Wu Ronghai didn't make a sound when he heard this. After all, it was his fault that he pocketed the old man so much money.

"You spend up to 3 million yuan in Rangoon, Myanmar, and the rest of the money will be refunded!"

The old man put down this sentence and planned to go. Wu Ronghai called out after him: "the money has been taken away by Qin Tian, I have no money!"

Mr. Wu looked back at him, and Wu Ronghai insisted: "really, he took all of them. I didn't have any money. If you ask them, I almost died when I was in the mine, or I couldn't come back if I asked for more than 50 million dollars."

"Your life is worth 50 million dollars. You think highly of yourself! I tell you, if you can't find your face in Songshan this time, you should not enter the gate of Wu family in the future! "

Wu Ronghai touched the cold sweat on his forehead. The old man is a man who does what he says. If he is really beaten down by Qin Tian, he will never let himself come back.

Think of here, Wu Ronghai in the heart a tight, this time is in the country, Qin Tian even if again fierce also useless.

How can the small city of Songshan compare with the imperial capital? Just what the Wu family shows through their fingers is enough for them to eat for a year.

So Wu Ronghai is very confident. When he comes to Songshan, he is the prince. He is not afraid of Qin Tian. They kneel down and admit their mistakes.

The leaders of Songshan city should see the face of Wu family, not to mention Qin Tian? Wu Ronghai felt that he would win when he got to Songshan. He didn't pay attention to the warning of the old man.

The Wu family can afford 50 million dollars, but it's hard for anyone to lose so much money for no reason.

Qin Tian sleeps until dawn. When he wakes up, he looks at the white ceiling above his head and remembers his own experience last night. He can't help but sink in his heart. He quickly gets up and calls Li Xinran.

It's already eight o'clock. Li Xinran has got up at this time.

The music from the mobile phone made Qin Tian worried. After more than ten rings, Li Xinran's lazy voice finally came.


"Wife, I'm back. Where are you now?"

"Me? Xiaoyao and I are at home. When did you come back and where are you now

Li Xinran woke up all of a sudden, and his voice became urgent. Qin Tian was still worried.

"Wife, I'll be right back. You don't want to go anywhere. Wait for me at home."

Li Xinran agreed. Qin Tian was relieved. He got up and picked up his things and drove home immediately. However, when he came back, he saw that the door of the house was open and the ground was in a mess. His heart sank.

On the living room table was a piece of paper with a dagger on it.

Qin Tian walked past, as if still can hear Wu Ronghai's ferocious smile, he wrung the paper into a ball, then opened the paper ball has become powder.

Wu Ronghai dare to threaten him. Good.

"Turn back, do me a favor, Xinran was captured by them, you first help me to protect her."

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, Qin Yue floated out.

"Be careful, little boy."

Qin Tian nods, but he doesn't immediately go to Wu Ronghai. Instead, he goes to olan international and calls Shen Tianhao to invite him to meet.

I haven't seen you for a long time. In Shen Qianxi's face, Shen Tianhao has gone.

When I got to the place, I found that Lin Wanru was also there.

"Mr. Lin?"

"Mr. Shen, Qin Tian also invited you?"

Lin Wanru looks around. Before Qin Tian arrives, Shen Tianhao nods and sits opposite her.

Time is tight, on the way to Qin Tian, monkey and Yang Bing went to the construction site on the outskirts of the city.

Wu Ronghai couldn't see what he would do to Li Xinran. Qin Tian was just worried that he would do something to them, so he asked his aunt to protect them.

Now he has arrived at the appointed place.

"Mr. Shen and Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to be late."

As soon as he sat down, Qin Tian apologized.

"It's OK, you say, what can I do for you to come here?"

Lin Wanru opened his mouth. Shen Tianhao still looked arrogant, but he didn't say anything.

Qin took a deep breath: "Haitian has an auction today, do you know?"

"It was an auction for the Wu family in the imperial capital. They intend to invest here."

Shen Tianhao replied that Qin Tianhao knew his intention.

"I'd like to ask two people to help me ruin his auction today."

Smell speech other two people are a shock!

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, Qin Tian, the emperor's Wu family came over, and the leaders of Songshan city were all present. How can we get a foothold in Songshan in the future when we mess up?"

Lin Wanru is also a little worried. Shen Tianhao is even more dismissive and gets ready to leave.

Qin Tian said lightly: "don't worry, they kidnapped my wife. I'm going to save people now, but the bidding meeting of Wu family will not be successful. This is the indecent video of their eldest son. I also arranged for reporters to go there. Then I will trouble you to let this out. It won't embarrass you or implicate you."Hearing this, Lin Wanru was surprised.

"You mean kidnapping. So, did you call the police? "

Qin Tian shakes his head. Sometimes it is not as fast as his fist to call the police. What's more, it's the Wu family. He'd like to beat him for a long time!

Shen Tianhao also felt that the matter was very serious and advised him to call the police.

"Qin Tian, although I don't know what kind of resentment you have with the Wu family, let the police solve it!"

Qin Tian shook his head. "If the police can manage it, I won't let my wife be captured by them. I'll ask you on this matter, because my people are not qualified to enter the meeting hall, or I will go myself."

The list was checked at the auction. Qin Tian didn't receive the invitation, so naturally he couldn't go in. However, Shen Tianhao and Lin Wanru received the invitation, so they had to ask them for help.

Lin Wanru took over the USB flash disk and promised, "I'll help you. What are you going to do?"

"Of course, in my own way, you can rest assured."

"You go. I'll take care of the auction."

Shen Tianhao made a voice, Qin Tian was a little surprised, but also proved that he did not wrong people.

"Thank you very much. I'll go first."

Qin Tian was too late. After giving an account, he left quickly. Shen Tianhao looked at his back and turned to take the USB flash disk from Lin Wanru's hand. "Give it to me. It seems that olan international is not peaceful in Myanmar?"

"Did you hear that, too?"

Lin Wanru is a little surprised. It's a good thing. Bad things spread thousands of miles without going out. I can't imagine that they can still pass on so far away.

Lin Wanru wryly smiles, "in fact, the Wu family is also a hindrance to Myanmar. Qin Tian helped me to offend the Wu family. As soon as we returned home, his wife was kidnapped by the Wu family."

Lin Wanru can't believe it. It's time for the Wu family to let go.


Shen Tianhao scolded him. Although he was speechless to Qin Tian, it was not as bad as his family. It seems that the Wu family can do such a thing. It seems that they are not aboveboard.

Thinking about him, Lin Wan was not surprised.

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