Ding Hanxue is angry when he sees Wu Ronghai. If it were not for him sitting in a wheelchair, Ding Hanxue would have started.

"Wu Ronghai, what do you want to say about the kidnapping of Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao?"

Wu Ronghai blushed and wanted to argue. However, seeing the chill in Ding Hanxue's eyes and knowing the situation of his family, he could only bow his head and confess his guilt. Fortunately, his body was like this. Even if he was sentenced, he could not be like the ordinary prisoners. This also made Wu Ronghai feel relieved.

However, the law won't let him go so easily. Qin Tian contacted monkey after he knew it and asked him to find the contact information of the family members of the female voice who was forced to jump from the building.

The last time you let him escape, this time it won't be so easy.

Wu Ronghai was put into a special cell, waiting for him will be put through the bottom of the prison.

When the victims' families came to the police station, Ding Hanxue understood everything. If it wasn't Qin Tian, I'm afraid Wu Ronghai would not have pleaded guilty.

Wu Ronghai is still dreaming that he is in a special situation. He is still in a special cell and can enjoy special treatment. However, the blow that followed made him collapse.

Qin Tianlai, originally want to let him stand up, but on second thought, such words are too cheap for him.

So Qin Tian came and saw where Wu Ronghai was lying. A cold light flashed in his eyes. When Wu Ronghai saw Qin Tian, he was even more nervous.

"You, you..."

"Don't be nervous. I'm here to help you. I'll fix your leg."

Qin Tian's words let Wu Ronghai's brain explode!

"No, no, I don't! No

Wu Ronghai doesn't want to be cured. If he is cured, he will be in prison. Can he be so comfortable?

Knowing his idea, Qin Tian retreated to one side and motioned the police to fix his leg. Then he took out the silver needle.

"No, Qin Tian, you have a grudge against me. I don't want you to help me, don't! The police officer saved me. He wanted to kill me... "

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Tian knocked him unconscious. "It's really troublesome. There are so many people looking for me to see a doctor. The doctor's fee is not several hundred thousand. If you give you a free injection, you still refuse. It's really unkind."

"I mean, he just doesn't want to go to prison. He'll stay here and get a parole for medical treatment after a period of time. He'll still be carefree. You must cure him!"

The police looked at Qin Tian. Qin Tian nodded and took out the silver needle to prick him. It was only 40 minutes before and after. Qin Tian was fine.

"For three days in a row, I'll come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I think he will be able to move tonight."

Qin Tian put up the silver needle, and the police all admired it. They didn't know that Wu Ronghai's leg was broken by Qin Tian.

Out of the police station, Qin Tian took time to go back home, met Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao, Qin Tian told these days.

"When are you so good? It's still the Wu family in the imperial capital. Before, I only heard that they had a history of making a fortune. It seems that they are not so glorious. However, after so many years of white washing, how can they still do such a thing? "

Lin Xiaoyao can't think clearly. At this time, the scale and strength of the Wu family are among the best. How can you be confused now?

Qin Tian sighed: "you can't be rich for three generations. You can see Wu Ronghai. How much money did you lose? There are more than one such loser in the Wu family. Do you think they don't need money for their beauty? "

It's true. Besides, Wu Ronghai even pits his own people.

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and agreed. He said that it was reasonable, but they were not the same as the Lin family, but the losers of the Lin family were smart. They had their own investment, and the income was quite good.

Therefore, this is the premise for the stable development of the Lin family.

Qin Tian and the two of them sat at home and chatted for a long time. He didn't leave until Gu Yue called.

A kind of brothers of the Qin Palace are still excited. This time, they have defeated the master of Shanghai and the sea area. In the future, the Qin palace will take over the whole Shanghai sea. It's exciting to think about it.

"Oh, my God


"Good heavens


Along the way, Qin Tian received greetings from many people. He said hello one by one and came to the ancient moon.

"Brother Qin Tian, we just threw ourselves in the air this time. There are only 1.3 million yuan, and the rest are not!"

Jiao Cheng thinks it's too bad. Wan Heshan doesn't leave anything. The million yuan is still in his personal account. He can't move it at all.

Qin Tian doesn't care about the money. "Don't worry. Our target is the Shanghai and sea area, not his money. If there is better, it's not even if there is no money. If he transfers, some people will be bold. So I let you send people to watch and the rest will be handed over to the police."

Qin Tian's words made them puzzled, "in this case, Qin Tian's brother, we also went there specially. We knew that we should be pretty quiet in the past, and kill him by surprise."

"I guess Wan Heshan has their own problems. Wait for the result of the police interrogation. They will pit their own people. Wan Heshan knows that his old nest has been taken away by others. What will happen?"Qin Tian asked them, not to mention the Wanheshan, if their money and territory were swept away, it is estimated that they would be crazy?

The two of them understood that they had to be calm at such a time. If they could wait, sooner or later, they would wait for the man to show up.

Qin Tian is not in a hurry. As for the takeover, they have no one now. When everyone comes back, they take it again.

The general manager of the Shanghai sea area was caught by the police, which caused a sensation in the whole underworld. The name of Qin Tian spread all over the Shanghai sea area, and even the imperial capital was also a sensation.

We all know that the Wu family got into trouble because they couldn't get along with Qin Tian this time. If we could be more rational, the whole family would not be investigated and they were still contraband.

It turned out that it was just routine inspection, which hurt people's vitality at most. But now the news comes out that the Wu family investigated and dealt with a large number of contraband goods, had to hide guns, and even involved in the murder cases of many clansmen. People in the imperial capital were not calm.

When the news reached Songshan, Qin Tian helped to cure Wu Ronghai's leg. The family members of the girl forced to jump off the building appealed for the death penalty. Wu Ronghai knew that he was afraid and was in a muddle all day.

In addition to Wu Ronghai and Chen Jun, Ding Hanxue has made great achievements this time. In addition to Wu Ronghai and Chen Jun, there are also those so-called Duzi brothers and officials of the second generation. Chen Jun has a detailed account in his hand. No matter who bought it, he has records here. Therefore, it is impossible to find an excuse.

Many dignified people came to Ding Jianguo through their relations, but he avoided them. The purpose was not to listen to their nonsense or shirk their responsibilities. They were all officials of the second generation. How could Ding Hanxue be rooted in Miao Hong? It's not about education, so when they came, Ding Jianguo went to a meeting and avoided them completely.

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