Qin Tian saw their faces ugly, so waved, and the ancient moon took people back, and the two people saw the appearance of this only relieved.

"I don't fear you, just want to tell you that I auction things, if I want, I will buy them back with money, not buy them, I will not give them back by hand."

Qin Tian's words made them silence, and then waved to let people retreat.

"Mr. Qin, we take one step back, we only take one thing, that is, the ring, and we must return it."

Qin Tian sneered: "you are not a deliberative tone, I refuse, and again, I said very clearly, things, take money to buy, even a needle is no exception!"

Qin Tian said that he was going, but the short man held down his shoulder. Qin Tian reached out to break his fingers one by one, and the man locked his eyebrows and his face was blue.

"The two still have more money to prepare, or they will flow to others, I can't manage it."

His words made the two men look blue, and then Qin Tian left and went to his box. Li Xinran has been waiting for many times, and has looked at all the color pages once, and then he waited until Qin Tian came.

"Husband, look at this ring. This is the one Mr. Gu just sent in."

Li Xinran was very excited. He lay down with a simple ring in his hand. The ring support was nothing special. However, there was a snake around the ring. The snake was inlaid with two rubies in its eyes, which looked strange and delicate.

Qin Tian took the ring in his hand and put it into the index finger with his hand. It was just the size.

"Husband, it's right for you to bring it!"

Li Xinran exclaimed, Qin Tian nodded. This is probably the ring they just said? Zhangjiaese want it so much, and they said before that the forces in Shanghai and the sea can only surrender to the ring. Do they want to get this?

Qin Tian was quiet and took the ring off and put it away.

"It looks like it's worth it. It's better to take it."

"Well, Mr. Gu said the same thing just now. He said that he was in the auction and decided not to sell it temporarily."

It seems that ancient moon also heard their words, so that this will be decided, but Zhangjia will not give up, even if he takes money to return.

Zhang and Zhang did not leave, but in the auction site waiting.

Qin Tian is also waiting, watching four antique calligraphy and painting brought by him have produced 1.5 billion yuan. Besides the Commission of the auction house, they got 1.3 billion net.

Li Xinran was shocked to see them bring the check to Qin Tian.

"Husband, isn't that true?"

Seeing Li Xinran's surprise, Qin Tian laughed, "why not? Save the zero in your card, and you can play anywhere you want to go in the future. "

Qin Tian's words surprised her, and the ancient moon reminded him: "Mr. Qin, I will send my wife back first. Zhangjia people are still waiting for you."

Qin Tian nodded and stuffed the check into Li Xinran's hand.

"You go home first and lock the door."

Knowing that Qin Tian had to be busy, Li Xinran nodded and left under the escort of the ancient moon and his men.

They left not long after, Zhangjia two people came in.

Perhaps they got the attention and orders from the capital, and their attitude was much better.

"Mr. Qin, we are very sincere. I hope you can offer a price."


Qin Tian smiled and asked, "how much do you think can mobilize the ring value in Shanghai and sea?"

Seeing Qin Tian already knew the effect of the ring, they two people were silent, Qin Tian did not speak, the room was silent for five minutes.

Qin Tian saw that they were not talking and got up and ready to leave.


The tall man called him, "we can get 50 million."

"50 million? I don't know how this ring is compared to the ring I sold out today? If I sell it myself, it's estimated that 500 million people buy it. "

Qin Tian's words made them almost scold their mother. The tall man said for a few seconds, "wait a minute, I'll call and ask."

Qin Tian shrugged, looked at the phone call, and took out the ring to play with his hand. The short man saw a flash of pure light in his eyes. The phone was hanging here. He rushed up and grabbed it!

Qin Tian was prepared early, kicked one foot out, directly stick his kick on the wall, another person shouted like a voice, then rushed into the box into a dozen people, enter the fight, Qin Tian hands and feet are maliciously, hands flexible, quickly let people down!

Lying on the ground, Qin Tian walked to them, raised his fingers and said in a cold voice, "what do you want to buy with the money you collect rags?"? Wait for zhangjias elders to clean up you! "

Qin Tian then turned and left, and the people who left the ground howled.

In fact, this ring is nothing to him. The command of Shanghai sea area is just punched out with fist. The ring is just a symbol. However, since Zhangjia in Beijing cares so much about these, he will not let go! Without the ring, a businessman in Zhangjia doesn't want to interfere with Shanghai sea!Qin Tian returns home, Li Xinran has not slept, see him safe and sound, Li Xinran at ease.

"Honey, are you OK tonight? I always feel uneasy and my eyelids are jumping. Is something happening

"No, why not? Sleep!"

Qin Tian patted her on the shoulder so that she could sleep safely. When she was asleep, Qin Tian took out his mobile phone to call Gu Yue. The voice over there was very low.

"Mr. Qin, our people are staring at the auction house and have confirmed that they have all gone back. It is estimated that they will not come over in a short time."

Gu Yue was really thoughtful, but Qin Tian thought that he would go to Shanghai and Shanghai to explore the situation.

"The day after tomorrow, we'll make time to go to Shanghai and the sea. Have you got any results?"

Gu Yue's people have always been there, but they haven't responded for such a long time.

"Not yet, but everything is calm. People over there say that they are very stable recently. It is estimated that everyone is watching and no one dares to come forward."

"They don't dare to show up at will. My ring doesn't come out, and they don't know. In this way, the day after tomorrow, we'll go and have a look at them and find out if anyone wants to take this position. In short, it can't be from Zhangjia. "

Gu Yue soon understood that they had not just delivered a message, that is, the new general manager was coming to make them ready. If they were not convinced, they could fight one by one, but they would never allow the Zhangjia people to intervene.

However, they don't know if there is any emergency. They can only go and have a look.

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian hugged Li Xinran and fell asleep. Until the next morning, Li Xinran got up early to prepare breakfast. After last night's incident, Li Xinran felt that it was necessary for him to have the ability to protect himself.

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