Qin Tian was terrified to see that neither of them was hurt, so he comforted them. He called Gu Yue, who originally asked him to protect his parents. But when Gu Yue heard about the incident, he asked to send someone downstairs. How could he let them take Li Xinran?

What happened to them, too?

"Mr. Qin."

Gu Yue's voice is very weak, it seems that some bad.

"What's the matter with you?"

Qin Tian's voice was in a hurry. Gu Yue was silent for a moment and said, "Chen Jun has come back, and there are people from Shanghai and the sea area. Today, things suddenly didn't come to tell you that our people were attacked suddenly, and then the Wu family took advantage of it. Later on, I told them to come back and help them."

Gu Yue's words make Qin Tian's heart a cluttering.

"You wait."

Put down the phone to see Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao, he thought and said: "you two go with me."

"Where to go?"

Li Xinran asked, Qin Tian frowned: "go to Qin palace, where I work."

Qin palace? This name is very strange, Li Xinran thought so in his heart, but he didn't think too much, so he went out with Qin Tian.

When the three came to the Qin palace, Li Xinran remembered where it was.

"Sister Xinran, why are there so many Little punk? "

Several yellow hairs passed by one after another. When they saw Lin Xiaoyao, they also whistled. This made Lin Xiaoyao curious. Is Qin Tian working here? Isn't he a doctor?

Li Xinran knows it in his mind, but he doesn't know how to explain it. He can only laugh but not speak.

"Gangsters are also human beings. Sometimes they are much better than hypocrites. Look at Wu Ronghai, he is upright and gentle, but there are a lot of girls who have been abused by him in private. When we were in Myanmar, we saved two 15-year-old girls and lost half of their lives."

Qin Tian walks in front of him and sighs. Lin Xiaoyao stares at his words, but Li Xinran believes that Wu Ronghai can do anything.

"Qin Tian, the people of the Wu family are so despicable, can they just give up?"

Lin Xiaoyao didn't know that Wu Ronghai couldn't stand up in his life. Qin Tian sneered: "if they don't stop, I won't let them go. I won't suffer any loss."

Moreover, he believed that with his current strength, if he was fighting against the Wu family in the dark, he would not necessarily lose.

Qin Tian took them to a room and sat down.

"You wait for me here. There are computers and books here. You can do whatever you want."

Li Xinran nodded, "you go busy, we will be here."

Of course, Qin Tian can rest assured that this is the Qin palace. Unless the people of the Wu family don't want to live, they will break in.

Qin Tian went out to find Gu Yue and saw the gauze on his arm, and his face darkened.

"Who did it? Chen Jun? He's not dead yet? "

Gu Yue shakes her head: "he joined the ladybones in Shanghai and the sea area. I don't know how they can reach an agreement. Now the people in the Shanghai sea area are starting to fight against us. Mr. Qin, what should we do?"

Qin Tian didn't expect that they would attack themselves so soon, but he was not afraid.

"Don't worry. Catch the king first. The ladybones in Shanghai and Shanghai are just flesh. Every fetus is human like me. Let me be slow."

Qin Tian touches his chin and thinks that when Li Xinran was kidnapped, they secretly attacked their own people. So, they are also connected with the Wu family?

That would be easy.

"What is the relationship between the Wu family and the general ladybar?"

Qin Tian grasped the key point. It was not easy for Wu Ronghai to kidnap them successfully.

The ancient moon responded at once.

"What Mr. Qin means is that we have been killed by the Wu family and them?"

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a rough voice, "who the hell hurt my brother!"

Jiao Cheng strides in and sees Qin Tian intact and Gu Yue injured. Jiao Cheng's face changes a little.

"Mr. Koo, you?"

"It's OK. Why did you come?"

Jiao Cheng takes a look at Qin Tian. The latter points his head and says, "Chen Jun is not dead. He has found new backers to deal with us. Now they have money. We are passive, but we may still have vitality if we let go."

Both of them don't understand. Jiao Cheng frowns tightly, "brother Qin Tian, to tell you the truth, I'm not afraid. But who are you talking about? Who are the new backers? What do you mean

"Mr. Qin is talking about the general situation of the whole Shanghai sea area."

Gu Yue explained on one side that Qin Tian nodded and added: "if we can replace it, the Shanghai sea area will be ours. By then, this area will be completely peaceful without contraband, and our people can get together better to do other things."

Qin Tian's initial idea is like this, but he has no plan yet.

Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng look at each other and feel very adventurous."Mr. Qin, if we really want to do this, we don't have enough people. At present, the security company has sent out more than 100 people. These are our elites. In addition, all our money is in the club, so we haven't paid back for the time being."

"None of this is a problem."

Qin Tian, one step forward to analyze: "money, I have, people, at most three days, that group of people from Myanmar will come back, so the only thing we have to do now is to plan everything and fight against the general ladybar!"

Qin Tian has decided that Chen Jun has to go out. Since someone is protecting him, he should be accompanied by that person.

The people who support Chen Jun are not good people. Qin Tian originally thought that Shanghai and the sea area was his next goal. After so many years of command, he should be a reasonable person, but now it seems that he is not. As long as you think about it a little, Chen Jun monopolizes contraband goods, and he must pay a lot of money to the general ladybones every year, so that he can become Chen Jun's umbrella.

So this person has to be removed.

Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng know that Qin Tian has zero tolerance for Chen Jun, so they are not surprised that Qin Tian puts forward such a request.

"Mr. Qin, as long as you say, we will cooperate with you."

"Yes, brother Qin Tian, since we want to fight, we should do as soon as possible. Don't wait for them to come back to us for trouble."

Jiao Cheng pinches his fist. He will certainly stand on Qin Tian's side. Anyone who bullies him will not have a good end. Even if they know that this war is difficult to fight, they will try. What if they win?

The Wu family didn't expect Qin Tian to start fighting back so soon. They wanted to block Qin Tian commercially. However, there were too many celebrities involved in the medical center. They could do nothing but to deal with Gu Yiming and Lin Wanru. They were all one.

The first appearance of the imperial Wu family in Songshan city was destroyed by Qin Tian, and their face was completely lost, so this time they want to take it back!

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