others? I don't know where I am. I come here alone. I don't even know how to bring a bodyguard. I can! Thanks to the fact that they didn't have time to play with you, or you'll be left with Baba when I arrive

Gu Yiming said with a shy face and a smile: "Tiange is still powerful. I only admire Tiange. But anyway, are you going to clean up those people when you go back this time? It is said that the beautiful photos of the eldest son of the Wu family are fierce and powerful! "

As soon as his voice fell, Qin Tian got a violent shudder. He cried out in pain. Lin Wanru shook her head helplessly: "it's good that you can get a life back. Don't think about anything else. Otherwise, it will be more than skin injury if you are watched by the Wu family."

Smell speech Gu Yiming shrunk his neck, but the heart is still a little excited.

If you can

Qin Tian saw through his mind and warned him: "I gave you all your three million yuan. You should come here to travel. Don't think about other things. If I find out that you have other thoughts and get into any trouble, I can't help you. I have some connections in the underworld, and everyone praises me, but other places may be wrong, if you want to be silent or inexplicable The magic disappears from the world, just try it. "

"No, no, God, I promise not."Gu Yiming quickly admitted that he was just a small role, and compared with Wu family, it was just weak. It was better not to provoke them, otherwise Qin Tian was also in trouble.

He knew that Qin Tian was serious about love. If it were not for him, Qin Tian would have not had to get involved in the Wu family.

Although the original goal of Wu family is Qin Tian, Gu Yiming still thinks that it is because of himself.

Qin Tian kept his eyes closed for four hours, and he wanted to keep his energy up. Gu Ming saw him close his eyes and stopped talking.

Four and a half hours later, the plane landed, a pedestrian came out, Qin Tian deeply absorbed a breath of air, familiar taste, he came back!

"My God, we're here!"

Monkey took the lead to help him out with his luggage. Qin Tian looked around, and it was dark.

"Go, eat!"

Turn to Lin Wanru and say, "go with us!"

"No, the driver comes to pick me up. My company has something to do. We'll meet tomorrow morning and say it."

Lin Wanru declined his kindness, nodded at him and strode away.

Qin Tian sighed at her wonderful back: "a group of big men eat, and there is no beautiful girl embellishment."

"It's not easy for me to have a beautiful girl. If you want to, please give a hand and make sure that there are girls coming."

Gu Yiming was quick to respond. Qin Tian turned around and grabbed his collar to take him out.

"Shut up at dinner, let me hear you say things, I......"

"My God, there are beautiful women!"

Gu Yiming is naughty, Qin Tian can not help kneading his face, Gu Yiming saliva is coming out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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