Qin Tian goes to the front desk and uses the VIP card to exchange the electronic bracelet for playing cards. If he wins, he can accumulate points. The points can offset the consumption amount of the club or exchange gifts. Qin Tian looks at the gifts, and the gifts are also good. They are all luxury goods.

As he walked along, he observed, and soon found many fresh faces.

Most of the famous people in Songshan city are familiar with him. However, those who come here today are not here to play.

Qin Tian looks at the position on his head, there are monitoring all around, so there should be no problem.

So he went to one of the moustaches and followed him to the table. This table is playing cards. Qin Tian looked at it for a while and saw that moustache and the man with an inch head on the opposite side had a short look at each other. He did not move.

Moustache slowly moved to the other side, and gradually sat down to the inch man.

Qin Tian didn't know how the two of them worked together. In a word, every time, either moustache won or an inch won.

He could see clearly that the two men did not have eye contact when playing cards, but they cooperated very well. The gap would also give the other two teams a chance to win, but in most cases, they won more.

Qin Tian doesn't stop them. Since they can win, they also have some skills. After all, they are VIP with cards.

After watching them play for three rounds, Qin Tian finally realized that the two of them cooperated by hand gestures.

Moustache turned the ring and gave him an inch. He pinched his nose and took the card to intercept his intention. Qin Tian looked at the two cards and basically determined the communication between them.

"Come on, it's bad luck. I won't play any more!"

One of the four players left the game, and Qin Tian was just on top.

"I will."

He went over and sat down and ran into moustache's half smile.

"How much are you going to win, brother?" Small beard asked him, Qin Tian smile, just shake the bracelet.

"Not much. I want to exchange 200000 points and earn back what I spent today."

his words made everyone laugh. It turned out to be a woodlouse.

Moustache's eyes moved smartly, confirming that Qin Tian was really not lying. He was happy.

"Brother, I'd like to see how lucky my brother is today. Let's start!"

Qin Tian nodded. The first three games saw them cooperate with each other. Qin Tian deliberately pretended to be anxious. The loser in the first round was 20000 points. After the third inning, Qin Tian had already got 180000 points, and there were only 200000 points in it.

"Brother, do you want to continue? I don't think you'll be able to exchange enough. "

Small beard complacent, Qin Tian nodded and seemed to have made a big decision, "of course, I'll continue. I'll spend money to buy points, and then come again!"

With that, he recited Li Xiaoshuang's name in his heart, and Xiaoshuang floated out. No one could see her here except Qin Tian.

It's the first time Li Xiaoshuang helps Qin Tian play cards, isn't it?

Qin Tian picks eyebrows and winks at the direction of cuntou. Li Xiaoshuang takes a look and gets it.

Just as moustache pinched his nose, Li Xiaoshuang covered his eyes behind cuntou. Originally, he wanted to make a match. As a result, moustache's face was stunned for a moment. He had to remove the card and play it. He also looked at cuntou. As a result, his eyes were covered by Li Xiaoshuang, and he could not receive his message.

This card, moustache lost, Qin Tian increased 20000 points.

People around see Qin Tian's income, originally wanted to go, this time around again.

Li Xiaoshuang released cuntou's eyes and floated behind him. At the beginning of the game, moustache and cuntou finally saw each other, but the cards they sent out changed. It was clear that a pair of K became a pair of three, which made them depressed and almost cut out their own eyes.

Qin Tian even won six games and lost points all came back. The two men got up and left. Qin Tian didn't play any more.

"It's not easy to earn the points. I don't want to play any more!"

Qin Tian said slowly and wandered around the casino. What did the two people play? Qin Tian asked Li Xiaoshuang to intervene, but he didn't let them succeed.

When moustache left, he was obviously withered. Qin Tian looked at him coldly and waited until they went out to let Li Xiaoshuang come back.

"Master, they are gone."

"Well, what did you find?"

Qin Tianshen asked in a deep voice. Just now he saw Li Xiaoshuang staring at the necks of those two people for a long time.

Li Xiaoshuang replied: "master, there is a dragon tattoo on their necks. If I remember correctly, there is also a tattoo on Wanheshan's neck."

Her words shocked Qin Tian.

"Are you sure?"

Li Xiaoshuang nodded, and she was sure.

Qin Tian is silent. If it is the subordinates of Wanheshan, it is not difficult to explain why they will fight the sky in the past. It turns out that they have already arrived in Songshan city.

Qin Tian quickly called Fang Zhen and asked him to send someone to follow the two men.Fang Zhen already knew what had happened just now. He thought Qin Tian was going to teach those two people who didn't know the height of heaven and earth. So he said in his voice, "don't worry, brother Tian. I will teach them a good lesson when I find them."

"Don't teach me a lesson. Just tell me where they're going to settle down."

Qin Tian just wants to know where they are and what plans they have.

Although Fang Zhen did not understand Qin Tian's intention, he did not dare to disobey him.

"Make sure to finish the task!"

Hang up the phone, Fang Zhen quickly sent someone to watch them. The two people were new customers. The trial business started five days ago. They came at the beginning. It's hard to guarantee that they didn't come for Qin Tian.

Moustache and cuntou left the club and went straight to the hotel, where there were many of his brothers.

"Lao Hu, it's really a heresy today. I can clearly see that it's a pair of K's. how can it become three? Damn it, it's bad luck to meet that boy

He was talking about an inch of his head. He smacked his tongue and said, "we've met an expert, but we haven't lost anything today. We'd better go to that club in a few days. In addition, we always have news from the head. We'll take action tomorrow evening. Damn it, I didn't expect to suffer such a big loss in Songshan this time."

"Who said no, fortunately, we have money and goods. It's not a problem to make a comeback."

The two of them looked at each other and saw a trace of hesitation in each other's eyes.

"Lao Hu, do we really want to start over with the general manager?"

The inch is a little uncertain, and moustache hesitates.

A group of them came from the base camp in Shanghai and felt that it was not appropriate. Besides, this is the territory of others. They may not be able to make it. There are risks in taking risks again.

Moustache didn't grow up immediately. He just sighed and followed him into the hotel.

Fang Zhen's people saw and followed in, determined their room number, and then went back to report to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian receives the news and greets Gu Yue. Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng arrange people to meet him outside. Qin Tian wants to go over and have a look.

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