"You, what have you done to me?"

In fact, the effect is not so fast, but she subconsciously felt Qin Tian's hands and feet on her, can't help but be afraid.

Qin Tian's mouth rose, to her needle is to frighten her, not to wait for his mouth, she was flustered.

"I won't do anything to you, but my brother can't say for sure. He likes you like this, but I'm afraid you'll hurt him, so you can't move for a while."

Qin Tian's explanation makes the female killer's face pale. Qin Tian didn't expect that she was still afraid of this, so she couldn't help being curious.

"You didn't tell the truth, did you? Now, while my brother hasn't come, let's say it quickly. Maybe I can change my mind. Otherwise, our club has just opened. Many guests like women, and there are those who have hobbies. It's just right for you to send someone with good physical fitness like you. "

Qin Tian deliberately frightens her, although the female killer is afraid, but not after a while she is relieved.

"Well, you can send me there. I'd like to see what else you can do to make me soft."

In the face of women, Qin Tian has no way to do it, but he is not willing to teach her a lesson.

So Qin Tian was really cruel, but he didn't want her to wake Li Xinran. So Qin Tian found a towel and put it into her mouth. Then he pricked the silver needle into the acupoint on her head. This time, he was serious. At first, the female killer was just psychological. She felt scared, but this time it was different. Her head was as painful as a blast. Don't cry Now I can't even make a sound. I'm sweating all over.

Qin Tian looked at her like this and pulled the towel out.

"What? Is it exciting? I have something better. It's just an appetizer. "

"I, I said."

female killer finally can not help, if she did not say, then do not know how Qin day will be on her, not all has the final say.

"I ask you, who is the killer in Wanheshan?"

Qin Tian pulled out the silver needle on her head, and the female killer was immediately relieved and said, "it's a member of our organization, but after taking on other tasks, I transferred it to me. I only received 30 million yuan, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful."


Qin Tian was a little puzzled. The female killer nodded in cold sweat on her forehead. "Yes, the killer organization. If you have money, you can kill anyone."

"What about the imperial family?"

"No matter who it is."

The female killer's words let Qin Tian silent, existence is reasonable, but now different, they are not allowed.

Qin Tian didn't expect that Songshan city could find killer organizations, but this time he didn't intend to be enemies with them.

"Wanheshan has gone in. I'll let you go. You can enjoy 30 million. Don't mess with me again in the future. Understand?"

The woman killer looked at him and suddenly laughed. "That's impossible. I can't break the rules."

"Rules or lives?"

Qin Tian shakes the silver needle in her hand. The female killer is shocked. She has already had a psychological shadow about the pain just now.

"No way!"

The female killer was silent for a while and still insisted. Qin Tian asked again, "what if you fail?"

"If I fail, the organization will naturally send someone else over until this task is completed."

Smell speech Qin Tian laughs out a voice, "you he's still quite have professional ethics!"

"It's necessary as a killer."

"I'm sorry. If you hit my man, I can't let you leave so happily. Go with my brother!"

Qin Tian finished and stabbed her again. This time he was serious.

Although the female killer didn't feel pain, she began to have a strange feeling in her heart.


"As I said, if you don't cooperate, you can play with them,

will not suffer any loss, and you will feel comfortable before you die."

Qin Tian looked at her face is not very good, but then relieved, estimated that she did not care.

Almost half an hour later, Fang Zhen came over, Qin Tian handed the man to Fang Zhen, "killer, come here to kill me, you are good company, don't let her run away."

"God, it looks good."

"Kung Fu is good. As long as you can make it down and have their killer organization, you won't give up if the mission is not successful."

Qin Tian's words let Fang Zhen stunned, this is a hot potato!

"Wait for their people to contact you and take her away!"

Qin Tian lets people take her out. The female killer looks at Qin Tian before she leaves, with a slight smile on her face.

"We'll meet again."

Qin Tian didn't speak, just watched her leave.

At this time, Li Xinran was still sleeping, and Qin Tian did not dare to go. If he did not happen to come back today, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Qin Tian looks at Li Xinran's face and suddenly comes up with an idea. Since Li Xiaoshuang and Li Xinran can also practice, then Li Xinran should be able to do so. Otherwise, if there is any danger in the future, Li Xinran can also protect himself.Although it is necessary to protect her women, Qin Tian is still worried about what happened today.

When Li is a little better, he must help her practice.

There are many unknown things in this world. Now Qin Tianxiu has a certain level. I don't know what will happen in the future. Maybe the practitioners have continued their life.

If so, he would have made Li happy with himself.

He didn't want to be alone in a few decades.

Li Xinran in bed did not know that his future had been planned by Qin Tian. He was not only to be his wife, but also to practice with him.

At this time, Qin Tian's mobile phone vibrated again. He looked down at the mobile phone. It was the ancient moon. If it wasn't a serious thing, the ancient moon would not disturb him. I thought Qin Tian walked out quietly.

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Qin, Fang Zhen is in trouble."

Qin Tian, with a tight heart, blurted out, "what is the matter? He just left me. "

"On the way, his car was hit. It is said that a woman escaped from his car. Fang Zhen is still in emergency. Before coma, she said two words, phantom, it was a killer organization, all women, but she was able to work hard."

Qin Tian didn't expect that female killer was so fierce. If so, she must have been hiding herself, but just to test herself?

Qin Tian didn't understand, but he still let the ancient moon keep their attention on the situation of Fang Zhen. Li Xinran took people to him as soon as he woke up.

After a walk of Wanheshan, another phantom appeared to have to wait for the power of Shanghai sea to be completely unified.

But he can wait, some people can not wait, Fang Zhen in the hospital to rescue, wake up the first word is to let the phantom of the bitch die in the burial place.

He was OK when he saw him scolding in ancient months.

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