Soon after moustache and cuntou entered, the brothers rushed into his room.

"Brother Hu, what's the matter with your head?"

Moustache looked at the people around him and could not help shaking his head. "Act as usual, but I want to say, the head of the general has been abandoned and cultivated. Even if we save him, we can't make him the former chief commander. Even if he sleeps, he can't be the chief commander again. You can go if you want. If you don't want to stay, I won't be forced."

Moustache's words made people stare at each other. They didn't expect that at this time, moustache could say such words.

"Lao Hu, what do you mean?"

"Is my meaning not clear enough? I've been running outside these days. What I've seen is the strength of the Qin palace. Apart from other nightclubs, you can see almost all of them. Even if they are not, there can be no contraband. It is impossible for us to recover Songshan. There are also a few clubs. Although the place is small, they are very formal, and they are also the territory of qintian. What do you think we and I have? Do you dare to bring goods to sell in their territory? "

Moustache makes sense, but nothing is more important to them than money.

However, some people cherish their lives and offer to stay.

"Lao Hu is right. After always putting his head out, he is not as good as us. Can we convince the public by sitting in that position? Besides, it's almost OK. How did he treat us when he was there? You all forgot? Lao Hu, why do you wear a ring and don't take it off for so many years? "

The speaker is a big flower arm, suddenly very excited looking at the moustache.

The brothers around know what's going on, but nobody dares to say.

Moustache said with a wry smile, "what are you doing with those? Anyway, I won't go. If you want to go, you can go with the third

His words let cuntou surprised, pointing to his own doubt: "and me? I'm not going! " If Lao Hu doesn't go, he won't go either.

Both of them said that, and the others looked at each other and were silent.

"Since none of you will go, it is better to think about the future."

All of a sudden, they were surprised by the sound coming from the door. They all looked back and were shocked when they saw the visitors.

"Is it you?"

Moustache and cuntou were very surprised to see Qin Tian, and then he said, "who are you?"

Qin Tian smiles and walks in, "it doesn't matter who I am. It's important for you. Since you don't want to go, don't you think about your way out?"

"Stinky boy, don't think you'll be great if you win twice. Who let him in? Get out!"

Moustache suddenly got angry, and big flower arm went to push Qin Tian. Who knew that Qin Tian didn't move, which surprised him.

"Boy, you..."

Before he finished his words, there was no one in front of him.

Moustache looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him and stood up instantly.


"I'm Qin Tian. If you want to avenge Wanheshan, you can find me now, as long as you can win."

Qin Tian sat down and opened his legs. All the people in front of him were from Wanheshan. He was not afraid.

Little beard saw this and then slowly sat down, "are you Qin Tian? What are you doing here? "

"I just want to see how capable Mr. Zong's brother is. He can empty all the things in the general hall, but he lives here."

Seeing how many of them were, Qin Tian was still a little surprised. At this time, a group of people came in from the base camp. They all came to see what it was that made them lose.

Qin Tian saw that there were nearly thirty or forty people here. Seeing that they were still increasing, Qin Tian simply said to moustache, "find a place to talk about?"

"We have nothing to talk about."

"Is it? The police will arrive soon. It's up to you whether you want to go into the net or find an open and aboveboard place to continue to wander in the world. "

Two choices, Qin Tian's words let moustache very surprised, the present brothers also feel reasonable.

"Lao Hu, talk to him, and see what else he has in mind!"

"I'm afraid you don't understand me. I've never cheated. Since I said it, I will do it. If I give you a chance to continue to mix, I will certainly do it."

"Conditions? Mr. Qin won't be so kind to help for no reason. "

Qin Tian can see that these people are bearded and intelligent.

"You are really smart. My conditions are very simple. Just like that, I am bound to win in Shanghai and Shanghai. You follow me."

Seeing their surprise, Qin Tian added: "of course, I don't mean to let you draw a line immediately. You have three days to think about it. In these three days, I promise the police won't move you. Of course, if you take the initiative to challenge, I can't guarantee that."

Qin Tian's words made moustache smile, "follow you? I Laohu can start a new business with my brothers. Why do I want to work with you? We want people, some people want money, what's the reason to ask you? "Qin Tian nodded to admit that his statement was reasonable, but there was no absolute.

"The reason is very simple. I can guarantee your safety in Songshan. You know the crime committed by Wan Heshan in Songshan, and there is no possibility of recovery at all. Therefore, he has no second choice but to stay in prison. You are different. Wan Heshan is directly connected with Chen Jun, and you don't know about it. If you follow me, I will help you, but I'm not sure if Wan Heshan can turn over. "

If they don't agree, they won't live in peace.

As soon as this was said, everyone was quiet. They were all people licking blood on the tip of a knife. We can imagine how difficult it is. Although they have money, it is not their money, let alone give them points.

Even if rescued, Wan Heshan will only scold his mother. After all, his cultivation Kung Fu has been abandoned.

In fact, moustache has his own selfishness. Without Wan Heshan, he can take his place. Why can't he be the boss himself?

But Qin Tian said it was right. He didn't want to offend the police any more for fear that they would go out.

Seeing his silence, I couldn't help it.

"Lao Hu, what are you talking about with him? Talk about it after fighting!"

Cuntou is a straightforward man. He can't see anyone threatening him. Hearing what Qin Tian said, he immediately got angry and kicked. Qin Tian kicked him a long way ahead of time, pressing on the person at the door.

Now the people can see clearly. Qin Tian is the first to pay homage before the soldiers. With the strength and speed of his foot, no one dares to go forward. After all, Wan Heshan was defeated by him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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