Ding Hanxue is speechless. Seeing his fearless face, he can't help it. He is the one who is brave enough to say.

"Well, to get to the point, this is the recording and SMS. I'll give you the evidence. In addition, I have to ask you to help me. I don't know who owns the wharf warehouse, but please help control it. Wan Heshan, the man behind Chen Jun, doesn't know how many people to bring. In case of insufficient police force, it's easy to be attacked by them, so you know What's more, can you get me a training thing? "

What he said startled Ding Hanxue?

Ding Hanxue gets nervous.

"Don't mess around. You usually don't see us when you beat us. Just turn a blind eye. But this is not a joke. The caliber and traces are traceable. Private ownership is not allowed in China."

"I understand. It's to frighten them. If you think about so many people, if they get out of control, we won't have time to report back, right? Help. I'm looking for you. If I can buy it from the black market, I just don't want to do that illegal thing

Qin Tian said very sincerely. Ding Hanxue thought about it and said in a deep voice, "I can't help it, but the eastern suburb is the training ground of military base. Don't you try it?"


Qin Tian hesitated. He did know him, but if he did, it would be difficult for them to stay.

Ding Han Xue sees that he doesn't speak and pats the file in his hand, and his voice makes him regain his mind.

"Well, I'd better go to them and try, but you can ask me, if you can, how can we say that this time is also police civilian cooperation? You need to protect my informant. "

When Qin Tian spoke, he deliberately shrunk his neck and made him afraid, which made Ding Hanxue disdain: "you can pull it down, but I'll help you apply. You can go and have a look at it yourself. We have both sides ready."

Ding Han's words are relaxed, and Qin Tian is relieved. No matter whether they can approve it or not, we should let the people in charge know that he qintian is not a local villain of Songshan City, but risks for the sake of social stability.

Such a big hat is enough for him to walk across Pine Hill in the future.

He should fully grasp the whole area of Shanghai and the sea.

"Well, I'll take your evidence. You don't have to worry about the Wu family. The fourth Bureau will solve it."

"Dong Dong!"

The door of the interrogation room was knocked open and a head came out.

"Captain, the people of the Lin family came and quarreled with the Wu family at the door."

Qin Tianle is happy. It's really time to come.

"Let's go and have a look."

Ding Hanxue glared at him, "you still don't go. Do you want to spend the night here?"

Qin Tian waved his hand, "no, I want to keep my strength up. The day after tomorrow, I hope to cooperate happily. I will go first. In addition, I will apply for it. Don't forget."

Qin Tian winks at Ding Hanxue and then leaves.

Ding Hanxue took a look at his back and went out. Outside the door, he did not know who was sent by the Lin family. He pointed at the old man's nose and scolded him. When they went out, he had already fainted. All of them were in a panic and called for a rescue truck.

When Qin Tian passed by, he found that he was an aunt in her fifties.

He can't help admiring Lin Xiaoyao. As expected, he has a unique insight. In terms of meeting people, she is a magical existence and almost never loses.

Qin Tian took a look at the pale old man and knew that he was just in a hurry, so he pulled Latin Han Snow's sleeve and said in a low voice: "let them all spread out, give the old man a smooth chest, no big problem."

Ding Hanxue is at ease. Since Qin Tian said it was ok, it would be OK.

So Ding Hanxue sent Qin Tian away, which made him carry the old man to one side of the bench.

Qin Tian went straight to the eastern suburbs, but it was not easy to get in. Qin Tian didn't want to be warned, but he didn't want to go.

Standing on the side of the road for a long time, he still went back.

The military dispatch is too high-profile, or forget it, Yang Bing, if they can handle it by themselves, is there Ding Hanxue? No problem.

After Qin Tian went back, he went over it in his mind. Removing the equipment was his own strength. Wan Heshan didn't know what level he had reached. However, he had a ghost to take care of them. There was also black war stone. It should be no problem.

"Ding Lingling!"

The mobile phone rings, Qin Tian looks down, it's a monkey.

"Monkey, what's up?"

"It's done. I went to the old leaders to explain the situation. They checked with the Municipal Bureau. Now the equipment has been given to us! Besides, Lao Zhou's plane will arrive tonight. "

Because of Qin Tian's business, they came back in advance, and Qin Tian was completely relieved.

"Monkey, pick up the plane tonight and make a reservation at the Imperial Hotel."

"God, I see."

Qin Tian needs to cheer them up before they start. The monkeys are OK. The rest of the people are from the security company. Although they are from the Qin palace, they are lack of discipline and loyalty. In order to prevent something, Qin Tian still needs to make it clear to them.One is ready, and they will be back.

A few hours later, Zhou Qian Ming took dozens of people off the plane. The monkey outside had already prepared the bus, and pulled them directly to the hotel. Fangzhen and Guyue arrived.

When we met Qin Tian, we were very happy.

"My God, we're back!"

The crowd greeted Qin Tian, and Qin Tian nodded and smiled. After they all entered the seat, Qin Tian raised his glass and his voice was bright.

"Brothers, today is a special day. On the one hand, the brothers from Myanmar have gone home, and we will take care of them! On the other hand, the Shanghai sea area forces see us growing continuously, and we are not happy. We need to demonstrate with us, brothers, what shall we do? Whether they are to surrender to the head and be competent to be their officials, or to fight bravely! "

"Brother, we will follow him to death! Defend the Qin palace! "

Monkey first shouted a voice, people under the stage began to understand, but soon returned to mind.

"My God, we will defend Qin palace to death!"

The first to shout out is the group who went to Myanmar, with them leading the lead, and soon there was a deafening voice in the hall.

"Defend Qin palace with oath!"

"Defend Qin palace with oath!"

Qin Tian sees the people under the stage have great energy in their hearts, "defend the Qin palace, cheers!"


All voices were in common. Qin Tian was relieved. Only morale was enough. There must be no problem tomorrow.

Although he did not say how to defend, but everyone knows in mind, the simplest is a word, dry!

Nothing can be solved by fist.

Qin day this evening drink happily, the heart also gradually has the bottom gas.

No matter what strength Wanheshan is, he will not be afraid.

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