People from 500 meters away watched it and began to get restless. They were far away from each other and didn't know what was going on. However, they just saw that they could end the fight by standing face to face. They could not help being curious.

Qin Tian knows that this is not an accident. If it was not for his advancement, heishangshi would not be able to play a role. He discovered it last night. When he was treating Li Xiaoshuang's wounds, he found that heishangshi can be cured, but it can also absorb the other party's energy. Otherwise, how can he provide so much black Qi for his cultivation?

It's estimated that the ghost king knew it for a long time, but they didn't tell themselves.

So Qin Tian will take the Black War stone this time, so a try to understand.

Looking at the Wanhe mountain on the ground, Qin Tian waved to the people in the distance: "come and clean it!"

He looked back at the pit again, shrugged and walked away.

"Qin Tian!"

Behind him came the roar of Wanheshan. Qin Tian didn't look back, but said faintly: "I'm sorry, I'll take over the Shanghai sea area in the future. Contraband is not allowed in my territory! Thank you very much

Thank him for the money and his people.

Qin Tian thinks so, the heart is more comfortable.

Ding Hanxue and others ran over and took Wan Heshan in handcuffs. Chen Jun had already been taken to the car by them, and all the thugs who followed him were taken away. Within three hours, a crackdown on gangsters and evils in Songshan City wharf was successfully completed. Qin Tian sighed and put Li Xiaoshuang and them into the jade pendant. Then he went to Yang Bing and patted him on the shoulder, "thank you, brother."

And Guo Ping'an, the two of them guaranteed their own safety.

"Dingju, Captain Ding, thank you for your trust."

Qin Tian is really grateful. If it wasn't for them, they would have become the most infamous group in quansongshan if they hadn't brought so many people to fight at the wharf.

Ding Jianguo sighed, "Qin Tian, this should be what we said. If it wasn't for you, we didn't know how much more effort we would have to spend. Just arresting so many people is a problem. When I go back, I will report it to you and apply for awards!"

Qin Tian shook his head, approached Ding Jianguo and asked softly, "in fact, it doesn't matter whether there is a reward, but is there a bonus?"

"Ha ha, you boy, don't worry, there must be!"

But it's not high.

Qin Tian just adjusted the atmosphere, in addition, the ancient moon people should not be good?

It was only early this morning that he remembered that if the operation was successful, the brothers would have to be rewarded for their hard work.

Wanheshan and their base camp in Shanghai and sea must have a lot of good things, so Qin Tian asked Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng to take people there to have a look. Since it's to see, of course, it's the eye that will take over soon. Good things can't be divided by people in Wanheshan. Even if they want to, they decide how to divide them.

"Well, D Bureau, that's it today. We'll get in touch another day."

Seeing that Qin Tian was a little tired, Ding Jianguo naturally did not force him. He nodded and told him to leave. The monkey asked the other brothers to go back first. So many people were so conspicuous that several of their captains were waiting here.

"Tiange, it's Tiange coming out!"

Qinshan police line, you are excited to see the four days ahead of Qinshan police guard line, you are not happy to see Qin Wanmin on the dock

Qin Tian disdain: "I want a clear conscience, do not listen to my nature, not worthy of being my friend."

Qin Tian finished and left. He didn't want to spend more time with this guy.

When Qin Tian's chariot arrived, he drove a dozen chariots to Qin's palace.

"Today, we are completely famous on the road. When Gu Yue comes back, we are discussing the development of the machine in the future. Monkey, Lao Zhou, and his brothers went to have a supper. All of them worked hard. In addition, everyone paid 100000 yuan for their hard work. This is the card and password, you know."

Monkey, they looked at each other, did not expect to get money.

"Thank you, brother. Won't you go?"

Qin Tian shook his head, "I won't go, you go, we'll get together tomorrow."

It can be seen that Qin Tian is a little tired. The monkey will not disturb him and let him have a good rest.

After they left, Qin Tian closed his eyes in the room. Although they won the war, Qin Tian could still feel the horror of power. A master can have such strength, not to mention those invisible mysterious people?

Isn't imperial capital an irresistible force?

Qin Tian decided to be strong in the future, otherwise he would not be so lucky as today.

With a sigh, Qin Tiangang was about to go to bed when he heard the sound of his mobile phone. It was the ancient moon.

"Mr. Qin, the whole area of Shanghai and Shanghai has been scattered. When we went there, we only found the private account of Wan Heshan. There were only more than one million in it, and the rest of the money disappeared."

Gu Yue's words made Qin Tian stunned, but then he figured it out, "you come back, I guess they are afraid of the money to bring back, send a few people to watch, we will go back later.""Well, how are you?"

After the call, Gu Yue knew Qin Tiansheng. Qin Tiansheng said with a smile: "it's OK. It's all settled. You can come back as soon as possible."

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian can not help thinking, Wan Heshan also left a hand? It's impossible. He is such a proud man. He never thought he would lose. How could he transfer money? Qin Tian couldn't think of any other way. The only explanation was that there were problems inside them. Otherwise, how could this happen? I hope they can find the ancient moon. Qin Tian took a deep breath and lay down to sleep, waiting for them to come back.

As the night went on, the wharf became calm. If it wasn't for the big holes on the ground and the holes in the hull, no one knew what happened here last night.

As for the people of the Wu family, they traded in private. When they got off the plane, they were arrested by the police who had been waiting for a long time.

Wu Ronghai was tragically left in the hospital. The Wu family's industry was affected and could not start work. Everyone of them had to be investigated. The imperial Wu family was expelled from the Imperial Palace because of this scandal.

Qin Tian didn't expect that the Wu family was seriously damaged by the first World War, but I think so. If it wasn't for them, how could he kill two birds with one stone?

No matter whether Wan Heshan has arranged the way back, the result is still good.

Qin Tian tells Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao the good news. The Lin family finds an excuse to send them to the police station to make a confession. As a result, Wu Ronghai lies in the hospital and is taken away, which is unexpected to him.

When the police make a confession, see Ding Hanxue again, he can't be arrogant any more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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