Qin Tian returned home for a rest, and Li Xiaoshuang came out without his consent.

She looked at the man in the dark, hesitant, but then she decided to disappear soon.

Qin Tian felt like she had just left.

"Li Xiaoshuang?"

No one promised him in the dark, Qin Tian had a bad feeling.

At this time Qi Xia ghost bag all came out, see Qin Tian, Qi Xia hesitated for half a day to open: "Xiaoshuang said she has something to go out, we go out to find her?"

Qin Tian frowned, "you have something to hide from me? I am your master and friend. What can't I tell you? Besides, she has avenged her. What else? "

Qin Tian is puzzled, even if something can also tell him, how to go out without a sound?

Qi Xia looked at the ghost pocket, and finally, he said the truth.

"Xiaoshuang said you don't know the strength of Wanheshan. She wants to help you test it first."

Wen Yan Qin Tian stood up at once, and shouted: "you don't know the strength of Wanheshan! But I know! How are you trapped? It's still over, isn't it a self-contained search for death? "

Qin Tian didn't expect everything ready. She was actually doing something bad here. Li Xiaoshuang was not such an impulsive person. She could wait for more than ten or twenty years to revenge. How can she be so upset now?

Thinking that Qin Tian can't take care of other things here, he takes up his coat and rushes out. He wants to go to lixiaoshuang. If she is found by Wanheshan, she will only be in a daze. It's not Qin Tianchang's ambition, but no one can't be sure about any changes behind it before he has handed in.

Li Xiaoshuang is good to go ahead without hesitation, but Qin Tian does not allow her to exchange her own information for so-called information.

Although knowing oneself and knowing each other, all battles are not exhausted, but with Li Xiaoshuang, Qin Tian is unwilling and does not like such behavior.

Ghost pocket and Qixia naturally followed up.

When he arrived at the hotel, Qin Tian opened a room quickly, just next to Wanheshan.

Qi Xia and ghost bag passed first, but neither of them saw the figure of lixiaoshuang, and Qin Tiantian could not feel the breath of lixiaoshuang.

That's strange.

"Master, will Xiaoshuang be in trouble?"

Qi Xia is worried about it. If so, she will not forgive herself for her life. When Xiaoshuang said it, she felt inappropriate, but she couldn't stand Xiaoshuang's entreat. But who knew such a evil door could not find her after coming out.

Qin Tian also did not know what happened, but it is certain that Xiaoshuang is still there, after all, he is the master of Xiaoshuang, or can be sensed.

I just don't know where she is.

Qin Tian thought about starting to run ghost Qi, if the frost can feel, it will come out.

Next door room, Wan Heshan felt a strong breath, for a long time did not see this power, it seems that there are people next door to cultivate, or a strong.

Wanheshan felt some ghost gas coming out of the stream, suddenly realized that this is a kind of ghost just attacking her! He was immediately alert.

"Go and see who's next door."

The men went out to check immediately and came back in a moment.

"Big brother, nobody. The front desk said there was no one living next door, and there were both sides."

"It's strange. I clearly felt a strong breath just now. I am not divided into two parts. If someone in Songshan city is similar to me, hum!"

Wan Heshan hum a cold, his men immediately understand, if there is, Wan Heshan also want to find a way to remove that person.

The so-called mountain can not accommodate two tigers. In the future, he will govern this area. If there is a person with the same strength as him, Wanheshan can not be assured at all.

"I don't feel wrong. You can check it quickly. If you can't, you will come to the hard one. If you can't, you can't tell the truth!"

People in the matter, Wan Heshan did not believe, is this person himself invented?

His men knew his temper and went out and looked for it.

Qin days they have left, Li Xiaoshuang is very injured, if not Qin Tian running ghost gas, she is afraid that she has long gone out of the air.

Now Li Xiaoshuang is taken back by Qin Tian in the jade pendant. When Qin Tian puts her out, Li Xiaoshuang's face is very blue and can not sit stably.


"You don't say anything, take the black stone to transport and turn, absorb the ghost gas inside, or I can't save you."

Qin Tian helped her heal her quickly. Although she was a doctor, he was the first time to help ghosts cure her illness. Qin Tian was not sure, but he had black stone, which should be successful.

Li Xiaoshuang knew that he had made a mistake. Although the starting point was good, the host was involved in the adventure to find her back. Now, he also needs to help her heal himself. Li Xiaoshuang is even more sad.

"Don't think so much, hurry!"

Qin Tianfen charged her that Li Xiaoshuang did not dare to delay. She quickly grasped the black stone and felt the breath in her body.

The pain began to gradually ease in the area that had just been injured. Qin Tian's silver needle and ghost Qi were tied down on her acupoints. They thought they would try several times, but they only succeeded once.Qin Tian's heart is happy, it seems that he can be a ghost doctor in the future, but this medicine is not easy to find.

Qixia and guidou looked at it with astonishment. Unexpectedly, it could be treated with this method. It's just open hanging! In the future, if you are injured, you can let Qin Tian help yourself heal. It seems that the effect is good, at least Li Xiaoshuang's face looks better than before.

Li Xiaoshuang also felt that Qin Tian was there, and her injury began to repair gradually. After breathing for almost two hours, Qin Tian's silver needle was also taken back. It was already one o'clock in the morning.

Li Xiaoshuang holds the Black War stone, the ghost spirit surrounds her whole person, and almost half an hour later, Li Xiaoshuang slowly comes over.

"Thank you, master."

Qin Tian looked at her, Qixia and ghost pocket also stood aside to listen to the lesson.

"I don't want to say anything about you, but I would like to remind you that since we are bound together, you call me master. I don't like personal heroism, especially my own opinions."

He took a look at Li Xiaoshuang. Seeing her eyes were red, he softened his tone: "although your starting point is good, but I don't want my people because I don't need to sacrifice. I also want to take you to break through more difficulties. You are my secret weapon. If you don't have you, many things I can't solve. At that time, I really can't cry It is. "

Qin Tian looked at Li Xiaoshuang and asked, "Xiaoshuang, do you think I'm right?"

Li Xiaoshuang repeatedly nodded, "master, it's all my fault. I'm too anxious. I'll never do this in the future. Master, you can rest assured."

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