Qin Tian has never heard of any killer organization in Songshan city for so many years.

In the past, I always thought that he didn't want to do this with his world, but yesterday I really saw it. I didn't expect that the female killer was so evil. There were many means.

Qin Tian follows the address to the villa area, which is the rich area of Songshan city. Everyone who comes in has to register. Qin Tian looks down at the clothes he is wearing. It is estimated that he can't get into the villa area from the normal channel. There was monitoring over the wall in the past.

He was about to rush in, but was stopped by a voice.

"Qin Tian!"

He is running back in a suit.

Until in front of him, Qin Tian praised: "it's a pity that you don't want to be a star."

"Why do you want to be a star and cheap those smelly men? Why are you here? "

Qin Tian felt his nose and suddenly thought that she was running around here?

"You live here?"

Lin Wanru nodded, "I moved here since I came back from Myanmar. The environment here is good, and the security is good."

"Is it? So you take me in? It's a good look. I'll buy one too

Lin Wanru didn't doubt his financial ability, but she doubted that he would come to see the house, but agreed.

When Qin Tian came in with Lin Wanru, he exclaimed that the environment was really good. There were also various designs for greening. After a look, he decided to buy one.

When she came to the sales center, Lin Wanru was a little surprised.

"Do you really want to buy it?"

"Of course, I think it's good to buy it as a gift for my wife. Don't tell her in advance."

Winking at her, Lin Wanru smiles.

"Qin Tian, buying a house is fake. What are you going to do? Just now you looked at the mobile phone twice, and then you suddenly decided to buy it. The location of this villa is not the best, but the vision is facing it. Say it, is there any arrangement? "

Lin Wanru saw through him at a glance, and Qin Tian expressed his admiration with both hands.

"I must buy this villa, do you know? Yesterday Xinran was ambushed by a killer at home, and those people came at me. Although I am not afraid, I have to come and have a look at it for the sake of the last disaster."

Lin Wanru was surprised by his words. The latter lowered his voice and asked him, "do you mean this is their base camp? No, I didn't move here long ago. "

Qin Tian can't help laughing when he sees her face frightened. However, what she said is right. How can such a thing be said clearly?

Who knows if those people will attack the people around him?

"You'd better go back and I'll have a look."

Qin Tian asked her to go back. Although Lin Wanru didn't trust him alone, she still went back.

Qin Tianxian went to the sales department, completed the procedures in two hours, checked in with a bag, and bought a telescope, facing the villa.

Lin Wanru is right. It was Gu Yue who sent him the information just now. They found the location of the villa, so Qin Tian was able to decide to buy it here. Now I come in and see no movement on the opposite side. The car stops at the door, but there is no one inside. After waiting for most of the day, Qin Tian almost fell asleep. They finally got some news and came out one by one.

Qin Tian saw this scene and was in a good mood.

"Shit! All gone? "

Twenty or so women came out with their luggage and left. No female killer was found in the crowd. Qin Tian is sure that his disciples are still at home, and there must be a mechanism. Just now he saw that there was no one in it. So many people came out in such a short time. There must be a secret inside.

Qin Tian waited until the evening, the villa area was full of lights, but there was no light on the opposite side, so he couldn't sit still.

This morning, the sales staff introduced that the structure of the villa here is the same. In this way, it's not impossible to go in by yourself.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian went out to the back door of the opposite villa, confirmed that no one suddenly jumped in, and then quickly flashed in.

It really flashed in because he found the surveillance.

Thanks to his good skill, his figure was not captured on the screen.

Qin Tian went straight upstairs. He had walked so many people during the day. Now many rooms were available. He looked at them one by one, and finally found traces in the second to last room.

There are cigarette butts that have just been extinguished in the ashtray here. When he went to the closet, he opened it and just wanted to find it, there was a slight footstep in his ear. He quickly got in and closed the door of the closet.

The next second someone came in.

It's magic!

Qin Tian didn't know her name yet, but when she took off her fur coat and turned around, there was a tattoo with the magic character on her shoulder.

Is that her name?

Qin Tian was thinking about it, and suddenly she sat down.

"Damn it!"

The woman scolded and then got up. Qin Tian understood that she didn't slow down when she went down the needle.

He couldn't help laughing, but couldn't laugh the next second, because she began to undress!My God, Qin Tian can not see, quickly cough a sound, the charm of the horse took the dagger, watch the direction of the wardrobe vigilantly.

"Come out!"

She said harshly, Qin Tian pushed the door open and came out.

"How did you come in?" the eyes of the charm flashed a little bit of consternation

"We met again without where I couldn't get in."

Qin Tian walked to her opposite sofa and sat down with no politeness, and raised his two legs.

"I'll let my brother take care of you. You are too polite!"

The charm sneered, the dagger still did not put down.

"Your brother is dishonest. I taught you a lesson. What, he is still alive?"

"To live is to lie down for a long time. He asked me to tell you that the account must be settled, so I came."

Qin Tian saw that she always held a dagger, and pop up silver needle to stab her wrist, and immediately fell on the ground.

"You can kill it as you like. I will be replaced when I die!"

The charm gnawed his teeth, and sat down on the ground, and was fierce. Qin Tian was not busy dealing with her, and went to her and asked, "how many people are there, where to hide and where did the people who walked in the day go?"

Qin Tian a series of problems, charm disdain, she will not say, Qin Tian out of the silver needle shaking.

"I will not only make you weak, but also make you want to stop, believe it or not, I am now tied down, if you can not find a man will burst into death?"

Qin Tian didn't scare her, but it was almost useless, and he was not sure.

Meili still does not believe, but Qin Tian does not joke with her this time, directly tie down, then sit not far away to look.

The charm just felt like ants bite, all over the pain itch, can not help but call out, the eyes are red.

She should be the most humiliating killer, right? Being so intimidated, it was no longer a bit of face.

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