When Fang Zhen tried to find a way to find weapons, Qin Tian went to the south of the city, which was Jiaocheng's territory. Now that Chen Jun came back, he did not know which corner he was in. Since he wanted to fight, he had to cut off all their back roads and know himself and the enemy.

In the south of the city, the fish and the dragon are mixed up. During this period of time, they have been improved a lot. However, when he came out from the Qin palace, he received a text message from Ding Hanxue. The police searched and monitored them and found that they were in a hotel here.

The general ladybug is not busy to solve, but first of all, let Chen Jun not be carefree.

When Qin Tian arrived, Chen Jun was still puffing in a nightclub. His chest was obviously sunken. It was a sequela. Thanks to Qin Tian, he almost died on the operating table. Now he can be discharged from hospital. If it wasn't for him, he would have died.

Qin Tian, Lao Tzu is back. I think you can escape this time!

Chen Jun's eyes are full of ruthlessness. At this time, the manager of the nightclub comes.

"Brother Jun, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where did you get rich recently?"

"Get rich? What are you and me playing? Don't you know that Qin Tian was beaten like this? "

The manager's face changed in an instant, and he said with a smile, "brother Jun, we don't know exactly what's going on, but the boss said that in the future, our store will be cleaned up and there will be no other service."

Manager's words let Chen Jun's eyes a Lin, "clear? You still have women. Just tell me? If you don't want to help me ship the goods, just say so. Are you tired of beating around the Bush? "

"Oh, look, you know it's you who came here that I contacted them. Otherwise, where can I find the girl at this point? Jun elder brother, we are also to support the family, why do you embarrass me? It's the meaning of the leader. I can't help it. You can say it's clear. After only one month of opening, my guests have been reduced by half. It's not easy to do business. People in qintian are still looking at it. I can't help it! "

The manager's words made Chen Jun sneer, "they all said that you are dead brained. I don't think it's true at all. You said that I've been here for so long. What about Qin Tianren? Does he know? Even if you are out of the goods, he doesn't know? "

Chen Jun took out a small bag of white powder from his pocket and threw it.

"Not much. If I take this out, I won't bother you, otherwise..."

He looked at his fingernails and continued, "or I'll make you like me!"

He suddenly stripped his chest of clothes, there is a depression, people to see startling.

"Junge, I, I, this, why do you embarrass me? I'm just a wage earner! I'll quit, and I can't do it! "

Chen Jun is difficult to deal with, but if he is found out by the people of the Qin palace, he will not want to stay in Songshan city in the future.

Weighing down, or do not offend the Qin palace, as for Chen Jun, if he was taught today also recognized.

"Why. Who can I show you a crying face

The voice just fell, just listen to a crash, the wine bottle hit the manager's head, and immediately knocked him down. The young lady on the side wanted to call, but he glared back at him!

Chen Jun wiped his hands and said to the people lying on the ground: "I have always been a clear reward and punishment person. I have always done this. You tell Qin Tian that I'm not afraid of him. If I don't give it to me, I'll smash him every day!"

Chen Jun's words make the manager dizzy, but there is still a trace of clarity, he wrote down.

Chen Jun opened the door, swaggered out, just arrived at the door was carried collar thrown in!

There was a loud noise again. This time, the young lady didn't hold back and called out directly! Chen Jun was thrown in.

"Take him down and bandage."

Qin Tian's cold voice let the girl react, she quickly took the manager down, only two of them were left in the box.

Chen Jun spit out a mouthful of spit, also with blood, saw Qin Tian come in, he was not afraid at all, but laughed out.

"Qin Tian, even if you kill me today, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the general ladle handle has come, and he won't let you go. When he cleans you up, the underground trading chain of Songshan city will be revived. Your painstaking efforts will be in vain. These people are mercenary and will never let you down."

"Is it? Why didn't he promise you just now? It depends on what you do for profit. If your things are not easy to come out, you'd better forget it. But don't worry about it today. I won't kill you. "

Qin Tian's eyes cold Jun, Chen Jun smile, "you are afraid of it! Ha ha ha

"Today I went out to see the Yellow calendar. It's not suitable to kill people. The day after tomorrow is a good day. I'll wait for you then. Don't forget."

Qin Tian's voice made Chen Jun tremble, but soon he came back to his senses and did not dare to speak again.

How long did he come? Qin Tian received the news. If it wasn't for their people who always pay attention to here, Qin Tian could not have come so fast.

Thinking of this, Chen Jun is still struggling, but Qin Tian steps on his chest, and he suddenly feels pain and just wants to roll on the ground.

"It hurts, doesn't it? Remember this feeling, the day after tomorrow you will be more painful, enjoy your only daysQin Tian turns to leave, and Chen Jun stares at his back fiercely behind him. Until Qin Tian is gone, Chen Jun gasps and scolds: "you are wise!"

He covered his chest and left. At this time, there was no customer in the shop. But Qin Tian had just come out and explained that he had to pay for everything in the box.

Chen Jun was stopped when he passed the bar.

"Here is your bill, sir."

Bill? Chen Jun did not want to go, was stopped by the waiter.

"You'd better pay before you leave, or you won't be able to go out. Why? Mr. Qin has told us that if we don't give it to the police, we can choose our own way to be discouraged before the police come. "

He had just finished, two muscle men came to the door, Chen Jun weighed it for a while, and quickly counselled.

"Here! Don't change it! "

Chen Jun took out a stack of money and threw it out. He turned around and hated him.

The day after tomorrow, right? He waited to see if Qin Tian had a life! Then this store will be his. Let's see how he can deal with these stinky boys!

Chen Jun bares his teeth and goes out. Qin Tian sits in the car and looks at him. The taxi driver takes the red ticket in his hand and rushes out with one foot of gas to catch up with Chen Jun's car.

This boy is really cunning. He took a circle to drive up the road. Finally, he stopped at the door of a hotel. Qin Tian got off and went to the hall. At the elevator entrance, he saw Chen Jun go up the sixth floor.

This should be the foothold of the general ladle handle, Qin Tian thought to himself, and then let Li Xiaoshuang come out.

"Master, do you want me?"

"Well!" Qin Tian nodded, "follow up, they are on the sixth floor, you go to listen to it."

Li Xiaoshuang immediately understood, quickly followed up, Qin Tian sat in the hall waiting.

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