Qin Tian finally talked about business, and several people sat upright to listen to him.

"I went to play that day. It was Fang Zhen's side. It was very good on the whole. I only played cards a few times. As a result, I ran into Lao Hu and his opponent broke into our territory directly. But I didn't know that. I'm not strange brother Zhen, but we should make sure that there are people who can see in the club. We don't know which big brother comes in. Fortunately, Lao Hu just entered Let's have a look. If we want to do something, we are too passive

Qin Tian said that, Gu Yue and Gu Yue were all in a cold sweat. Their security had not been stationed in the club. In order to improve the level of the club at that time, all the novices were invited. There were not many familiar faces in the club.

Qin Tian continued: "not only that, when I went out, the electronic Bracelet didn't give out an alarm, so you still need to improve your trial business. Don't let people take advantage of the loopholes and suffer losses."

They just started business, and it was unforgivable that there were so many problems. Fang Zhen's face turned red when he thought of it. Other clubs were the same. They were all designed according to his design. Therefore, the problems raised by Qin Tian are fundamentally Fang Zhen's fault.

"Tiange, it's because I don't think well about it. I'm going to improve it. Please come and have a look at it in the future."

Fang Zhen really admitted his mistake and had to admit that he was not considerate enough.

"It's all my brothers who don't talk about anything else. Since I told you, I don't mean to blame. Everyone makes money together. And one last thing, and the most important thing. "

Qin Tian's look was serious, and they could not help but become serious.

"It's true that Wan Heshan is looking for a killer to deal with me, so you should also be careful. 50 million yuan is used to deal with me. It's hard for him."

Wan Heshan hasn't said who that person is, so Qin Tian doesn't expect him to open his mouth and tell the truth. At this point, Wan Heshan doesn't plan to cooperate. Anyway, it's like that.

Qin Tian's words made them disapprove.

"Brother qintian, you are too worried. You are not a killer. Can he be more powerful than Wanheshan?"

"Not really."

The killer who can be stronger than Wan Heshan is not an ordinary killer any more. I'm afraid that he can't be moved by 50 million people.

Jiao Cheng and they laugh.

"That's OK. I thought it was a big deal. Brother Qin Tiantian, you can even defeat Wanheshan, but you can be afraid of him?"

"I hope I'm worried too much," he said

Although Qin Tian said so, he didn't relax at all and let them be ready.

After the explanation is clear, Qin Tiancai can rest assured.

It was already five o'clock in the evening when he came out from the Qin palace. Qin Tian wanted to go home just in time to have dinner with Li Xinran.

But as soon as he got home, his heart raised his voice. Li Xinran should be at home, but his door was closed, and the light was not on?

When Li Xinran is not at home, he will send messages to himself or call him. Moreover, he can smell a faint smell of blood in the air. A bad premonition strikes his heart. Qin Tian quickly opens the door and goes in. In the dark, a silver light flashes. Qin Tianxia's consciousness sidesteps, and the blade flies over his scalp.



It's Li Xinran's voice, Qin Tian's heart is tight, and then a slap, the light is on.

The sudden light made him instinctively block his eyes and see everything in front of him through his fingers.

Li Xinran was tied and gagged, leaving her clothes on the floor beside the sofa. There were bloodstains on her neck and red and swollen cheeks on both sides.

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian's heart rose with anger, and the other end of the rope was held in a woman's hand.

A tight black leather suit and leather pants, with a dagger in his hand, saw Qin Tian's woman smile and said: "I didn't expect that your head is worth 50 million yuan. It's a pity that you are very handsome."

"Is the killer you're looking for in Heshan?"

Qin Tian is a little suspicious. When they caught Wan Heshan, they didn't say that he traded with a woman!

"It's me, but I'm also under orders at the critical moment. If the person who intended to kill you escapes, I will directly result in him. Don't worry, I've always been quick and quick, and I won't make you feel much pain."

A woman with red lips and white teeth is tall and flexible. She is also an attractive beauty when she goes out. She is not suitable to be a killer.

"It's not as bad as your family. You're so stupid!"

Qin Tian walks over to help Li Xinran up. The woman pulls the throwing knife and throws it out. Qin Tian grabs the rope quickly, grabs the ashtray on the tea table with his back hand and smashes it in the past. With a bang, the ashtray is broken and the throwing knife is also broken.

He was just about to go over and pick up the fragment when the woman's long legs suddenly swept over and blocked off with her elbow. She had to protect Li Xinran. She suffered a lot of feet on her body. She secretly sighed that her boxing was not so good.

But soon Qin Tian got her Throwing Knife, turned around to cut Li Xinran's rope, roared: "hide!"

Li Xinran quickly hid in the kitchen, thought about it and took a kitchen knife to defend himself.In the living room, Qin Tian is entangled with a woman. I don't know what she's doing. Her leg skill is very strong. When long legs sweep past, there's a strong wind. If Qin Tian doesn't react quickly, it will make him dizzy.

It seems that the level of 50 million is different.

After several hundred moves, Qin Tian was a little annoyed and didn't want to play. So he took advantage of the woman's leg to come back again. He clasped her wrist and bullied her to the wall.

"Do you like this posture? Your wife is watching

Qin Tian was speechless and said in a deep voice, "I don't need to have a wife, but thousands of brothers under my hand are all bachelors. Do you want to have a try?"

Smell speech woman's face a sink, return to ferocity, hands are not idle, but Qin Tian is very much in debt, quickly subdued her, let Li Xinran help to rope me to tie her up.

Looking at Li Xinran's red and swollen face, Qin Tian is deeply distressed.

After tying up the female killer, he hugged Li Xinran to give her medicine, and at the same time took time to call Fang Zhen to his home. Fang Zhen is the most experienced woman.

"You, if you want to kill, you have to cut quickly, don't chirp

The female assassin is still hard spoken, Qin Tian disdains: "50 million please this kind of goods is really wasteful, I want to see when the people behind you want to hide, and also, you beat my wife, I also want to let you taste the taste of being played, rest assured, my brother is very gentle."

After helping Li Xinran apply the medicine, Qin Tian gave her a needle to let her sleep and rest. After Li Xinran was stable, Qin genius came out and took the silver needle to her. The female killer panicked, "what are you going to do?"

"Don't do anything to make you feel better for a while!"

Finish a needle to her acupuncture point.

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