"My patience is limited, and not every time so good temper let you escape, while I still have a little patience, please as soon as possible, or I can not guarantee you can bear it."

Qin Tian looked at her with interest, and the charm of the face began to flash a red, it seems that he said is true.

At this time, the phantom body begins to heat constantly, if it does happen in a while, it may be very ugly.

She looked up, looking at Qin Tian, and saw him still looking at himself laughing, and suddenly felt a disgusting.

But I still insist on my mouth.

"You don't want to fantasize. Our organization will not let you go, even if you taught me what you taught me today. Is it not that we can't get rid of the pursuit of the organization? "

"It seems you're right, but I still want to try and see what the consequences of offending you will have."

Qin Tian stood up and looked at her in high position: "I hope you can find someone to solve the problem in five minutes. Good luck to you."

Qin Tian said he would go out, but she grabbed her trousers. "You are not ready!"

The charm of death grabbed him, Qin tianhelplessly, just to speak, but she fell, then feel his body sink!

He said in his heart a bad voice! Want to get up, but changed the mind, just to stabilize the body, and finally fell into a two square meter square glass room.

Qin Tian only saw that, here is connected with the room above, the charming face appears at the top.

"I hope you can not escape in five minutes, otherwise you will have to die."

After finishing, she covered the mechanism, Qin Tian looked around for a week, and found that there was a special hole in the room. The outside of the glass room looked like the place where they were active, such as a bar treadmill, etc.

No wonder he waited for half a day without waiting for them. They were all underground.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian mentioned it, jumped up to the top of the glass room, which is under the bed of the enchantment room.

I wonder if she usually escaped like this.

But when Qin Tian wants to open the bottom of the bed, the glass room starts to move, Qin Tian is scared, but then he puts all his strength into his fist and slams it at the glass room!

A loud bang broke the glass room and a crack broke. At this time, white smoke began to appear at the bottom. Qin Tian quickly held his breath, and at the same time, the fist aimed at the crack and smashed it. After three punches, the glass finally broke. The voice attracted charm. She opened the bottom of the bed and saw the man who could not go to bed. She jumped down immediately. There were other killers. Several people were tracking them Qin Tian's whereabouts, by the time of finding, Qin Tian has found the gate.


A loud noise, Qin Tian stopped his steps, and turned slowly to see her. No, it was them, and two others.

Seeing the charm wrapped in a thin blanket, Qin Tian was surprised that there were men here, but these are not his concerns.

"Come on, stand there and hold your head in your hands."

The charm pointed to him, and his heart was shocked. It was a thick tempered glass. It was so terrible that he could break it.

Qin Tian did not think so, shrugged: "in fact, we also do not need to do so, as well as cooperation ah?"

"You are my goal. If you don't kill you, I will die. Qin Tian, you are not the most serious love? Can't I do it? "

Qin Tian smiled bitterly: "I will make you with my life?"

"I just informed you, and didn't want to negotiate with you."

She had just finished and planned to pull the trigger, but suddenly a sharp whistle came out of the door, and the charming face suddenly changed. At this time, Qin Tian suddenly took the gun in her hand, and turned the situation around.

The other two were hit by Qin Tian in the heel, and they fell to the ground.

"Don't move!"

The public security officers broke into the door, followed by Gu Yiming and Lin Wanru. They were shocked to see this scene after they came in.

"How are you, my God?"

Gu Yiming asked Qin Tian with concern when he came in. He shook his head and felt strange,

How did you come

Ding Han snow walked in and didn't have a good airway: "since there are already killers to find you why not contact us earlier!"

Qin Tian felt a little embarrassed. He was a little confused in front of everyone: "I thought I came here without anything. And how did you know the news came? They were just about to go! " Point to the ground female killer Qin Tian explain: "deal with them first again!"

Dinghanxue is not easy to say anything, let people take these several, others find the mechanism to go down to find.

Lin Wanru explained: "I think it's a bit wrong so I called Gu Zong, and he called the police. Fortunately, we arrived, or they might deal with you. You must not end it so soon."

Qin Tian smiles, really want to thank her, so vigilance.

"This is the nest of killer organization. I have gone a wave before, otherwise I will not be so easy to enter."

Qin Tian's explanation let Ding Han Xue hum coldly: "don't think you can bear it a little bit, and you will start to be crazy. If you die here today, we don't know. You know how dangerous it is. You dare to come in alone!"Ding Hanxue roared. Several people nearby looked at each other, but Gu Yiming was the first to react. He said with a smile: "what captain Ding said is, brother Tian, you are the same. This kind of thing must be told to captain Ding. You can see how much people care about you!"

"I know, it won't be in the future. It's just that they were hurt and Xinran. I didn't expect that they all left. Team D, I'd like to ask you to make sure where they went, what they came from, and who is the boss behind them?"

"I know. You should worry about yourself. Go back quickly. We need to investigate the villa and the surrounding villas."

Ding Hanxue's words make Lin Wanru's heart lift up. She just moved here. How could there be a killer organization? It's too troublesome.

But there is no way, she can only be more careful.

"Then I won't disturb you, Qin Tian. I'll go to the company when I'm free."

Lin Wanru got out of the car and went back. Ding Hanxue looked at her back and sighed, "how do you feel about having a beautiful president as a neighbor, Qin Tian?"


Qin Tian gave her two words. Ding Han was speechless and her pretty face was full of cold frost.

Gu Yiming sees what he wants to say, but he has no way to speak.

After a while, Qin Tian said, "to get to the point, these people can't be handed over or let go. I'm useful."

"Are you kidding? These people are recidivists, even if you want to see them

Ding Hanxue is right. There are so many anonymous killers who carry so many homicide cases. It's good to survive.

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