Chen Jun went back to the room, limping to let the general lad pamphlet look sideways.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Elder brother, you must help me. I went to the previous venue just now, but I didn't expect to meet Qin Tian. As a result, he beat me up. He also said that he would destroy us the day after tomorrow! Elder brother, you are always a ladybug. He just doesn't pay attention to you when he says so. "

Chen Jun looks fierce and sneers," the day after tomorrow? Just kill him. You go and prepare for it. Our people are almost the same. "

Chen Jun was so happy in his heart that he ran out quickly.

"Big brother, can you believe this boy's words? I think he just takes you as a knife and lends him your hand. " His subordinates are right. Chen Jun thinks so, but he can't help it.

"We took over the land directly. From now on, Qin Tian's territory will be ours. Chen Jun will come forward for me, and we will take the money directly. As for his point of care, it will not hinder us. Anyway, we are here to clean up his territory? I'd like to see what Qin Tian can do

The general ladybar sees the open space downstairs, which is his territory. In the future, they will take over all the transactions in Songshan City, so it doesn't matter what Chen Jun instigates now.

Zong piaozi was born in a poor family. He has been living a poor life all the way. Money and territory are his pursuit. Those who disobey and cut off his wealth should be eliminated.

"Big brother, our people are almost here. They are all near the wharf warehouse. Will so many people attract the police on the trading day?"

"What are you afraid of? They'll take care of it. It'll be all right. "

The general ladybar waved his hand and said, "I climbed to this position by my fist and reputation! If the Wu family decides to cooperate with us, we must show sincerity. If not, we will wait until the transaction is over and we will get rid of it. "

His subordinates nodded and understood. It seems that they have done it many times. If they don't meet their requirements, they will be destroyed.

Chen Jun thinks that if he stirs up the relationship between Zong Piao Ba Zi and Qin Tian, and let the big man take the lead for himself, he will be able to reap the benefits of the fish. But Zong Piao Ba Zi is not stupid. This time he comes to get rid of Qin Tian, Chen Jun also serves him.

In the lobby of the hotel, Qin Tian sits in the corner and looks at the people coming and going. After a while, a black air swirls around the elevator. Qin Tian gets up and walks over quickly, and Li Xiaoshuang gets in.

"How's it going?"

Qin Tian couldn't wait to ask. Li Xiaoshuang told him the news he heard in the room. Qin Tian sneered, "I thought the general ladle handle was something, but it was also a greedy man!"

Qin Tian disdains, originally thought to with what hard bone confrontation, but also is a layman.

He turned and went out.

"Master, in fact, his strength is not weak. The master must be careful. I can feel his murderous spirit. I dare not approach him. I can only stay at the door. He has lived for decades, and many people have died in his hands. His anger is heavy. Besides, there is a black air around him, but I can't see what it is."

Li Xiaoshuang's words reminded Qin Tian that he said: "the day after tomorrow, when the war starts, you will all come out and look at it. If you can absorb his black gas, you can go up."

"I see, master."

Qin Tian no longer spoke, and Li Xiaoshuang retired wisely.

After mastering these news, Qin Tian's main concern is Fang Zhen's side. He doesn't need many tools. Only two are good. He has Yang Bing. One person is enough.

As for the others, Qin Tian thought about it. Since there are so many containers in the wharf and warehouse, it's not without them when they climb. So they should use their special forces' equipment.

He immediately called the monkey and asked him to prepare 300 sets of equipment. I don't know how many people there are in Wanheshan. However, since there is a deal, they come all the way. Even more than 100 people are very concerned, so 300 people are absolutely enough.

Facts have proved that Qin Tian underestimated Wan Heshan's determination to kill him.

They not only brought people, but also more than 500 people, all of them were cruel roles. Fortunately, Qin Tian let the monkeys lead the battle. Otherwise, it might not be so good!

Told the monkey, Qin Tian is ready to go back, Fang Zhen called.

"God, it's too hard for him to do. I'll do one!"

Fang Zhen's words almost let Qin Tian gush out.

But he also knew the situation of China today.

"Brother Zhen, even if you do it, you have to get two strokes for me. The equipment should be guaranteed."

Qin Tian asked Fang Zhen to prepare quickly, but he went to the police station. Qin Tian used to let them control the wharf warehouse.

When he came to the door again, he saw the old man of the Wu family. When his enemies met, he was extremely envious. He pointed at him and yelled, "it's him, director Ding. Arrest him! It is he who has made our Ronghai half paralyzed! "

The thief shouts to catch the thief!

Ding Jianguo looks at the angel of Qin, and Qin Tian immediately understands it.

"Police comrade, I'm here to report the case. My wife and her best friend were kidnapped by Wu Ronghai. This is a telephone recording and a short message. All of them belong to Wu Ronghai. Up to now, they haven't come back. It's been two days. Wu Ronghai has collected 50 million yuan from me, but they haven't put them back."Qin Tian's was filled with resentment.

"You're nonsense. You've saved it. Otherwise, how could Ronghai be injured?"

"When did I get it back? I just caught Wu Ronghai and asked about my wife's whereabouts. He didn't say I beat him. Master, you love your family. I'm also worried about my wife, and Lin Xiaoyao. My wife was kidnapped with her, and the Lin family will come here soon. "

Qin Tian takes a look at Ding Hanxue. She slowly turns around and slips away. Needless to say, she calls Lin Xiaoyao.

Ding Jianguo immediately told them to go to the conference room and said that he asked two policemen to record their confessions respectively.

Ding Hanxue came after the phone call and personally received Qin Tian.

"Why are you back again?"

"If I don't come back, I don't know that the Wu family is so shameless that they even come to visit. By the way, what are they doing here?"

Ding Hanxue rolled her white eyes and said, "the Wu family and the imperial Public Security Bureau said hello. They said that the investment here was made by people maliciously. Wu Ronghai was injured in his leg. They demanded that the villain be punished severely."


Ding Hanxue nodded and held out a finger pointing at Qin Tian. "The villain is you."

Qin Tian laughs. He has become a villain. It seems that the Wu family's ability to make a bad turn is not small. However, they are empty mouthed, and they are not afraid of them. Anyway, they are all competing for personal connections. In Songshan City, Qin Tian is not afraid of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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