Yang Bing did not immediately hand, just looked from afar, waiting for Qin Tian's secret signal.

He is a sniper tonight. He has been hiding here for four hours, and there is Guo Ping'an next to him. They work together to ensure everyone's safety tonight.

"What do you mean, black eating black? The Wu family is also a guest from the imperial capital. If you do this, you will not be afraid to spread it out and be laughed at? "

Qin Tian strides past, the lights behind him illuminate the open space in front of him. Qin Tian sees the Wanheshan standing in the crowd, and he recognizes it at a glance.

Wan Heshan is also looking at the young man in front of him. He looks no more than 30 or even younger.

This is what Chen Jun said about the arrogant boy. He was really crazy.

"Qin Tian? You are young. It's not easy to get to this stage. Why don't you come with me and we all make money together. You go to Shanghai with me. There are more people and more brothers. It's better than Songshan city. How about it? "

Qin Tian thought about it and said, "well What do you give me? I'm a big brother here. I'm a big brother here. I'm not familiar with you

Seeing Qin Tian say so, Wan Heshan felt that the boy was on the road, so he promised him: "as long as you come, the position of the second leader will be given to you."

"Oh, second in command, that's not good. How can I take someone's place? This will pull hatred, always head, this is not pit me

Qin Tian smiles. Naturally, he can see that the people around him were not normal when he was talking just now.

Wan Heshan looked at Qin Tian with disdain, "what do you want?"

"I want to be your position. I heard that it's very comfortable to sit in the head position, and there's a lot of money in the head's hand. We brothers have suffered, and we don't do illegal things. It's hard to earn money."

Qin Tian's crying poverty made the monkey behind him smile. They called out, "yes, the head. If we go, how much will the head give us?"

"We can't do without it. We have a large family and can't live without it."

Wan Heshan has heard it. These people are on purpose!

Qin Tian, you can!

Wan Heshan waved his hand and roared: "brothers, cut them down, take down the Pine Mountain!"

After the container quickly ran out of a group of people, Qin Tian saw the situation and roared: "Yang Bing!"

Yang Bing reacted quickly. When the red dot appeared on Qin Tian's forehead, Guo Ping'an's sniper gun was also fixed on the forehead of Wanheshan.

Yang Bing night locked the other party's position, directly shot to death.


A stuffy hum, the other side sniper fell down, the crowd was shocked, have stopped.

"Big brother, your forehead!"

Chen Jun was shocked and Qin Tian in the opposite side laughed.

"General head, the so-called reciprocity, always head to Qin Tian's good intentions, Qin Tianxin, who can go out alive today depends on their ability."

"Boy, you're crazy. I've been living in Wanheshan for so many years, but I'm not scared by people!"

Wan Heshan finished and grabbed Chen Jun around him and smashed it in the direction of Yang Bing! Chen Jun didn't expect that he would be sold like this. He scolded in his heart and then hit the container heavily. Yang Bing and Guo Ping'an did not move. Wan Heshan admired him. At the same time, he rushed towards Qin Tian.

His people also rushed over, the monkey saw a roar: "brothers rush ah!"


I don't know where to rush out, a large group of people in special equipment, each with iron bars in their hands, rushed in unison.

There is a slight difference in the number of people between the two sides. However, one third of Qin Tian's 300 people are veterans. It is not easy to deal with them. In addition, with the security personnel trained in the early stage, these people will fight with the people brought by Wan Heshan, and they will be separated immediately, not to mention their equipment.

When he saw Qin Tian, Wan Heshan took the lead in throwing a fist. Qin Tian took over the fight and exerted his seven parts. The mountain was still, and the queen of Qin stepped back two or three steps.

It's really tough.

Qin Tian said in his heart that Wan Heshan did not dare to underestimate him. He could take a punch from him when he was young. He just stepped back two steps.

Wan Heshan thought of the mysterious power of yesterday. Was it him?

No way!

"Boy, die!"

At the thought of this, Wan Heshan gave a sharp drink, raised his legs, and Qin Tian dodged. Wan Heshan flew forward again, turned his palms into fists, and hit Qin Tian's chest. Qin Tianfei kicked out, and both of them fell backward.

Qin Tian felt his chest ache and sighed in his heart. He was really the master of Shanghai and the sea area. However, he would win the first battle today, or he would be controlled by others in the future.

The two fight together again. Although the strength of Wanheshan is a little stronger, Qin Tian has the true Qi to protect his body. At this time, the two people are not even up and down.

Looking at the people behind him, the 500 people brought by Wan Heshan were quickly beaten and fled, and all the choppers fell down on the ground.The monkey saw the situation and roared: "brothers, guard the wharf!"

This is what they said before they set out. Once there is a war, these people will be rushed to the police's ambush point, and we will wait until we have solved them.

There was a lot of noise on the wharf. Ding Jianguo and his daughter guarded the exits with people. They could not help but feel anxious when they heard the sound inside.

"Ding Ju, can you see Qin Tian?"

Ding Hanxue is worried. If it wasn't Qin Tian, it would be them who bleed in it now.

Ding Jianguo, holding an infrared telescope in his hand, saw a group of people rushing out from afar.


Ding Jianguo's order, already ready for the special police have rushed up.

The people of Wanheshan managed to escape. They saw a group of people rushing towards them. All of a sudden, they were disillusioned.

"Damn it, it was the police. We were cheated. Qin Tian actually asked the police for help!"

The crowd did not know who called out, the monkey in the back almost laughed out, don't you know the sky brother in Songshan black and white eat all?

More than 100 police officers and 300 trained professionals put these 500 dregs in their clothes, which soon ended here.

Ding Hanxue is the first to rush to the front. She wants to find Qin Tian!

At this time, Qin Tian and WAN Heshan have already moved to other places. Yang Bing and Guo Ping'an escort Chen Jun out. Ding Han Xue sees them and asks, "what about Qin Tian?"

Yang Bing didn't know that he was still here just now and disappeared in a blink of an eye. This man is handed over to you. Ping'an, let's go to Tiange

"I'll go with you too!"

Ding Hanxue gives Chen Jun to his colleagues and follows them to find Qin Tian.

At this time, Qin Tian and WAN Heshan had already reached the wharf. With a loud bang, Wan Heshan was beaten out and smashed a hole in the cargo ship behind him, and the corners of Qin Tian's mouth also spilled blood.

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