Qin Tian's decision will not change. Both Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng support it. Even if the other two disagree, it's too late.

This time, it was aimed at the Qin palace, not at them, so even if they didn't participate, it was impossible.

"Three days later, all my men are back, and these three days you gather all the people you can use to listen to me."

"Yes, Mr. Qin."

"Qin Tian, don't worry, brother!"

The other two, Gu Yue, were responsible for informing them.

Knowing that Chen Jun came back to revenge, Fang Zhen couldn't sit still. Anyway, Chen Jun was beaten away from his own territory. Now he comes back, the first one is to find himself!

Fang Zhen is a little worried, but now he has no choice but to protect himself.

Qin Tian finished talking about things with Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao back, on the way received a call from Lin Wanru.

"Qin Tian, just now my company was checked by the tax department and said that we did not comply with the regulations and had to be inspected. I heard them call and said that Gu Yiming's company was also among them. It is estimated that it was aimed at you."

Qin Tian thought of the Wu family. Only they could do it.

"Sorry to trouble you. Just wait for a few days."

Lin Wanru chuckled on the phone. "I don't mean to blame you. It's just that the other party doesn't come well. Be careful."

"Thank you very much. So do you."

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian turned to look at the two women beside him, trying to hide his worries.

Chen Jun is back. Why hasn't Li Xiaoshuang come back?

Qin Tian was worried. Li Xinran looked in his eyes and held his hand. "I will always be by your side."

"Thank you, wife."

"You two don't scatter dog food in front of me. Sister Xinran, you're going to live with me these two days. I've already agreed with my family that they'll send someone to protect me. Moreover, the imperial Wu family is too much this time, and our Lin family is not vegetarian!"

Qin Tian understood Lin Xiaoyao's words. If Lin's family restrained the Wu family, he could deal with Chen Jun's gang wholeheartedly.

Li Xinran took a look at Qin Tian, who nodded and agreed.

"Well, please. When I'm done, I'll invite you to dinner."

Hearing the speech, Lin Xiaoyao rolled his eyes and said, "empty check!"

"Never break your promise."

Qin Tian zhengse way, this he can guarantee.

Li Xinran said with a smile: "you can rest assured that I will not renege on my promise."

"It's about the same, but I want the most expensive one!"

"OK, as long as I can buy it, you just want to eat the royal banquet. As long as there is something to sell, I can make it up for you."

Qin Tian's words made them laugh, especially Lin Xiaoyao. She believed Qin Tian's words, but he was so playful.

Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao were sent to the Lin family for protection. Qin Tian went home and began to call Li Xiaoshuang and guidou. As a result, it took them a long time to come back.

"Chen Jun is back. Why didn't you tell me?"

As soon as Qin Tian met, he asked, and Li Xiaoshuang's face flashed a trace of guilt and remorse. He explained, "master, we all blame us for our carelessness. We have already found out the whereabouts of Chen Jun, but when we were about to report to you, we were trapped by their lock soul array. The murderous spirit of the general ladle was too heavy, and we could not get close to them Dharma is trapped. We can't come out until you summoned us just now

Qin Tian was surprised by Li Xiaoshuang's explanation, but it's not surprising to think about it. He has been on the road for so many years and has been well-informed. Naturally, he believes in ghosts and gods. Some precautions are not surprising.

It is Li Xiaoshuang and they are all advanced. Actually, several people are trapped. It seems that the strength of the general ladle is not weak.

"You have a rest first. I'll think about how to deal with him. It seems that it's still a stubble."

Qin Tian told them to go down to rest, but Li Xiaoshuang did not move. Qin Tian picked her eyebrows and looked at her: "something?"

"Well, it's Xiaojun. Because it's too weak, it's gone. We can't save him. I'm sorry..."

Li Xiaoshuang red eyes, Qixia and ghost pocket also do not speak, Qin Tian this just know why they are so lonely, did not expect to be small army.

"Don't blame yourself. You can't blame you for this. Go down and have a rest first. On the day of the war, I hope you can do your best to help me kill him. It's also revenge for the small army."

Qin Tian's face was serious, and Li Xiaoshuang and others immediately nodded, which just floated into the jade pendant to rest.

At present, when he won in the area of Shanghai, he would not be able to win the battle for a hundred years, but he would not be able to win the battle for a hundred years Compared with the same level, otherwise, the whole Shanghai and the sea area has not been without accidents in the past decade, but as long as he acts, those things will not happen in the end.Qin Tian knows that he met a tough guy this time, but he has been given a meeting gift. He can't show weakness. Xiaojun, in particular, asked him and Xiaoshuang to go to find Chen Jun, but he didn't expect that

Qin Tian thought that Xiaojun had no taste in his heart. He had planned to practice with Xiaojun, but it was a pity.

First Chen Jun messed up his court, and then helped the Wu family kidnap Li Xinran. Then there was the small army. He had a lot of resentment with him. No matter how strong he was this time, Qin Tian would fight to the end.

"Ding zero zero!"

The harsh bell broke the calm, Qin Tian looked down at the mobile phone, it was Ding Hanxue!

Ah, Qin Tian dares not answer. As soon as the phone is connected, Ding Hanxue's excited voice comes from the opposite side.

"Qin Tian, you can come back, Chen Jun has news!"

"I already know. What are your police going to do?"

Qin Tian must make clear their plan, otherwise he will not be good if he collides with their plan.

It was also a sudden thought to him.

Ding Hanxue is stunned. Then he thinks of so many people under Qin Tian's command. Of course, Chen Jun knows when he comes back.

So the excitement just now has been weakened a lot.

"Come out and talk about it, or you can come to our bureau."

Ding Hanxue made a request, Qin Tian thought about it, but he couldn't say it clearly on the phone, so he agreed.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes, and you'll wait."

Hang up the phone, Qin Tiancai remembers that Ding Hanxue wants to talk about his plan when he meets later. That's the plan of the police, so he casually tells himself?

He shakes his head. There should be no problem. He is not a big mouth. Ding Hanxue can show himself the report, which shows that it is trust. People trust him. He is not good at digging them, right?

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