The two went to Haitian according to the schedule, while Qin Tian drove to the suburbs. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the abandoned factory building, he received a call from Wu Ronghai.

"Qin Tian, you are on time. What about the money you have prepared?"

"Ready. Where's my wife?"

"Ha ha ha, your wife? Your wife is very good, forgot to tell you, your wife's figure is very good, the skin is smooth, cry that call a enchantment! Ha ha ha

Wu Ronghai laughs wildly. Qin Tian disdains him, but he doesn't expose him. He just says in a cold voice: "if my wife has something wrong, you will die! Don't forget, there is Lin Xiaoyao, and the Lin family will not let you go! "

Qin Tian hung up the phone and rushed into the factory building with a foot of gas, which scared the people of the Wu family!

The sharp brake sound pierced their eardrums. Qin Tian stopped the car, pushed the door open and came in.

See Wu Ronghai, he did not hide to take out the killing blade, this scene let Wu Ronghai and his men gape.

"Where's my wife?"

He asked in a cold voice. Wu Ronghai saw the big knife in his hand and asked in a trembling voice: "you, how did you do it just now?"

"I'll ask again. Where's my wife?"

Qin Tian raised his voice, secretly luck, shaking their brains buzzing.


Suddenly, Qin Tian's right front is pushed out of two people, it is Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao. Lin Xiaoyao's mouth is still stuffed with a piece of cloth, and she sees Qin Tian twisting her body.

Hearing the sound, Wu Ronghai responded and straightened his chest to embolden himself: "see? Your wife's here. Where's the money

"You said my wife has a good figure. Which hand did you touch her?"

Qin Tian's voice is deep, and the murderous spirit in his eyes makes Wu Ronghai feel guilty and retreat. He quickly goes over and hugs Li Xinran, regardless of her desperate struggle to kiss her.

Qin Tian roared and rushed over. Wu Ronghai's men didn't see how he made the move. Wu Ronghai's body flew out and directly hit the iron door behind him. There was a loud noise. Wu Ronghai fell down and there was no sound.

Now his men were in a hurry and ran to check the situation. There were people who rushed to Qin Tian, but they all stopped after seeing his killing blade.

Qin Tian quickly untied the rope for Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao, and then called out: "monkey!"

The monkey and Yang Bing, who were ambushed outside, all rushed in and beat the Wu family's men.

Lin Xiaoyao smashed the cloth in his mouth on the ground, then went to turn Wu Ronghai from the ground, grabbed his collar and slapped him hard!

"Dare you kidnap me? You're tired of living! "

Wu Ronghai opened his eyes and looked at her. His face was full of palm prints.

"Drag him away. I will go to meet the Wu family in person."

At Qin Tian's command, the monkey takes people to drag Wu Ronghai away. Li Xinran is still in his arms. Qin Yue stands behind her and quietly retreats.

"My wife is OK. I'll take you back and make you suffer."

Li Xinran couldn't speak. He just nodded. Lin Xiaoyao didn't have a good way: "Qin Tian, what's the matter with you and them? The eldest son of the Wu family is bothering you?"

"It's a long story. I'll send you back. It's not over yet."

Qin Tian simply said a few words, took them back, Lin Xiaoyao finally understood.

"Shall we go home now? I want to go to Haitian and see that old thing with my own eyes! "

If you dare to kidnap her, the Lin family is not easy to provoke!

Lin Xiaoyao then called home, her voice is very low, Qin Tian deliberately did not listen, but you can also guess that the Wu family will be difficult in the future.

More than a dozen cars arrived at Haitian restaurant. As soon as they got off, they saw a riot inside. Qin Tian laughed. It seemed that Lin Wanru and Lin Wanru got it.

At this time, in the meeting room on the second floor, several leaders of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau were extremely ugly, and some of the bosses left behind were smiling. The video just now was really wonderful, which was even more wonderful than the gorgeous photo of a female star.

Shen Tianhao and Lin Wanru are among them.

Chen Kaifa, the person in charge of China Merchants Group, looked gloomy! How does this kind of situation video spread in! Check it for me. We must check it out! "

Mr. Wu said coldly, "Chen Ju, I'm afraid someone did it on purpose. This auction will involve the future development of Songshan city. Some people are deliberately jealous, and this is what makes trouble. In fact, it's not difficult to find him, just look at the monitoring. "

He was sure that it was Lin Wanru. Qin Tian couldn't get in. Only Lin Wanru had a chance.

Lin Wanru's face is relaxed and she can see it. Anyway, there is no monitoring inside. In order to prevent leakage, there is no monitoring at all.

After Wu finished, he realized that he glared at Lin Wanru, who was smiling.

Chen Kaifa saw this and let them all split up. This auction is impossible.

After they left, Mr. Wu didn't realize it.

"Where are they, boss?"

As soon as his voice dropped, he heard a scream.It's Wu Ronghai!

Mr. Wu's heart sank and immediately went out. He saw a young man with a mobile phone in his hand and looked at him with a smile.

"He is Qin Tian!"

His subordinates report that Mr. Wu looks at him with disdain.

"What have you done to the boss?"

Qin Tian shrugged, "no matter, his mouth is not clean, I interrupted a few ribs."

"You have a lot of guts

"I'm flattered. It's not small, but compared with you, I'm still far behind. I'm in charge of today's affairs. However, Wu Ronghai can't stand up in his whole life. This is what you've done to me. Once again, I don't mind if you can't stand up. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Qin Tian's voice was fierce and sharp, and the old man Wu snorted coldly: "you are arrogant!"

"If you're crazy, don't mention it. It's your people who provoked me first. Today is a lesson. Next time, even if you're the emperor's Wu family, I'll go out and fight with you. Even if I can't kill you, I'll make money."

Qin Tian's words let Wu Laozi silence, then saw him hit a ring finger, Wu Ronghai was carried in.

"Master, I will give you back your people. Songshan city is my territory. I can't do you in the open. You are not my opponent in the dark. Think about it yourself."

Qin Tian finished with the monkey and left. Master Wu wanted to say something, but when he saw Wu Ronghai like that, he forgot, but he couldn't swallow it.

After seeing off Wu Ronghai, Mr. Wu went to the city hall in person. After meeting several leaders in succession, he came out with a smile.

Even if you are a local snake, you have to bow down.

When Qin Tian returns home, Li Xinran is still in shock. Although he comes back safely, it happens too suddenly.

Qin Tian is looking for Gu Yue. He says hello. How can this happen? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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