Ding Jianguo did this in order to avoid trouble. In the future, countless people would come to him after a break. He didn't want the police to spend such a long time in vain. So in the face of their kindness, Ding Jianguo turned a blind eye to them. He let Ding Hanxue block them for a while. Finally, when all the evidence of the Wu family in the imperial capital came out, Ding Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief, at least with these evidences It's believed that those people won't bother him any more.

When the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, the affairs of the Wu family set off a great disturbance in the imperial capital. Many people still stayed away from the Wu family. After the accident, they could not find a friend to help them.

When Wu Ronghai's leg was completely cured, the prosecution began to hear his case.

Wu Ronghai also dreamt that he could be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment, and that he could move out ahead of time.

But when he saw Qin Tian, Wu Ronghai knew he was out of action.

Seeing the once arrogant Wu Ronghai's haggard appearance, Qin Tian said faintly: "Wu Ronghai, don't fantasize. I heard that you still have tens of millions to bribe the police? I forgot to tell you that the property of the Wu family has been checked. Your money is also illegal income and should be frozen. In addition, the victims' families don't want your money. They just want justice. You can't dream of coming out. You can stay in it all your life. It may be safer for you. "

Qin Tian is right, if according to his meaning, once Wu Ronghai comes out, he will use his own method to let him die.

"Qin Tian, why are you always staring at me? I've offended you, but if you don't kill too much, you just want to see that I'm not as good as death. What's good for you? "

Wu Ronghai looked at Qin Tian and felt that he was really unlucky. How could he stick to himself like a dog skin plaster?

Qin Tian, sitting opposite him, did not answer directly. Instead, he asked him coldly, "how much energy does it take for a family to cultivate a student? Don't you feel guilty when you destroy a happy home like this

"What does that have to do with you? Why the hell are you staring at me? "

Wu Ronghai roared, Qin Tian disdained: "you are wrong, I am not staring at you, but I always dislike you this scum of the lower body, in other words, it is not pleasing to the eye to see you!"

Qin Tian stood up and looked at Wu Ronghai's pale face and said contemptuously, "today, your legs can move freely. Don't think about self mutilation. No matter what you hurt yourself, I have a way to cure you!"

Qin Tian's words made Wu Ronghai pale. He knew that Qin Tian was serious, but why was he? He didn't just like women, just playing. It was her own suicide, it didn't matter to him!

Qin Tian doesn't think so. The accomplices Tang Qingyang and his son are all dead, and all the horses have been arrested. Wu Ronghai, the only one left, can't let him go unpunished.

Qin Tian comes out of the detention center. Ding Hanxue is waiting at the door. When he comes out, Ding Hanxue meets him.

"The base camp in Shanghai and Shanghai is empty. Did your people make it?"

Qin Tian shook his head: "no, when we used to go there, we had no news? It was his people who got the news ahead of time and ran away. "

"It's impossible. We haven't leaked it out. How do they know?"

Ding Hanxue thinks it is impossible. Qin Tian shrugs his shoulders. It's not clear. Maybe it's his people or the people from Wanheshan.

Everything is unknown. Qin Tian still wants to wait for the news from the police, so Ding Hanxue doesn't know how to answer this question.

But he sent people over there and would give back as soon as he got news.

It's very difficult for his colleagues to send Xuehan here, so he can't help but send Xuehan here.

"Team D, I'll go back first. We'll communicate with each other if we have news. We can contact you at any time."

"OK, I'll call you once the result of Wan Heshan's interrogation is available."

Ding Hanxue agrees, but Qin Tian thinks that the combat effectiveness of the hundreds of people brought by Wan Heshan is too poor. Is it hard to say that he was also trapped?

Unknowingly, Qin Tian's car drove to Fang Zhen's club. According to his previous setting, the decoration here has been completed, and he is screening customers. I don't know how many guests can choose here.


Fang Zhen's car came in and was surprised to see Qin Tian standing at the door with his pocket in it.

"Why is brother Tian coming? Come in quickly. Our club is trying to open business. Damn it, I can't see that there are quite a lot of rich people in Songshan city. We initially set up an annual membership card of one million, and there are dozens of people who have applied for the card. What a surprise

Fang Zhen's words surprised Qin Tian. When was it settled?

However, on second thought, it seems that he has been handed over to Gu Yue and they are fully responsible for it.

"Then I'll try. You're busy. Give me a card and I'll experience it."

After Qin Tian finished, Fang Zhen handed over a black gold card with no signature, but it was a large amount of VIP card.

Qin Tian waved, Fang Zhen went in first, and of course he wanted to say hello to the people inside.When Qin Tian walks in, he sees the complicated look in the eyes of the waiter, and he feels funny.

"Mr. Qin, please. Do you have any special preferences and what do you like to play?"

"What do you say?"

Qin Tian didn't understand. The waiter saw that he was wearing a very ordinary jacket and casual pants. If it wasn't for the spirit of people, they would not let Qin Tian in.

However, Fang Zhen said hello. Naturally, they wanted to serve well. Hearing Qin Tian ask him, the waiter thought for a moment and said, "the guests who come here are just looking for fun. They like to play two handfuls of cards. They can win points and exchange gifts. Those who like women can choose beautiful women to accompany them. However, they don't provide services. There are also boxes for singing and others are for business We also have a private meeting room. If you are not interested, you can have a drink. There is a bar on the top floor

Good, card game?

Qin Tian is a little interested, but the beauty is not enough.

"Playing cards, I'll go by myself. Go down!"

Qin Tian saw the sign on one side. It's good for me to go by myself. The waiter doesn't have to. He turns around and goes down.

Although it is a trial business, but after going in, Qin found that there were many people to play.

Gambling is prohibited in China, but Qin Tian thinks that sometimes playing cards is harmless as long as it does not involve money. So Fang Zhen and they set up a card game here. Qin Tian thought it was a good idea. It didn't violate the rules, but it was also enjoyable.

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