Qin Tian looked at the hole in the cabin from a distance, and slowly lifted his feet and walked past.

"Always head, can you still stand up?"

Qin Tian's hands run real gas, a face guard, looking at the hole in the dark.

He just made a ten point effort in that move, but when Wan Heshan flew out, Qin Tian seemed to see his mouth rising. Was he wrong?

Qin Tian slowly approached, and suddenly a strange creak came from the crying hole, which became clearer in the silent night.

"Qin Tian!"

Ding Hanxue and Yang Bing Guo Ping'an run over and finally see him on the dock. Ding Hanxue is relieved to see that he is OK. As soon as she is about to go, she hears a loud noise from the cabin not far away. Then a black shadow comes out. Without waiting for her to shout out, Qin Tian flies out of the room and smashes it on the ground A big hole.

Ding Hanxue was shocked and pale.

"Qin Tian!"


"I'll fight with you

Guo Ping'an roared, the gun in his hand aimed at the shadow, but the next second the black shadow brush came to the front of him. Guo Ping'an didn't react to it and was held up by his neck. Before Yang Bing and Ding Hanxue's guns could be shot out, Guo Ping'an was thrown over by him and hit them hard!


Three people were smashed out more than ten meters away and couldn't get up for a long time.

The black shadow turns to the direction of the pit. At this time, the wharf suddenly becomes bright, and all the lights are on. Ding Hanxue and Yang Bing sit up slowly and see the shadow through the light.

It's Wan Heshan, but it's not like him. His whole body seems to be strong, and his clothes are also broken into cloth strips. When Wan Heshan pulls it off, Ding Hanxue and his three people look behind him and almost cry out!

From their point of view, it is a dragon like thing, like a snake, not a snake, like

"Jiao, I have seen it in books."

Yang Bing cried out, but the most worried thing was Qin Tian's situation. No one came out of the pit for half a day. Did Tiange have an accident?

Of course, Qin Tian has something to do. He lies in the pit and his whole body looks like a split. He can't catch the Qi in his body. At this time, several ghosts of Li Xiaoshuang have come out and stood at the edge of the pit to protect Qin Tian and fight for time for him.

When Wan Heshan comes to the pit, Li Xiaoshuang takes the lead and grabs a pair of ghost claws at Wan Heshan's chest. At this time, she also appears. But Ding Hanxue can't see it. She just feels strange. The temperature around her suddenly drops a lot. Wan Heshan also feels a wind coming. The whole person slides back and dodges. Qixia and guidou jump up to wrap up Wanheshan Surround yourself.

They can't see them. Although Wan Heshan is in a bit of a mess, he still draws with them. For a while, the atmosphere is a little awkward. Ding Hanxue and others don't know what Wan Heshan is doing. They just see him rolling and dodging. He is the only one fighting in the empty dock. Ding Hanxue feels something wrong and struggles to move towards qintian's direction. At this time, the police car is howling Driving in, a large group of police rushed in. The fourth Bureau was shocked to see this scene, and did not know what the strong and strange man was doing, and Ding Hanxue was running towards the other side.

"Han Xue!"

Ding Jianguo couldn't help crying out, and WAN Heshan heard the voice roaring. Then, with luck, his body began to creak, and the patterns on his back became more and more clear.

Li Xiaoshuang and they did not dare to take it lightly. As soon as they were about to rush forward, they heard a sharp drink from Wan Heshan. In an instant, Li Xiaoshuang and they all flew out.

Ding Hanxue was shocked and knelt on the ground. At this moment, Wan Heshan rushed to Ding Hanxue. Ding Jianguo Xin raised his voice and drew a gun to shoot. However, Wan Heshan's action was too fast to hit.

Ding Jianguo's heart sank and rushed out without thinking!

"Han Xue!"

Ding Jianguo's eyes are red and hissing. Ding Hanxue looks up and sees a figure flash past.

Just as Wan Heshan's hand was about to catch Ding Hanxue's neck, a hand suddenly stretched out in mid air and tightly clasped his wrist. Then, one hand twisted his hand off.

"Head on, you don't think I'm just giving up?"

At this time, Ding Jianguo ran over and helped Ding Hanxue to retreat. Qin Tianshen said in a deep voice: "you all retreat to 500 meters away, immediately!"

Wen Yan Yang Bing and they immediately began to retreat, Ding Jianguo also protects Ding Hanxue to retreat.

Qin Tian clasped the broken hand with a smile on his face, but a chill in his eyes.

Wan Heshan didn't expect that he could still get up. He didn't care about his broken hand.

"Boy, it's interesting. Let's do it again."

Finish saying to want to take out own hand, Qin Tian shakes his head, "always you did not have a chance."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Tian suddenly exerted his strength. Wan Heshan felt that his arm was just like being clamped by a pair of pliers and could not get rid of it.He did not show weakness, the other hand grasped Qin Tian's shoulder, according to his strength, half of Qin Tian's body could be torn.

However, Wan Heshan used his whole body strength, but felt that his whole body strength seemed to be pulled away, let alone the pleasure of tearing.

What's going on?

A little panic flashed in Wan Heshan's eyes, but then he calmed down, and the Dragon behind him began to swim as if he were alive. He followed the shoulder of Wanheshan to his arm, and he was about to come to Qin Tian's shoulder.

Suddenly, a black skin climbed up and covered Ding Hanxue.

Jiaolong just met the black gas, he kept twisting his body and began to dodge back. This time, Wanheshan was really afraid.

"How could that happen?"

He didn't understand. Qin Tianming had been defeated by him. In other words, ordinary people's bones had been broken. He not only stood up, but also became more powerful.

Wan Heshan can't think of it, but Qin Tian knows that this is the function of Black War stone.

In the pit, he found that he couldn't do what he wanted when he ran the Qi of true Qi. But then heishangshi began to replenish his energy. Qin Tian took advantage of the situation to absorb a lot of black Qi and stood up.

It seems that the strength of Black War stone is still very strong. As expected, the things of Mang Mountain are still very good.

Qin Tian saw Wan Heshan's face blue and knew that he could not hold on. The Black War stone had absorbed all his strength. The dragon, at this time, was gradually shrinking and finally became a black snake.

Wan Heshan opened his mouth and couldn't believe it. His hand gradually softened. Qin Tian released him. Wan Heshan fell on the ground in an instant. It took two seconds to call out, because breaking his hand was really painful.

His military force value has returned to zero, so many years of practice is over.

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